
It's been a long time since I have wrote anything down. I have mostly been studying another point of view on the Bible and this one I must say is the only one that comes with tangible evidence. And you know me, as one with a scientifically and logical approach to things physical evidence is very difficult for me to ignore. This study has been very taxing on my soul as it has the ability to destroy our entire concept of religion and god, all of it. You will also notice I used the lower case "g" because I have concluded that no one on this earth has the ability to distinguish an omnipotent GOD and too many people are dying, suffering and being oppressed in the constant struggle to identify that GOD.

In order to grasp this point of view, the first thing you must do is; stop believing in magic. When you see an individual bend a spoon with their mind or float above the ground, do you believe they actually did it or was it a trick? The same skepticism must also be applied to the Holy Scriptures. That's another concept that you have to do away with, the perception of something being Holy. The most Holy thing on this earth is YOU.

The first thing I would like to get off my chest is this thing dealing with Joseph. This is not a perception that is presented in the books I have been reading but one I perceived as I studied on my own. In David Rohl's book, "Pharaohs and Kings, A Biblical quest", he speaks briefly of an area known as The waterways of Joseph. These canals or waterways branch off the Nile River near the area known as Fayyum. It is believed that Joseph is the builder of these waterways. Archeologists have found logs inscribed on what would be the bank of the Nile of were the Egyptians would keep track of the water levels of the Nile River from season to season.

In this time there is archeological evidence that indicates there were several hydraulic and sophisticated experiments dealing with the Niles water level. Rohl suggest this was due to Joseph's warning to the Pharaoh about the Nile causing a depletion in food supply. So we began to develop an image as Joseph warns the Pharaoh of the Niles potential, Pharaoh tries to counter the potential buy building massive waterways and dams to control the level of the Nile.

I personally suspect it was the other way around. Joseph and his colleges experiment with controlling the Nile water levels, figured out how to do it, then informs the Pharaoh what he needs to invest in to maintain and amplify his throne beyond his greatest dreams.

The Nile River was Egypt's main water source. The farmers would plant their fields very close to the Nile banks. The water and rich soil coming from the Ethiopian highlands would some times allow the farmers to plant two crops in one growing season. So we are talking of a very, very prosperous time and situation in Egypt, especially for the farmers. Due to the fact that Egypt did not have an understood government as we do today power could deviate from the governing body, Pharaoh or Royal family.

With this very prosperous system in place that basically was the main food supply for the surrounding nations, we are looking at a situation where other families with money could constantly challenged the authority of the Pharaoh or Royal family. Wealth was the main governing body. And with this wealth families could sway public opinion, induce their own religious doctrine and build their own army.

What caught my attention is the fact that we have Joseph, the man who predicts the famine, and then we have waterways that are named after him. This is only a theory and it would have to actually be researched by an archeological team in order to be proven. In looking at this, all of the elements are in place. I suspect the water level marks found by archeologist are from Joseph experimenting with ways to effect the water levels of the Nile. Joseph may have realized that he could effect the national economy simply by controlling the water levels of the Nile. With these waterways branching from the Nile it may have been possible to do so.

We have to realize; that in the Bible we must not assume it is famine from drought, the Bible never says that. It simply suggests famine, period. This means it was a major depletion of food through out the region. The Bible makes it very clear when a drought is involved, but in this particular case it makes a strong point of famine, not drought.

Gen 41: 17: And Pharaoh said unto Joseph, In my dream, behold, I stood upon the bank of the river: 18: And, behold, there came up out of the river seven kine, fatfleshed and well favoured; and they fed in a meadow: 19: And, behold, seven other kine came up after them, poor and very ill favoured and leanfleshed, such as I never saw in all the land of Egypt for badness: 20: And the lean and the ill favoured kine did eat up the first seven fat kine: 21: And when they had eaten them up, it could not be known that they had eaten them; but they were still ill favoured, as at the beginning. So I awoke. 22: And I saw in my dream, and, behold, seven ears came up in one stalk, full and good: 23: And, behold, seven ears, withered, thin, and blasted with the east wind, sprung up after them: 24: And the thin ears devoured the seven good ears: and I told this unto the magicians; but there was none that could declare it to me.

