"TRUTH"; is a recording of a mans study of the Word of God. "TRUTH" was written as I read the Holy Scriptures. First I read all of the Torah. After that I started writing "TRUTH". What I understood at that time of Christianity is what I had learned through setting in Church or looking at ministers on TV. After I read the Torah, which is the five Books of Moses, I realized the story of Jesus did not fit to the writings unless you view it as a test permitted by God or another person's interpretation of the OT or Holy Scriptures. This opinion did not change as I read further in to Joshua, Judges, Samuel and the rest of the history of Israel. Due to the fact "TRUTH" was written as I read, and my knowledge of religious theories and of the Old and New expanded as I wrote and studied; you must read all of it before formulating an opinion.
I have found through my study of Bibles and religions that there exist several things that are not compatible with the specific sayings of God. If it is not compatible or flow with the Word of God, then it flows against the Word of God; it is in opposition. I have come to suspect the people who do this and the people who put their faith in it are indeed the ones that will be consumed by the fire on that day. When one looks at the land of Judah as representing all of earth; the worst case scenario of Judgement Day depicts ninety percent of the people on this earth being destroyed. And it will start all over with the seed of the ten percent that survived. The ten percent will be descendants of Levi and Judah. This is only the worst case scenario.
Isa:6:13: But yet in it shall be a tenth, and it shall return, and shall be eaten: as a teil tree, and as an oak, whose substance is in them, when they cast their leaves: so the holy seed shall be the substance thereof.
The reason Judgement Day must come is to purge all people whom rebel against God. The way the New Testaments serve, and any religion that causes one not to serve God and God only, is they are being used as a sift. These people that fall through the sift are the same people who develop, use and rule with weapons of mass destruction. They are the same people who destroy earth and create war.
I have come to see things, as so, If your mother tells you something and God has spoken in opposition to it, then your mother is wrong. If a disciple of Jesus tells you something and God speaks in opposition to it, then that disciple is wrong. If Jesus tells you something and God has spoken in opposition to it, then Jesus is wrong. If a disciple tells you something about Jesus and Jesus never said anything to support it, then it is an assumption.
Through my study of the New Testaments I have come to suspect them to be the writings for a people whom could be considered the antichrists (meaning anti Anointed or anti Messiah). The New Testaments is the only Book thus far that has the ability to cause a people to put a king on the throne of David. Thus they would be tricked into disbelieving any person that tells them there is know king on the throne of David. In their disbelief they would fail to see the true king. The New Testaments have created followers that serve a false image of the Messiah. This image was created through plagiarizing specific parts from the Old Testaments and then writing a story line and or assumptive beliefs around it. Through their loyalty to the false image, they will deny or be blind to the True Messiah. Some will even call the true messiah the antichrist, failing to see that they are the antichrist.
I thought the Messiah had come and was waiting on his Second Coming. Through my studying of the Books, I am now waiting on God to stop hiding his face from me.
But I do understand that God is Almighty, thus it is all HIS WILL; that is what we must discern.
Isa:43:11: I, even I, am the LORD; and beside me there is no saviour.
Isa:45:21: Tell ye, and bring them near; yea, let them take counsel together: who hath declared this from ancient time? who hath told it from that time? have not I the LORD? and there is no God else beside me; a just God and a Saviour; there is none beside me.
Isa:49:26: And I will feed them that oppress thee with their own flesh; and they shall be drunken with their own blood, as with sweet wine: and all flesh shall know that I the LORD am thy Saviour and thy Redeemer, the mighty One of Jacob.
Hosea:13:4: Yet I am the LORD thy God from the land of Egypt, and thou shalt know no god but me: for there is no saviour beside me.
For an intelligent person, these type of statements by God Himself crushes the entire philosophy of the New Testaments. And I now see why most religions that have sprung from the New Testaments try to stay away from the Old Testament. I am convinced that we, at this time, are indeed living in the time period of the rein of the fourth beast in Dan7. The little horn is Jesus and he is the head of Catholicism and Catholicism is the head of Christianity. The creators of the "Abomination of the Earth" is Rome, which is Babylon. But thy did play fair, for even in the New Testaments there are hints to what is truly going on. But one would be blind to these hints if they did not know the Old Testament. They would indeed fall victim and be led away from God.
People try to say America is the beast, but it is not. How can a country that is responsible for the entire Freedom of Religion concept be accused of being the beast. The true beast is Rome and they are trying to destroy America, which is Esau's blessing, with words. Through my study of religions, I have found there to be to much similarity in the newer religions that spring from the NT. And these groups all seem to have a very close birth period. It is as if there is one governing body responsible for injecting newer but similar religious beliefs into our society. And in the injection the concepts are altered, from group to group, just enough to make the groups be against one another.
I feel it is indeed Rome/Babylon that made an agreement with whom they feel is Satan and the New Testaments is their contract.
Isa:28:15: Because ye have said, We have made a covenant with death, and with hell are we at agreement; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, it shall not come unto us: for we have made lies our refuge, and under falsehood have we hid ourselves:
These are some descriptions of the Adversary and or his army's place of rest on earth.
Joel:2:20: But I will remove far off from you the northern army, and will drive him into a land barren and desolate, with his face toward the east sea, and his hinder part toward the utmost sea, and his stink shall come up, and his ill savour shall come up, because he hath done great things.
Isa:14:13: For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:
So when you thank about joining a Church or religious organization, be careful my friend, please study the Word of God first. That way when you see or hear things that are in disagreement with what you have been taught or read from the specific sayings of God, you can question it and defend your soul in the name of God.
