In a modern dictionary the letters YHWH/YHVH are defined as: The Hebrew Tetragrammaton representing the name of God.
Tetragrammaton is defined as: The four Hebrew letters “usu.” translated as YHWH or JHVH, for YAHWEH or JEHOVAH, and used as a Biblical proper name for God.
In some dictionaries “YHVH/YHWH YAHWEH: See JEHOVAH, Tetragrammaton.”
JEHOVAH [ modern translation of the Tetragrammaton YHWH; the vowels appear through arbitrary transference of the vowel points of Adonai, my Lord: see YAHWEH] God; (the) Lord.
I have come to look at this theory because it has become one of the latest fads in religion. A lot of people are trying to say it is God’s holy name. What it truly is, is an examination of the original Hebrew script. Some person simply looked at the original Hebrew script and started a new fad or got their degree by saying they found the true name of God or trying to justify Jesus in the OT.
Let me explain something to you. A word that is a “Tetragrammaton” means that word is a grammatical substitution of a word or letters/symbols from another language. “tetra” means four. “grammaton” deals with letters. So there can be such things as a Hexagrammaton or a Polygrammaton. The first part of the grammaton is telling you the number of letters or symbols represented. A grammaton is used when there is know translation available that has meaning.
The dictionary is incorrect when it says “usu.” are Hebrew letters. There are only 22 letters or symbols in the Hebrew alphabet that make up the Torah. As I have seen, there is no Hebrew letter that represents or sounds like “u”. “usu.” is actually Greek letters, “u = upsilon”, “s = sigma”, “. = unknown”. Thus “usu.” is a Greek Tetragrammaton for the four Hebrew letters/symbols .
Thus “JEHOVAH” is an English grammatical substitution for “YHWH or YHVH”. Thus “JEHOVAH”, “YAHWEH” and YHWH/YHVH are English grammatical substitutions for each other and they are all English substitutions for the Greek letters/symbols “usu.”. The English and the Greek grammatical substitutions are substitutions fore the Hebrew letters/symbols which appeares in Exo6:3 and any other place where you see “LORD” all in upper case in the KJ OT.
So when people say they know the name of God, they are incorrect. We only know grammatical substitutions for the name of God.
Due to the fact that in the Pentateuch the Hebrew letters/symbols appear in Exo6:3 and they also appear in places where Abraham/Abram, Isaac and Jacob makes references to God using that name, I have to conclude that the name or Hebrew symbols that have come to be known as “LORD”, “JEHOVAH”, “YAHWEH” and “YHWH/YHVH” through western religions, is not the true name of God.
The Pentateuch has been suggested as being the original Hebrew script but I have found in Exo6:3, it is not. The true name of God has been edited out even in the original Hebrew script. The Hebrew script is the bottom line we have to go to in order to prove a theory or position. A man can not get smarter thin the Book when he can not experience anything outside of that Book.
In the Pentateuch all they did in Exo6:3 was substituted the Hebrew letters/symbols that has come to represent “LORD” in the KJ. And that’s why it appears that Abraham, Isaac and Jacob did indeed know God by that name. I feel this was done for our own safety. As you can see people thank they know the true name of God, “YAHWEH” and they have posted it all over the world wide web and some even say it is the name of Jesus in the OT. Know I understand why the true name of God has been made unknown to us. This earth is filled with blasphemers.
I feel the true name of God and the true name that was in Exo6:3 is one of the things engraved on the excellent stone, Zech3:9 and you will see it; all of us will. If you are not righteous in the eyes of God, then His name will be the last thing you see on earth. If you know or see God’s true name, then in the seven eyes of God you are a part of the new Israel or the fourth generation to come. This was perceived through Ezek39:7, 43:7. In the OT there are prophesies of multiple outcomes. The outcome or prophesies of the Messiah being forced to release the seven eyes upon all of earth is the worst case scenario. It would mean that a multitude of people tried to force their way into the holy lands and bring with them their own religions. Or the holy lands where attacked by other nations.