As the dream suggests, it was depletion in food supply, not water. That's why the dream involves the river. The writer seems to want the reader to understand this and to distinguish it from the numerous droughts found in the Bible. In the dream one can clearly see that the river (Nile) is continues throughout the dream. But the food that the river supplies is the main thing that changes in the dream. The seven years of plenty is not really a prediction. This was already understood because the Nile River and the system of farming it was well underway and established. It was simply a mater of choosing how many more years it would be allowed to continue before opening the floodgates of the downward flowing waterways back into the main Nile River. Seven years may also be the amount of time Joseph calculated for his reservoir to fill up with enough water to when all of the waterways, dumping water in the Nile, floodgates were wide open; it would flood the river.

There is archeological evidence showing that during this time period the Nile River overflowed its banks so much that in some places it nearly doubled in width. This amount of swelling by the Nile would have completely flooded all of the farmland near the riverbanks thus drastically reducing the food supply for the entire region.

My suspicion is that once Joseph, (One Egyptian alias: Yuya, owner of KV 46) in the Valley of the Kings, experimented and found that he could control the level of the Nile River he then went to lower Egypt and began negotiating with the Pharaoh of Lower Egypt. Lower Egypt would be the area around Memphis. Upper Egypt would be the area around Thebes. The Nile River flows as a direction from Thebes to Memphis.

From studying the Bible one does not perceive Joseph as an individual in the position to build waterways or great structures. The Bible gives one the impression that most of the patriarchs were mostly commoners or of middle class and lower. The truth of the matter is; most of the Biblical patriarchs are of a very royal family. They were actually rulers and Pharaohs of Egypt and this would explain why Joseph would devise a plan to keep the Pharaohs or current royal family in power, because he was a part of that group.

In Gen 11:24 we have Terah, Abrams father. It is suspected that Terah is Egypt's Tao I / Senakhtenre. The web page in which this information comes from can be found at Domain of Man. I would suggest you go to the page and study it thoroughly. Also suggestions of this point of view can be found in a book by Ahmed Osman, "Out of Egypt, The roots of Christianity revealed", ISBN 0-09-927765-4. The time line contradiction of when these Pharaohs reigned is refuted and proven the conventional chronology is wrong in a book written by David Rohl, "Pharaohs and Kings, A Biblical quest", ISBN 0-609-80130-9. In Pharaohs and Kings David shows an overwhelming amount of archeological evidence that several Pharaohs reigned in parallel and not in series as it was thought to have been. He also shows that Shishak of IKings 14:25 is not Shoshenq of the 22nd Dynasty as thought to have been, but is actually Ramesses of the 19th Dynasty.

With his new chronology the Thutmosic dynasty falls into the times of David the king and Solomon. This would explain why archeologists have yet to find any evidence of the Solomonic Empire, they were looking right at it but unable to make the connection between Solomon and Amenhotep III because of the conventional time line. This also explains why they find Egyptian pottery, buildings and names when they dig around the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem to the time zone that should be when David the King reigned.

The Bible describes the Kingdom of the Israelites as being the land between the Nile River all the way down to the Euphrates.

Gen:15:18: In the same day the LORD made a covenant with Abram, saying, Unto thy seed have I given this land, from the river of Egypt unto the great river, the river Euphrates:

This is the same Empire that was built during the stories of Joshua, David and Solomon. Moses, through the LORD initiated the take over of this region. The only time archeological evidence reveals a Kingdom as described in the Bible, which covers that entire region would be during the times of the Thutmosic dynasty. This would be during the ending of the 17th Dynasty and the beginning of the 18th Dynasty of Egypt. Their names were Thutmose and I am beginning to suspect that's where the name Moses comes from.

When the Holy Scriptures was laid down in the form it is in now, they wanted to alienate any positive references or links to any other deities. Thut is the Egyptian god of wisdom and truth. So in removing the name Thut from Thutmose, you end up with Mose. The word moses in Egyptian means, "rightful heir, or son".