Through my study of the Word of God, I have found most religious groups to be wrong. Most of them have been blemished in one way or another. This has been done by the Dark Seed (evil people), people that only use religion to gain power and money, people whom deny the specific sayings of God for their own fancy. Therefor I can only say I am part of a new group. The name of this group is called "Men of God". Thus far I am the only member. The only influence in this group is the specific sayings and actions of God.
God hinted to you where Satan or the Adversary is. Remember Job:
Job:1:7: And the LORD said unto Satan, Whence comest thou? Then Satan answered the LORD, and said, From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it.
What makes you thank the time period we live in today is excluded from that?
Be careful people. Only put your faith in Lord God of Israel, for HE wins in the end.
I have found through my study of the Word of God, that every point of view, every theory is valid. The only way one can determine true validity is to compare the point of view or theory to the specific sayings and actions of God. If it can not be supported with that, then it is falsehood or deception. I do not know about you and your ways, but if someone told you that Jesus is the lord and savior and then you pick up the OT and read where God Himself says He is the Lord and Savior; I would think you would come to the conclusion that the person that told you otherwise was lying or unfamiliar with the specific sayings of God Almighty. I now understand most of the lectures of Proverbs.
Prov:3:5: Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
Here is wisdom:
Truth; is distinguishing the difference between evidence and fancy. It is the discerning of good and evil, reality and falsehood.
Short takes of theories and thoughts
Twin Paradox Theory 6-1-98
Signature of God Theory 6-1-98
Generations of Babel Theory 6-3-98
Forced Vista Theory 6-3-98
PS2 Theory 6-4-98
JEHOVAH Theory "Examined" 6-5-98
Rome the Conqueror Theory 6-12-98
Sons of God Theory 6-17-98
The Throne Theory 6-20-98
Signature of God Theory "Examined" 6-20-98
Plagiaristic Theory 6-23-98
Descendants of Levi Theory 6-24-98
YHWH/YHVH Theory "Examined" 6-27-98
Name of God "Examined" 7-2-98
Daniel 7 "Examined" 7-9-98
Immanuel "Examined" 7-12-98
Search for the Son 8-31-98
Months 9-04-98
Bloodline of the Prophet 9-19-98
Gentiles 9-20-98
Was the last prophecies fulfilled 9-23-98
The Mark 9-27-98
Valid philosophies behind the KJV 9-29-98
A valid time line Part 1 10-4-98
A valid time line Part 2 10-5-98
A valid time line Part 3 10-6-98
A valid time line Part 4 10-11-98
A valid time line Part 5 10-12-98
A valid time line Part 6 10-14-98
A valid time line Part 7 10-16-98
The Mission of Lucifer 10-25-98
The hidden wars 10-28-98
How I got started 11-2-98
A Code 1 11-12-98
Slavery 11-27-98
The Antichrist 12-5-98
The Last Days 12-12-98
The Great Book 1-8-99
Isaiah 53, who is it speaking of? 1-13-99
Canaan 1-14-99
Gog 1-19-99
Concluding Statements 1-22-99
A Code 2 5-2-99
An altering of the WORD 6-30-99
Rivers and Places 7-23-99
The Jew 9-8-99
Time line of the kings, Part I 11-11-99
Time line of the kings, Part II 11-27-99
A secret teaching of the church 12-7-99
Daniel 1-16-2000
Jeremiah 10: 3-14-2000
Epiphany 8-21-2000
Truth I
Open: 9-29-97.
These papers contain insight to religion from old and new. What they are, how they relate and were we stand as people. For the man that reads truth but refuse to see, shall follow the natural path. The Torah and the New Open Bible, King James version, study edition will be the books used to come to these conclusive works.
I feel that all men started out black or tan, the color of dust. Gen 2:7. And it is known today that a gene found in all men can be traced back to Africa. Adam and Eve were black and their generations after them were black.
I feel that in the beginning God was not alone due to His use of the words "us" and "our". Gen 1:26. And this may be what was seen to proclaim Christ's presence in the beginning. Joh 1:2. But what is not mentioned is God speaks of what occurred between Him and His sons. Gen 6:1-8. I feel that in depth it was like so. Thus the sons of God found fairness in the daughters of man and took them wives. But the offspring's of this combination of sons of God and daughters of man was foul and wicked beyond belief. Demons with small amounts of Godly powers which would have made it easy for them to control man to do wicked things and serve them. Can you phantom a world of foul creatures of ugliness and slime, beast that resembled men and had the intellect of the sons of God. I believe this is were the demons come from in our movies of thrillers and horror. They are apart of our souls history. Imagination is but the sum of the souls experience.
These demons were foul but they were the children of the sons of God. And God destroyed them, vanquishing their existence from the face of the earth by flood. But some were saved by His children and they have them, yes they have them locked away safe in their stores waiting for their day to avenge their generations of brothers and sisters that were destroyed by their Grand Father to make way for us. May the jealous children and their children have mercy on your soul. Jealous because their Father spent more time and began to pay more attention to us, His creation of flesh, bone, mind and soul. These were the combinations that fascinated God. For these combinations created an endless multitude of futures with each one a valid possibility. Jealous because their creations, their children, were removed by their Father who felt we were more worthy for this level of existence. And the anger did so build in His children, for they felt we were not worthy of this existence and their children should not have been removed for these puny, frail and weak minded combinations of flesh, bone mind and soul. For they could not understand us absolutely as God did . They could not see the possibilities.
And before God floods the earth, to start over, you can actually see in the readings of the Torah, the creation of plus and minus, good and evil. It is known in physics today that the creation of matter, particles or photons, that there is an opposite but equal created of the original. This is matter and antimatter.
