Name of God "Examined"
Perceived through a study of the Word of God
July 2 1998

After a thorough examination of the Hebrew script, it appears the name in Exo6:3 was replaced with what we understand as "Lord". Hebrew letters/symbols = YHVH. It appears in the Hebrew script of the Pentateuch that "YHVH" means, "Lord". As if it is equivalent to a title like prince, duke, king or chief.

I did find two distinctively different names or references to God. One of the references is in Gen15:2. The Hebrew letters/symbols are = ADNY, this is known as "Adonai".

The other reference I found is in Gen1:1. The Hebrew letters/symbols are = ALHYM, I thank this reference has become known as "Allah".

In and After Gen2:4 both of the references begin to be used in conjunction with = YHVH, which is properly known as "Yahveh" which appears to be a title.

For people who do not desire to be an examiner of theories, but just desire to be righteous to Lord God of Israel. You have these statements by God to put your faith in:

Deut:32:12: So the LORD alone did lead him, and there was no strange god with him.

Deut:32:39: See now that I, even I, am he, and there is no god with me: I kill, and I make alive; I wound, and I heal: neither is there any that can deliver out of my hand.

With these types of statements by God Himself; I can only believe that there is only one singular God. Thus "GOD", "God", "LORD" and "Lord" are the same. I have studied this theory because scholars of religions that have sprung from the NT are trying to find more support for Jesus in the OT as more and more people question them. They have started the fad as YHVH being Jesus. They also call this fad the "God Head Theory" or the "Holy Trinity". So all I have done is examined their theory. It is a valid point of view to see it as so, but one must flow against what is written in plain English.