The story of Moses and his staff that turned into a snake and swallowed up the snakes of the Pharaoh's is actually an allegory to the historical event of Thutmose III having problems gaining access to his throne, because his mother was of foreign blood. His mother is suspected to be Isis and Isis is suspected to be a goddess image of Sarah Abraham's wife. Pharaohs owned a scepter that signified their authority. Moses's scepter was a rod with a serpent on top of it as described in Num 21:9. In the story Thutmose III is actually presenting his scepter to the reigning Pharaoh of the time, which may have been Hatshepsut and a band of Amun priest.

This also gives the origins of David the King's name. In Egyptian to Hebrew transliteration the T becomes a D and U can become or be interchanged with V, W, O or E. Hebrew as with Egyptian omits the vowels thus in Egyptian you have Thot or Twt. Converting this to Hebrew reveals Dvd. Adding the vowels gives us David. Also this has an impact on the word or name "Adon". In the Hebrew script GOD is referred several times by this name. Sigmund Freud revealed a transliteration in the Hebrew Script to Egyptian. The Hebrew O, can become an Egyptian E, thus Adon/LORD becomes Aten. Freud was also one of the first to make the connection between Akhenaten and Moses. The one thing that was throwing his suspicions off was the then widely accepted Egyptian chronology. With the old chronology Akhenaten and Moses were about 360 years apart. With the new chronology of Egyptian history presented by David Rohl Akhenaten and Moses exist in the same time period. It makes me wonder if Rohl is unlocking a particular passage in the Holy Scriptures.

Dan:7:25: And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.

"And think to change times", one has to wonder if Rohl's book begins to undo the altering of time by the people or nations that conquered Israel and Judah. Is Rohl starting to put time back in it's correct prospective after so many years of it being manipulated by the force or forces being referred to in Dan 7: 25?

Akhenaten was an Egyptian Pharaoh of the 18th Dynasty. His original name was Amenhotep IV. His name change reflects his conversion from an Amonist to Atenist. He is recorded thus far as being the first individual to perceive, promote, congregate, fight and murder for a concept defined today as monotheism. His omnipotent GOD's name is Aten, the same name that translates to Adon as in the Holy Scriptures. With his new concept of GOD he became known as the Heretic King, the fallen one of Amarna, the rebel. As with Egypt and all of its deities this new concept had an extreme impact on the system. Akhenaten's main opposition in his fight to unify Egypt and all of its religions were the Amun/Amen congregations or sects. After Akhenaten became sole ruler of Egypt, the Amun temples and organizations were abandoned or dispersed. Archeological evidence shows from his time period that Egyptian names of deities were scratched out of many writings. Akhenaten attacked all the GOD's of Egypt but vigorously went after Amun and his followers. This may be were the concept of some of these passages come from:

Ex:12:12: For I will pass through the land of Egypt this night, and will smite all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both man and beast; and against all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgment: I am the LORD.

Jer:46:25: The LORD of hosts, the God of Israel, saith; Behold, I will punish the multitude of No, and Pharaoh, and Egypt, with their gods, and their kings; even Pharaoh, and all them that trust in him:

Nahum:3:8: Art thou better than populous No, that was situate among the rivers, that had the waters round about it, whose rampart was the sea, and her wall was from the sea? 9: Ethiopia and Egypt were her strength, and it was infinite; Put and Lubim were thy helpers. 10: Yet was she carried away, she went into captivity: her young children also were dashed in pieces at the top of all the streets: and they cast lots for her honourable men, and all her great men were bound in chains. 11: Thou also shalt be drunken: thou shalt be hid, thou also shalt seek strength because of the enemy.

In the English Script where it says, "No" it actually says "AMON" in the Hebrew Script. Also there was a King named Amon, he was the son of Manasseh.

Another interesting passage I found while doing a word search on the Hebrew Script for, "AMON" is this passage:

Prov:8:30: Then I was by him, as one brought up with him: and I was daily his delight, rejoicing always before him;

In the English Script the first "him" according to the Hebrew Script, actually says "Amon". It is suspected Solomon wrote Proverbs. It is also suspected that Solomon was actually Amenhotep III the father of Akhenaten. As you can see with Amenhotep III's name, he was mainly an Amonist.