In the generations of Adam you can see the plus and minus in the names of the people. Cain's generation being the wicked or minus. Able's generation being of goodness or plus. But Able was slain by Cain so God had to start over with Seth. To strengthen this, right after the birth of Enosh, Seths first son, it says, "then began man to call upon the name of the Lord". Gen 4:26.
I feel that Enoch of Cain was the negative to Enoch of Jared and thus Methushael of Mehujael was the negative of Methuselah of Enoch of Jared. The Lamech of Methushael is the negative of Lamech of Methuselah. And I feel that Naamah may have been the first female to be wife to a son of God. But there is no support for this because the story of the negative generation ends. So I feel, with Cain being the negative of the tree of life and combining this with the sons of God and their knowledge of evil, amplified the negative beyond belief. Gen 6:4. Their story ends but I feel it was a war, not in heaven but right here on earth and it was between the children of the sons of God and men that called upon the name of the Lord and we were losing because they had the spirit of God in them from His sons. I feel that a reference to this war was made by Lamech of Methuselah after the birth of Noah. Gen 5:29. "this same", I believe is a reference to the negative of Noah and Noah himself. The name of Noah's negative is not revealed. "shall comfort us in our work and toil of our hands", I feel is a reference to the physical battle that was occurring between the negative and the positive, meaning that through Noah of Lamech of Methuselah the positive will prevail over the negative. "which cometh from the ground which the Lord hath cursed", I feel is a reference to Cain in which he was cursed from the ground by God and the curse that was put upon him for the slaying of Abel. Gen 4:11. There are some to say that Eve actually had sex with the snake, but the text of the Torah does not support this. Gen 4:1.
As I was reading Gen 4 and 5, the similarity in names made me stop and check my self to see if I was reading the same chapter over, but I was not. I realized that I was reading two deferent books of two deferent generations. A book of a negative (Cain) and a book of a positive (Seth) generation. But the negative generation and this naming convention abruptly disappears after Gen 4:24. After I completed the Torah, I started on the New Testaments and something caught my eye. The Genealogy of Christ gives a detailed description of the generation that gave way to Christ. So the first thing I did was to make a family tree to see if the Joseph of the Torah was the same Joseph of the New Testaments, he was not. The closest I could come to fitting Christ into the Torah is, he could have come from the family of Judah who was one of the sons of Joseph borne to him through Leah. Gen 35:23. But the birth of Christ through Judah is not supported, it may be false. I was trying to fit Christ's berth into the old, for I have seen no true and clear support of Christ in the old except those that were referenced by man and they make know since, they have know logic. Man's references from new to old feel to me to be as if someone read the old while writing the new and made them fit. The Jacob of the new came from Matthan. The Jacob of the old came from Isaac through Rebekah. So once again this negative and positive naming convention has reappeared. You have Jacob of the old and Jacob of the new, Manasseh of the old and Manassiah of the new, Joseph of the old and Joseph of the new. I feel that this is a sign of the negative book, the negative generation, the force of opposition to Lord God of Israel.
To put this in a form in which man can understand. I must be permitted to put words, that are not written, in the mouth of Lord God of Israel. For this will be conversations that I feel took place in the Kingdom of God. As Christ said in Mat 13:11.
{I pray for forgiveness from Lord God of Israel if I have offended ye.}.
I feel that God saw the anger in His children. So to give fairness and allow them to be involved and feel apart of His doings, He said to them, I will allow you your retribution, but first I must pick a master people. A people that will represent My glory. A people that will prove their worth and the worth of all. A people that will serve me and only me. And I shell deep root these people in My religion. And I shall give to them law, rule and commandment. My truth and all truth shell be of the grate books that I shell write. And in them shell be truth, blurred from the uncircumcised heart. But I shell put this book and My religion in the hands of separation, for it would be lost to the master people, due to what we will put them through. And I shell make with them covenants. And one covenant shell be a blessing and a curse. The blessing if it be kept whole and to help you, a curse, if it be broke. And I shall journey with these people, displaying My power, My loyalty and love for them and they shall know me. For they will be My chosen race and generation. After this, after I have deep rooted My master race, My master generation, you may have your opportunity of retribution. For I have ended your book, your generation with flood. The children of man were not yet ready for the true battle, it was to soon.
I will send you to them and all of the others. You may continue your book, your generation, but you must not put upon them your saved generations of the old and renown, for it would be in plain sight. You can use them in spirit only. You may have all the souls that I have not deep rooted in My religion and you may attempt to uproot the deeply rooted and I will not intervene but I must always be there for the one who is of the master race and has a circumcised heart. I must beckon to their call. And with these souls that call upon you, put you next to Me, serve you and live in your name, you may have to do with what you please for your retribution against Me and them, for they have not proven their worth. And I will end it all when the people that claim you, worship you, serve you, have all of My master race, dead, locked up or fugitives from their laws. And I will end it with fury and anger for I have been beaten by My sons. And your anger against Me now will be mine against you and your people, thus it will be My judgment on all, for if My master race ceases to exist then none is worthy. And I will ask of them, your people, of you. For they will see the truth, I am you.
And for those that die before the time, we shall ask of them, who do you claim, the son of Lord God of Israel or Lord God of Israel. And if they say the son, may you and the rest have mercy on their souls, for a time. But if they say Me and only Me then their souls may live in My Kingdom and I shall show them My glory, for a time, for the souls that chose me and only me, have proven the worth of man. To those that are asked, it will not be enough to say you or Me, for we will be judges of how they have lived, whoms book they have lived by, it will be how they have lived as man. And in this venture you must tell the truth, but you may hide it with your intellect. Thus within your sayings, within your speech, your ministry, must be hidden the truth. And with the truth you may lie. For they have been given a seed of understanding.