Akhenaten reigned for about 18 years from El Amarna. His religious concepts were considered to be heresy and when he died or fell from power, Egypt went to great lengths to erase his entire history. They smashed the face off most of his statues and wall carvings, erased his name from his cartouche his name and reign was removed from anything they could find. He was to become the forgotten Pharaoh. In my personal examination of Akhenaten's concepts and archeological finds I began to suspect that he himself was the focus of worship. But this is nothing new. The belief in those days was that the Pharaoh became the living image of the God he revered. Tutankhamun means "living image of Amun" and if you are an Amonist it could legitimately be translated as "living image of GOD", starting to sound a little familiar.

Akhenaten may have been successful if it were not for a great plague in Egypt at the beginning time of his reign. This plague devastated Egypt and of course the Amonist blamed it on Akhenaten and his band of heretics for angering the Gods. In order to rid Egypt of the plague Amenhotep III made several statues of the God of pestilence Sekhmet but the disease only continued and grew. Something had to be done. It is said that Akhenaten was elected to lead many of the diseased people out of Egypt; Thebes, for execution.

This may be were the concept of Exodus comes from, thousands upon thousands of people leaving Egypt. As the Holy Scriptures project it Akhenaten may have got the people to follow him through promising them a Promise Land. The diseased people would have been a people shunned, alienated and ridiculed through out the society. So they would have been more then willing to follow a great Pharaoh, a GOD. It is also suspected that Akhenaten himself was diseased.

The Holy Scriptures suggest he took this great number of diseased people to Mount Sinai. I personally suspect he took them some place in Nubia. Archeological evidence has been found in Nubia suggesting massive burial sights of an unprecedented scale. It looks like the people just laid down and were buried alive. The way the Bible describes the Exodus we should be finding large burial sights between or on the trail that they took to Mount Sinai but nothing like that has been found. I suspect Mount Sinai comes into play as to being the place were Akhenaten and his followers retreated once he fail from power or as today's terms would be, was impeached.

Akhenaten and his new religious reforms left Egypt in a state of shamble and hysteria. An individual's personal ring was found that dated to the Amarna period or the time of Akhenaten's reign. The ring made some references to Amun, but the name Amun was scratched out of the poem. So we began to get a feel of what the atmosphere and social climate was like during this religious reform. People were afraid for their lives and frantically removing or hiding anything that could be used to accuse them of worshiping any other God. We start to get the feel that this was much like the Spanish Inquisitions. Several smaller deities and idols are also being found in Amarna. It is just like the Bible describes it, Israel constantly faltering to the worship of idols or thing made by the hands of man. I am starting to suspect Akhetaten (rising of Aten) or Amarna is the original Jerusalem or it is the source of many writings in the Holy Scriptures. That would make Thebes and Memphis Israel, which in the Scriptures is also referred to as Egypt. The main state God of Thebes was Amun. GOD referred to Egypt as "The confidence of the House of Israel". One begins to wonder if they were one in the same. Ezek: 29 is very reminiscent of the decrees put on Israel and Judah. If one is serious about confirming the Holy Scriptures, all of the archeological evidence can be found in Egyptian studies and history. It just looks like over time names, places and dates have been intentionally altered.

Tutankhamun better known as King Tut is suspected to be the son of Akhenaten, this is yet to be confirmed. When King Tut ascended the throne he was faced with a very serious dilemma. Continue Akhenaten's legacy of religious reform of monotheism or free Egypt from this heretic and confused state. You have to remember the Amonist were a very powerful political organization. You have to understand that in Egypt government and religion were one. So now you begin to see the impact a new religious concept would have. In those days it was equivalent to someone trying to reorganize the governing body.

Tutankhamun's original name was Tutankhaten. During his reign he changed his name to Tutankhamun. So for the wellbeing and political situation of Egypt, in the better interest of the country it appears King Tut decided to abandon Akhenaten's ideas of monotheism. But there is evidence that King Tut on a personal level continued to explore Atenism. King Tut's freeing of Egypt from monotheism and getting it back in harmony with the Amonist and basically allowing the people to practice any religion they desired, is were the entire concept of Messiah comes from. Inside of King Tut's tomb one can see the first concept of the Trinity theory. The painting shows King Tut as three deferent images. It shows him as Osiris the father, Horus the son and the last image is called Ka which in Egyptian means soul or spirit. Several items found in King Tut's tomb continue to be represented in Catholicism today. So one of my questions becomes, how can we find the Trinity theory in an individuals tomb that existed about 1000 years before Jesus was ever heard of?

After researching this point of view I have concluded that the Holy Scriptures and probably the bulk of the religions on earth are all simply derivatives and reorder writings and history of Egypt mainly the 18th Dynasty. Why such a cover up? I don't rightly know, maybe they thought they were doing something holy or divine. As one looks at the paintings and archeological finds one can clearly see that the Egyptians involved in the true historical events that the Bible was created from were indeed Negroid. To be politically palliate I will just say, their skin was dark enough as today to be among the population of people who would be considered descendants of slaves. So it is not a matter of what race you are it a matter of physical traits.

I once said, "understanding the Holy Scriptures is to understand the state of mind of the people that wrote it". Through out this study I found one main thing that truly aggravated me. That is, these Pharaohs being referred to as GOD. This I personally found unbelievable and shocking. So I set out to prove or disprove this to myself. I thought if this was the case then there should be evidence of this outside of the Bible and in writings that have nothing to do with religion.

In the excavation of Amarna a large number of tablets were found. These tablets were standard communications between the Pharaoh and kings, leaders, governors and chieftains of the city state regions. There is a book called The Amarna Letters, ISBN 0-8018-4251-4. It is simply an English translation of these standard communications to the Pharaoh. With in that book I found an overwhelming amount of letters were the Pharaoh is being referred to as God. There is no need fore me to list the letters catalog numbers because all you need to do is open the book.

This truly sheds a whole deferent light upon the Holy Scriptures. These people that wrote these letters to the Pharaohs are the same or in the same state of mind as the people that wrote the original Holy Scriptures. This means when the Bible refers to LORD or GOD it now becomes highly likely that it is referring to a Pharaoh. Or shall I say there is no way for the reader to distinguish the reference from GOD and a Pharaoh. They believed in this system of religion just a strong if not stronger then people today believing in Jesus, Allah, Buddha and so on. A lot of these religions have a fanatical belief, well the Egyptians were the same way.

Another possible scenario on how this could have happened is once Egypt was conquered as a people the people that conquered them simply took Egypt's historical documentation and removed the Pharaoh's name and inserted YHVH and in essence crating their own GOD while steeling the history of Egypt's greatest Pharaohs. Isn't it strange that the battles of David the King written in the Bible can also be found written on the temple walls at Karnak shown as Tuthmosis III leading it. It is the Annals of the Tuthmosis campaign into the Palestinian regions.

To understand this substitution of YHVH, LORD or GOD for a Pharaohs name I thought to show an example.

Gen:12:1: Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee:

It is highly likely that the LORD referred to in this passage is actually Terah who is Tao I. This method of substitution has caused a lot of confusion in our understanding but yet it has preserved a large and detailed section of a royal family's history.

It is possible it was done this way in order to hide the fact that the bulk of the record is about and words of Akhenaten. If the Egyptian authorities, mainly the Amun sect had recognized the Bible as being so, it would have been destroyed then. So the people who wrote the original Holy Scriptures may have been loyal followers of Akhenaten and devised a method to secretly preserve the bulk of his history thus writing the Holy Scriptures.

This is a hard blow for me to accept. But once I start ignoring writings and archeological evidence that has strong Biblical overtones, what deference does that make me from the servants of Jesus that I have so heavily criticized through out my writings?