I feel that this theory can be supported through the readings of the Torah and the new testaments. It is the theme of the old and new together read as a whole book. But one must go into these books with the understanding that Lord God of Israel's words are final and absolute. Some will say that I have twisted and mangled the words of God, but I have not. I see truth and I know that the Old Testaments of Lord God of Israel, God of Abraham, God of Isaac, God of Joseph is the only true religion and any, any deviation from that, is opposition. I do not question the word of God, I never would. But I do question the words and intent of a child of God who speaks in opposition and parables to Gods word. I would like to examine with you speeches and meaning of what Christ was saying and referring to in his parables. I will reveal to you the truth.
The Similitude's Mat 5:13. Have you ever wondered were other races come from. All people started out black or tan, the color of dust. The destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah was the beginning of the white flesh people. For the people that did heed to the words of Abram, and you know some eventually did because they realized that he walked with God and saved their city from their enemies (Gen 14), and the people that were not in the cities that day but practiced their beliefs, there was a curse. On that day, the day Lord God of Israel destroyed the cities, their was a curse for the survivors to mark them forever or until the total forgiveness from God. The curse was, "And so shall ye flesh be of the color salt". You may say, why salt? To God the atrocities of Sodom and Gomorrah were like salt in a wound because Godly powers were allowed to be used by Abram, who knew not of these atrocities and was blinded by rage for his brothers son, Lot. These Godly powers were used to destroy Chedorlaomer, the enemies of Sodom and Gomorrah. And it also explains Lot's wife or anyone looking upon the cities at the time of destruction. They looked directly upon the power of the curse going out from the source, the nucleus of it. And this nucleus was so powerful and concentrated that it could actually turn an onlooker, into a pillar of salt.
And from there the white flesh people multiplied at an astonishing rate. Due to their white flesh, the women were fascinated, most were even to the point of seeing them as gods or touched by gods and many of tribes came to this mixture of flesh, to the point were most black flesh of that tribe through generations was all but eliminated, but the gene continues. This is the origin of any other race, your flesh is the mixture of black and white. Why do you thank America is so strong, it is because she holds with in here womb the beginnings of two races and they do so kick and struggle within. Gen 25:19 may be a metaphor of America. I am not saying that all white fleshed people are guy or evil. I am saying that the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah was more than just a destruction of two cities, it was the birth of a nation. It goes to show that God is so glorious and righteous that out of His anger comes goodness, for some will be turned to the truth. The white flesh is the mark of the curse of your ancestral atrocities of Sodom and Gomorrah. Now; understanding this, you can see what Jesus was referring to in Mat 5:13. Christ was talking to an audience of mostly white flesh men, "salt of the earth". To season you with his religion and his anger and make you a warier for him against God. Jesus knew the white flesh men had anger and fear in their heart against God because of the mark of the curse, thus they would be the easiest to turn away from God's original religion. And if you not be seasoned with his religion nor you serve God then you are good for nothing but to be destroyed. To show you that understanding and truth is within you, I have noticed that every movie that I have seen about the workings and doings of Jesus, depict Jesus and his followers as white flesh men. I ask you, is this just bigotry or is it the truth trying to come out in our souls. We must put away our anger and examine what we do and why, as a people.
Mat 5:27. Jesus supports God's words but then Christ stretches it to an impossibility. Christ fits it into a lifestyle of men who do not desire the sight, smell, sound, touch or presence of a woman. This vary act and state of existence, halts the path to reproduction and multiplying thy seed. And at the same time he attempts to brake down a righteous man by showing him he has already sinned. Just like a merchant that tells you the value of your pearl is no good, so you will sell it to him cheep.
Mat 5:31 Christ takes the true words of God and stretches it to an impossibility. God gives His words on divorce Deut 24:1. And Gods words do not support what Jesus extends it to. I feel that once again Jesus tries to take a righteous person and convince them that they have already sinned. This stretching of the truth, I feel is being used to brake down the faith of any man's religion. It is a holier than thou scheme. Mat 5:32 is not supported by the words of God.
Oaths & Retaliations 33-37. Several times the word "swear" appears in the Old Testaments of God, examples Gen 21:24, Gen 24:3. Therefor the entire oaths statement is not supported. It is clear that Christ is developing his own religion, his own agenda.
In Christ own religion he says not to resist an evil one Mat 5:39. This is a total opposite of God. The children of Israel defeated several enemies and evil ones. And Christ also says to bless your enemies. All of this is not of the words of Lord God of Israel.
Mat 19:12. You read it. Than read Deut 23:2.
I could go on for as long as these books are big, showing you conflicts, but I will not. For if these papers be to many or these words be to much, it will give you excuse to not read and learn. You should do as I have and read these books together and you will see. Just follow the statements of Christ, "But I say to you". I am convinced that the religion of Christ and Lord God of Israel are not of the same.
If you feel that you are not able to praise God with out Christ because you have been told you are not of the chosen race or only the chosen race was saved, you are wrong and you have been wronged. Christ was sent to get the ones that were not deep rooted in the religion of God. So to follow Christ and claim him and put him next to God is saying you were not deep rooted by the words of Lord God of Israel, for God said He was alone in His leading of Israel. Deut 32:12. Thus to follow Jesus is proof that you are not protected by Lord God of Israels words. What Christ doesn't inform you of is all of the offerings that can be made to Lord God of Israel. Leviticus. Christ doesn't speak of how one can be the stranger who sojourneth. Lev 19:34. People need to come together and once again send up the sweet savour unto Lord God of Israel, that He did love so much. But the religion of Christ has stopped you. Every thing that God did and said is eternal. Separation of night and day, females in labor, men working the fields, day and night becoming out of sequence. Jos 10:12. There are several things that God commanded and exist today. So I ask, if Christ died for our sins, why do we continue to sin?