There is also another ancient city location in the Middle East archeologists have found and they suspect Abraham ruled it. The name of this place is Ebla. They found thousands of tablets of standard communications between the ruler of Ebla and city-state regions just like they found at Amarna. And with Rohl's new chronology Amarna and Ebla become contemporary. But the local authorities are oppressing the tablets and the writings because the tablets could have a dramatic impact on our understanding of religion. Very few people have been allowed to see them. I suspect Ebla would be were Tao I/Terah and his family and followers went in the fist Exodus from Ur of the Chaldees/Babylon. Ebla, I suspect is the Biblical Haran. Those tablets might contain the source and more information on the God known as YHVH. And it has been confirmed that the tablets do indeed contain Biblical style names.

I have come to understand the essence of religion. We naturally and instinctively believe in gods or some outside forces that have a level of accountability for our actions. In more ancient times this natural instinct was about the only thing one could use to govern. And that is exactly what religion is, it's an ancient form of Government. All of the offerings in the Holy Scriptures are simply a form of taxation.

It is our own misunderstanding of the way history was recorded in ancient days that has lead us to our own corrupted view of GOD. In those days great events were attributed to the GODs even if it was a man or group of people that performed it. That's just the way they recorded history. And it appears to be a very, very effective method of teaching history, as about 85% of the people on this earth are more aware of Egyptian history then they are aware of what history occurred to build the country they live in today.

I personally have seen things in the Holy Scriptures that indeed do foretell of things it would be impossible to be aware of, or maybe it is just my mind inventing the whole thing. Akhenaten was a unique individual. I suspect he chose Aten because it was the one GOD that he could see. The natural nature of the sun was more real to Akhenaten, then any other GOD. Akhenaten was one who needed more physical evidence of something instead of old literature that can't be proven nor reenacted.

When you write a poem about the sun of how it rises, shines or gives off heat that poem will be true and occur every day as to the rising of the sun. In essence the poem lives because it is writings about a naturally occurring event. Some one reading the poem can actually experience it; if they are reading it three days after you wrote it or 3000 years after it was written, the poem keeps it's consistency as long as the sun exist.

As opposed to some one reading a poem about Horus, Thut, Ptah or Amun. Those are GODs that have attributes only because someone wrote the attributes into their character. But the sun is deferent because you can write of its attributes without creating them. And I thank that's what Akhenaten needed in order to promote a religious concept.

In understanding were the Bible comes from I now understand why I perceived the Old Testaments and New Testaments as contradictory to one another. As looking at the main two individuals they were created around one can clearly see the deference of opinion. Akhenaten promoted monotheism. Tutankhamun promoted polytheism. There is evidence that King Tut was beginning to sway back to Aten and promote monotheism, but he was murder before he could rekindle Akhenaten's concept. The New Testaments suggest King Tut/Jesus was hung from a cross. There are older writings that suggest an evil Amun priest hanged King Tut from a tree. The mummy of King Tut suggests that he was struck in the back of the head and eventually died from the wound.

Another thing I find interesting about all this is people have suspected or known King Tut is highly likely to be Jesus but no one cares. It seems we have fallen more in love with the fictitious characters created over time then we could come to respect and honor the true individual. See; you can't paint Tutankhamun with blond stringy hair and blue eye's or have his entire lineage of one race. That's the thing about false GODs or images of someone, you get to create them. And now you don't have to deal with the fact that Jesus married at the age of nine or Moses copulated with his own daughters. With a fictitious character of the individuals you can strip away all of the unappealing things. Our problem is over time so much has been stripped away that the true individuals are almost unrecognizable. But as these archeologist dig more and more in the ground and find ancient writings and information curved in stones and on temple walls, one can legitimately say, "The stone is crying out of the wall and the beam is answering it".

Hab:2:11: For the stone shall cry out of the wall, and the beam out of the timber shall answer it.

These are the types of passages in the Holy Scriptures that continue to peak my interest. Maybe Akhenaten was the only true profit or had something that allowed him to see and address future events.

As for me, I will continue to study and read but it will be with more emphases on Egyptian history. It's highly possible that we have in our possession writings that were done by the hands of Moses, David the king even Solomon. It takes away a lot of the mystery when one comes to terms as to who these individuals truly were.