If you set one day and wonder, why are your children are so violent, why do they hate you, lie to you and run away from you, it is because you give them and raise them in a religion that tells them to. Mat 10:35. God is your only religion, Lord God of Israel and His testaments, for he has put before us a book on how to live. But it takes a righteous man to see. God made provisions for any man, woman and child to follow the assembly of the Lord. Deu 14:29 and this is just one example.
Whose Who: I feel that the Levites of the Torah would be signified today by being the one race of people that has kept the Old Testaments of Lord God of Israel, lived, ministered, worshipped and have not lost the five scrolls. That one race today would be the Jewish race or those of Judaism. I feel that the Jewish race is the diluted bulk of direct descendants to the Levites, because all holy things were given to them by God. Num 1:48-54. As I said, once God set or commanded something, the signature is there today. The tribe of Levi were appointed, by Lord God of Israel, keeper of all things holy unto Him. And for the Jewish men, who knew God, and have turned their back on God to look in the eyes of the one called Jesus, you shall be given one chance to turn and if not, I feel bad things befall you, buy your own blood line. For your actions have upset the balance of power. I myself have witnessed the infiltration of the influence of Christ. The Torah is one of the oldest translations of the five books of Moses. Also is the Pentateuch which has the original Hebrew text with English text. The Tanakh is all of the Old Testaments of God. The new King James version study edition is the Old and New Testaments. I have noticed in these books, a deference in translations of the Hebrew text. I feel that this is proof that the influence of Christ is upon us, because of the specific passages that are changing. In the Torah Gen 6:2, "that the sons of God....". In the Tanakh it says, "the divine beings....". So I ask you, what is the influence that causes the translations to change from book to book, publisher to publisher. I feel it is Christ, trying to hide his identity by his actual infiltration into the tribe of Levi. For the tribe of Levi, with this understanding that I have given you, read Gen 49:5-7 and you will understand why you war today in your nations. For as the tribe of Levi, you also bare a percentage of the curse. And God did so separate you from the tribes of Israel. I feel that Deu 32:25 is a Godly vision of your experience in the holocaust. Please, tribe of Levi, do not be arrogant in your ministry with your Hebrew language. For God has chosen America, thus He has chosen the language. Now you will understand what is meant, you will bear the burden of ministry.
I feel that some time in history we must have charged the tent of meeting and thrown the things within and without about, kicked over the ark in rage in rebellion against God. And God returned unto us to find desolation and he picked up His holy things, His gold plates and dishes, hooks, poles all the things of the tint of meeting and His heart was broke, for the song of Moses was being fulfilled. And for this we should ask for forgiveness and every minister should open his ministry with a prayer, asking for forgiveness. I feel these events must have occurred, for if not, than I would like to make my peace offering unto the Lord at the door of the tent of meeting. Who is keeper of the holy things?
I feel that the bulk of the children of Israel are right here in America. Most of the black men and women here in America, are the direct descendants of the twelve tribes of Israel. Why do I feel this. Deu 32:24. I know you have seen the children wasting of hunger on our TV's. The scenes of black faces starving to death, all of these places in Africa. In the ghettos of America the children of Israel are being devoured by the fiery bolts. I feel "fiery bolts" is a description of the bullet exiting the barrel of a gun. And in these ghettos the black man is being devoured every day by gunshot and bitter destruction. Every time I see one of those old civil rights marches that went wrong and the police dog biting into the flesh of the black man, I see the passage of God, "And the teeth of beasts will I send upon them". Deu 32:30 It is a scene from South Africa, I saw it myself, on TV, when the blacks in South Africa were trying to gain the right to vote, three white men chasing a thousand blacks. People even said it here, how can a nation of billions of blacks be controlled by a handful of white flesh men. Do you understand now? Deu 28:16, ghetto life. Deu 28:26, as the lynched one hangs. Deu 28:27, AIDS. Deu 28:30, substandard housing. Deu 28:30, this occurred with slaves. Deu 28:32, slave trading and selling. Deu 28:36, a stone figuring of a man nailed to a wooden cross. Deu 28:37, byword is nigger. Deu 28:48, what other race has been delivered to another race with a yoke of iron around their neck. Deu 28:54, this made me realize why I feel anger when I drive through a low income or housing project. As I see grown black men standing on street corners with their pants hanging off their butt, trying to be pimps and lovers thinking they are big shots and got the money thing going on and they are not even thinking about getting a job as they go home to their taxpayer supported housing. And the anger so did grow in me because I came from there and I felt they had know excuse. What a waste of life. But now I know why I felt that way. It is the curse of a broken covenant. Deu 30:1. Now, I feel sadness because of their closed eyes and unawareness of their worth. Deu 28:68, implies it took ships to get there. What other race has experienced these things that are described in Deu 28:15-69. For you black man, I say you must seek out your kinsman, the tribe of Levi and you must join their house and abide to the original religion of Lord God of Israel. And if you see it astray from the five books of Moses and the life of Neviim and Kethuvim then you demand a correction and make it be right. For the men of Judaism have stumbled, catch them and stop their fall. For he has put to much wrath on the woman. The men will not admit their wrong, for they are a stubborn and loyal tribe. And that is what God saw, their inability and stubbornness to change, therefor insuring the words of His religion today. We must strip away the additives of man. The words of Lord God of Israel should not be woven or mixed on the same pages with the words of man. Lev 19:19. If one feels he or she has seen clearly the words of God, than it shell be written in a separate book with reference to Gods book, as this is written. The Torah and Tanakh are Godly books because nothing interferes with the flow of Gods words, any reference numbers or letters are of a smaller size as it should be. Gods words should over power any other words letters or numbers. But I beg of you, do not let this stand in your way of learning and knowing Gods religion, do not fight but debate. And to the tribe of Levi, be patient with your kinsman, for it will be most difficult for us because we have taken upon the full blunt of the curse. And for the black man, we must seek out the guidance of the tribe of Levi. We have tried on our own to create an organization that has the pure religion of Lord God of Israel but we stray to books of prophets and we are consumed by our anger, jealousy and place blame, it becomes us. Look to the tribe of Levi but choose the sensible of the interpretations, for Jacob said, "Let my soul not come into their council". Gen 49:6. I my self have seen their inequity. Deu 32:36, Gen 32:25. And for the black race, I beg of you, do not go into a physical war against the servers of Jesus. It is written that if you do and you go in with out Lord God of Israel, you will lose and you will lose to the point of extinction. I feel that Jesus came for you, the black man today. Jesus said so, Mat 15:24, Mat 10:5-6. Why would Jesus be so interested in Israel. I feel that he wanted to fill them with a no god. Therefore leading theme to destruction, which means the destruction of man, Gods judgment, thus fulfillment of the scripture, the song of Moses. Jesus had twelve apostles, one for each tribe of Israel. A wolf among the sheep.
And for the white race, salt of the earth, as you were called that by Jesus. Now I know why you have uplifted this one called Jesus. God called you our enemy's. But you must understand, any nation, any people that put another along side Lord God of Israel and give prays to a deity, is considered a nation or of paganism and enemy's, for He is a jealous God jealousy is His name. Exo 34:14. The glory you give to Jesus belongs to Lord God of Israel. Jesus said it himself, you will not be allowed to serve two gods. And some of you may say that this is not a description of America back than, but it is and it is so now. You had the scriptures of Lord God of Israel and you failed to see Exo 21:16 and several other statements in Exo 21, thus is proof, you did not live by the words of Lord God of Israel. I feel that the new testaments are real, just as real as the old. But Jesus' work is not that of God, as I have shown. God did define us as children of men. Gen 11:5. Thus we are not Gods children, we are his creation. I feel that God makes several references to His strongest and most worthiest opposition. Deu 32:5, Deu 32:17, Deu 32:27, Deu 32:37-38, Deu 32:41. I feel that the song of Moses is Gods prophesy, therefor it applies to all time in which the covenant is broke and we are living in the age of a broken contract with Lord God of Israel, to day. For God said, it will be His witness. Deu 31:21. And God has proven that He can be an entity that exist, speaks and works in nonlinear time. And knowing that allows me to understand God's words clearer, "And surely your blood of your lives will I require". Gen 9:5. God was talking to Noah from the time zone of the song of Moses. Deu 32:36. God is requiring the flesh and blood of the twelve tribes of Israel, who are the flesh and blood of Noah, for life to exist upon this earth. Read Lev 26:1, I ask you; what is the crucifix? Lord God of Israel makes several references to the servers of Jesus and this country. Have you ever wondered why homosexuality flourish in this country, Deu 32:32. I feel it will be extremely difficult for you especially, to understand what you have read. Deu 32:28. But if you are wise, it will come to light. Seek out the tribe of Levi. I can hear you, unwise one, I can hear your murmuring, asking, if the black race is of God's chosen race, than why are they so violent, evil and kill each other? It is because we live in a broken covenant, we are living in a curse in which God is heaping evils upon us. Deu 32:23. And you may ask, why has God allowed us to stray, why has he allowed all of this to occur. Deu 13:4. Thus Jesus is like the one that chops down the Masters beautiful trees, not knowing, he chops were the Master wants to build a house. It is possible that Jesus and God are allies and God gave to Jesus, his first borne son, the power to test the son of man, for what better test is there but the test of the second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth oldest mind of time. For what other minds have an ounce to challenge the Oldest Mind of Time and be this successful. I ask you, have you passed the test? Well, you have been given one more chance. The words of the Torah do not support this ally scenario, so I will not support it. There is also another possible scenario, due to Deu 32:39. God may be Jesus, in the form of the test.
America has been the chosen land in which the final mental battles will take place. It is not a battle of good and evil as we perceive. It is the battle between Father and sons. And they are so building their arsenal. It will be a battle between the servants of Lord God of Israel and the servants of Jesus Christ. God and Jesus has given their account of what will befall if one or the other shall lose. God gives his account in the song of Moses. Deu 32:36-42. And Christ gives his account in Revelations. Christ said in Rev 2:18, that he has the keys to hell. I feel that the seven seals are the locks that holds his saved generations of the mighty men of old and renown. Gen 6:4. Christ did not give or I have not read it yet, the exact sparking of Revelations. But I feel it will be when all men or all of the children of Israel once again serve Lord God of Israel and put away this one called Jesus. The unlocking of the seven seals will be Jesus' final attack on man to prove to God we were not worthier than his children. And once again the battle that was in the beginning will be continued to an end. Only after this war, will man experience paradise on earth. For if all men are serving Lord God of Israel, then there will be no need for a hell.
I feel that God had eight children, sons and daughters. Deu 32:19. I feel that this describes Gods children trying to provoke Him. "You see father, You see, we told you the children of man were not worthier than our children, of old and renown!" " Look at all you have done for them and they continue their running to a no god!" You see Father, kill them, kill them all! But Lord God of Israel is more than just a destroyer. So He said; He will wait and see what we will become. God also could have been talking of His children. To wait and see what will become of their attempt to make us turn, or He could have been speaking of both. You have to understand that this is the prophesy of God. So every dimension is possible and valid. I feel that the reference names, for us, to the eight names of God's children is, Jesus Christ, Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamos, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea. Rev 1:11. In studying the messages to the seven churches, they feel to me to be the last words of one that has been in battle and is losing and is evaluating his allies, telling them their goods and faults in a battle before his last attack. Read the first message to Ephesus. I ask, who is your first love? It seems that Jesus has seen his failure and wants to go back home, to Father. And he tries to get his brothers and sisters to follow him.
It appears that God has given the children of man a grace period to develop our minds and come to an understanding that with Him is the only way we can win this battle. And this grace period began with the stopping of the war, by flooding the earth. We are being prepared for battle, but we fail to see the truth. We have clouded our minds with things of son of man, therefor weakening our truth, our true purpose. We, in our current state can no longer call upon the power of Lord God of Israel because we have lost the religion and meaning of Hebrew.
I have shown you truth and our position in the arena of religion. I feel there are scriptures hidden or locked up. I feel it is in a vault and only the most confident men are able to look upon them. And they support or go in the direction that I have revealed, but they are not understood, tell now. They may have the name of the true Messiah, the one that will be responsible for uniting the twelve tribes of Israel and the stranger who sojourns.
If you feel that you can get by as is, hide from truth or refuse to participate, it want work, we are not intelligent enough. Non participation means staying as is in religious knowledge. And as is, we are in the age of a broken covenant. Thus the song of Moses would be fulfilled. It means racism will get worse, to the point of unjustified out right murder of the children of Israel. And there will be wars and rumors of war in the ghettos of America between the children of Israel. It will get to the point of death occurring faster than one can be born. Bringing America and the earth out of the cell, to dead man walking. Or there will be a tragic event that will cause the death of mainly black people. What will this event be, how will it occur? By today's standard it will be in the form of a bomb or a disease. If we have the ability we should look up the tribal names of every tribe that was captured in slavery. In that list of names will be hidden the names of the twelve tribes of Israel. The name may not be the same but there will be a similarity in the letters or saying. Find the descendants of these tribes and show them their worth. Salt of the earth, that can be your good Samaritan religion. But I tell you this, you will truly be walking through the valley of death. You will for the first time fill fear, hate, anger and rage.
I feel that our technical logical advancements towards deeper space will level off. Man will not be allowed to venture into deep space. God will not allow man to carry the disease, evil, religious instability to a world or planet of total religious maturity, were He rest. This may be the fate of a probe that vanished as man was looking upon the images it was sending back to earth. I feel that this probe came upon an ark of beings that had reached religious maturity. And before the disease could reach them, infect them, God sterilized it. But leaving us a glimpse of an ark. If we do succeed, we will only come upon worlds of death, horror and desolation, as it becomes us. Therefor a look into space is but a look into a futuristic mirror. If we stay on our path, as is, then some time in the future a humanoid like race will have a robot on the surface of earth, than called Sram, and the robots name will be Yenrouj Luos. I ask you, man of science, Deu 28:28, is this not a description of Mars?
I have read most incidents of the word, "Hebrew". I feel that Hebrew is not the name of a people but it is the name of a religion. I feel that it is the most powerful and only religion ever recorded. It is a religion in which one can get direct results from the power of Lord God of Israel. Do not think you can learn this religion of God and exploit it, for you will suffer consequences of Enoch. Gen 5:24. To describe the power of Hebrew, there is a man who saw into the Torah and he probably did not now it. As I said, truth comes out of us in dreams, movies and writings. This movie is Star Wars. When they say "the force", replace it with, "God". When they say, "Jedi", replace it with, "Hebrew". Than you will have an understanding of Hebrew. Hebrew is a religion in which Lord God of Israel is the center or nucleus of it's power. Why do you think the movie was so popular? We are drawn to truth. As we are now it would be extremely difficult for one person to grasp any levels of Hebrew, but it is possible. I feel there are levels of Hebrew and Lord God of Israel is the absolute level. Hebrew takes pure concentration of thought, prayer and absolute belief, and it all must be in the name of God. To put it so you can understand, God can hear our thought, every thought that is upon this earth. It is equivalent to being in a large hall with thousands of people all conversing. A Hebrew would be a person with a loud speaker. Thus the thoughts and prayer can be heard through the Kingdom of God. A thousand people concentrating with synchronized thought can also be heard but you must call upon Lord God of Israel, for He is the only one that can answer.
I feel that this existence, this world, space, universe, our smell, sight, sound, vision all of the things that we know and will know are but in a room, in a corner, in the Kingdom of God. Were else could existence take place. We exist in His physics. Outside of the Kingdom of God, is chaos, were particle and matter have no force to hold them together. Unformed space, not fluidity nor gaseous. Even hell as we understand is within the Kingdom of God. Hell is the dark room, the dark hall. In this room there are seven doors, each one closed and bound with a unique lock. Behind these doors is a universe of the dark sides of Gods Kingdom, it is the evil of the thoughts of His or our heart, it is the grieving, our iniquities, it is the dark side of the old and new testaments. I feel that every evil thing of old and new are behind these doors. And in this hall there are planets, by the thousands. Some of them were green, blue and filled with life. And some of them were brown, gray and dead. I feel that the dead ones had failed. And the evil behind the sealed doors radiated to the planets that were in the hall. What will it take to get this planet out of that hall, out of the reach of the influence of the sealed rooms, the influence of evil.
I feel that the Kingdom of God is like a Mandelbrot set. Dimensions of infinity. I feel that God's Kingdom holds everything that His creations has, will, and is experiencing. In a room there sets our pass, futures and existing time with every possibility imaginable by man. And that is the Godly theory of why our universe expands, Gods Kingdom expands as our possibilities grow. The Torah was written by Lord God of Israel, Himself. It was given to Moses to give to us. I have found in my study of Hebrew; the language, that numbers are represented by a latter in the alphabet. Numbers are a universal language. If I want two of something in a foreign land, I point at something and hold up two fingers. I feel that the Torah in it's original form, no spacing nor vowels as was given to Moses, if we knew the original numbering system of Hebrew, we would find that the Torah is universal. It would also unfold to a Mandelbrot set. And for the person that properly activates it, welcome to a higher plain of thought, may Lord God of Israel be with you. I will stop here and leave these words incomplete, for I know this is to deep for you.
To see if you can think like a prophet, I have a riddle:
When eyes befall a woman of holy land. What is perceived of the man? Hint: it is in the Torah.
My poem: IS RAEL Who is my forefather, is he the one that fought with God. Who is my forefather, is he the one with a snake that is a rod. Who is my forefather, is he the first to send up a sweet savour. Who is my forefather, is he the one whose hair shall not be touched by a razor. Who is my forefather, is he the one that saw for the Pharaohs. Who is my forefather, is he the one near to death from an arrow. You gave me hints, in great books is hidden my identity. Who are my forefathers, are they the ones of a covenant with a supreme entity. In great books, You describe a curse that would befall. Who are my forefathers, are they the ones that shouted, down a wall. You saw and You warned them, a yoke of iron around thy neck. You saw and You told them, how we did become gross and fat. Who are my forefathers, are they the ones you found and chose. Who are my forefathers, are they the ones in Egypt and rose. Their enemy's You delivered, You made them of twelve tribes. Who are my forefathers, are they the ones with a mark between their eyes. As I yell, pray and shout at the wall. I hear a voice, loud but silent, whisper all.
EHLOHEEM be with you.
Close: 11-1-97.
Open: 11-1-97.
I feel that the battle is unfolding before us. The million man march was conceived by a man of God, of God only. It was a march largely of the children of Israel. And of late I see a march largely of the salt of the earth, survivors of Sodom and the fields of Gomorrah. As I hear on the radio, the murmuring of a million men saying, "I give my life to Jesus". I feel that the Promise Keepers march was Christ's response to the march of God's chosen race. And they both were an awesome display of power. As I said, they are so building their arsenal.
You, woman, in your purist form, in your closeness to the original, you are more like God than you will ever know. Between the time you first swallowed knowledge and the time you got Adam to swallow knowledge, you had the opportunity to examine being like God, longer than man. You can become love, it becomes you. You can become jealousy, it becomes you. You can become rage, it becomes you. You can become loyalty, it becomes you. You can become respect, it becomes you. You can become desire, it becomes you. You can become beauty, it becomes you. These things are only clear when you are close to the original. If you are not close to the original, they can mutate and become confusion, hate, evil and gross, they can become you. I put to you a question, if you were a being and you had the power to create, what being would you create first.
A man, in his closeness to the original, represents God's physical, it becomes you. You can become power, it becomes you. You can become knowledge, it becomes you, You can become rule, it becomes you. You can become guidance, it becomes you. You can become foolish, it becomes you. You can become destruction, it becomes you. You can become hate, it becomes you. You can become provider, it becomes you. But these things are only clear when you are close to the original. If you are not close to the original then they can mutate and become confusion, a haven fore evil.
And to all the other races of the world who do not understand. If you have know concept of knowing if your god that you serve is a correct god. Lord God of Israel has given you a method to know. If you have any graven image of your god, than it is a no god, a god of late, it is Jesus in a form that appeals to you most. It shall be destroyed and put away.
In the Kingdom of God, I was in a great hall that had planets all around, suspended in space. And around these planets were different numbers of gold bars, some were broke in two pieces. And one planet was pointed out to me. There seem to ooze of a discoloration from a land. And a creation of man with no heart nor center with billions of limbs was flinging and spotting this planet with this discoloration. And I was asked, do you know what this is? And I said yes. Around this planet floating in space with the gold bars was a number, 2000. I felt that the number was the time it would take fore the planet to be covered in the discoloration. I was told my soul was responsible for this, thus I was approved.
So now you understand, the one called antichrist is not the beast he is played up to be. He will be a simple man that God has rose up from among the twelve tribes of Irael. Jesus gave you this false likeness so you would persecute any man that revealed Christ's face.
Last night I attended the seventh day Shabbat. I looked upon the Candlestick of Gold, the Brest Plate of Aaron and one of the Twelve Sticks. I said to myself, are these not graven images? But it did not feel wrong, it felt ok fore me to see these holy things of God. As I looked around more and more, I realized, I am in a temple of the tribe of Levi. God gave to the tribe of Levi, all holy things. He knew they would not profane or dishonor theme by mixing His holy things with things of other religions. But the energy, power, glory and prays that one feels in a Holiness or black Baptist church is not in the temple. Lord God of Israel wants His glory back. Lord God of Israel wants His servants back. The tribe of Levi is stale and mechanical with out the worriers of the twelve tribes.
Do you want to know what Lord God of Israel was looking for when He chose the master race? I will share this with you next time.