Truth IV
Open: 12-23-97
I have now read; as a whole of the Tanakh, up to, Isaiah 15, as I am also reading the New. I have now determined why my word search method works. A large percentage of the New have been plagiarized from the Old or Holy Scriptures of God. The description of a vision by John, in Revelations 1:2 is a plagiarized version of the vision in Dan 10:6. The key words are, "feet like" and "brass". I have also been watching the movie, "Jesus of Nazareth". When the king decides to kill all of the children borne of two years old, is that not a plagiarized version of when Moses was borne in Egypt, when the king decides to kill all of the male born children. Exo 1:15,16.
I can not determine why people thank the Holy Scriptures are prophesy. As I read them, they feel as if it is actually recorded events. I have noticed that when a person becomes a king they have assigned to them a recorder and scribe. IISam 8:16,17. I feel that one of the duties as king, was to report your entire day to the recorder, what you did, what you wrote, things you said and who you where with, be it a personal matter or not, and no secrets were kept from the recorder. Then the recorder would take the notes and give them to the scribe and the scribe would put the notes into a story line to all the other notes and days of events. Today we call it record keeping. I feel that most of the Holy Scriptures are writings of these men. I feel that Moses was the recorder and scribe to God. It makes sense to me because Moses was raised as a Prince, so he would have been affluent in reading, writing and languages. I feel, that the Holy Scriptures are not as old as we thank.
You have to be careful when you read and study Prophets or beyond Deu, because the book becomes the period in time. Due to the fact that the writers of the books are human, they also are under the influence of the period, thus they write as they comprehend. If you are not armed in the original word of God, you can get the wrong impression. As I said; you must read and make it fit to what God has originally expressed. For example; IIKings 3:24-27, the way it reads it makes you thank God excepted the king of Moabs son as an offering, and God made Israel turn back with a great wrath. You know it could not have occurred this way. God could not have put this wrath upon Israel, God could not have excepted the offering of the king of Moab. If you; the reader, adhere to Deu 12:31, you know it could not have occurred as it is written or as the impression it gives. And that’s why I feel that the Holy Scriptures are the writings of men who are recording events of what they feel occurred; because the book, the writings, becomes the period in time. This is the way; I feel, it had to have occurred. The king of Moab is upon the wall, facing the battle field, thus he is visible by the worriers. Israel, or ten to fifteen men of Israel, see the king offering his son to God. And these men yell out to other men of what the king is doing or has done. And fear spreads through the battle field like a rapid disease. It was not God who made Israel flee; it was Israels lack of faith in God in this time period of the book. And a lack of faith, means a lack of knowledge of Gods original Anointed sayings. They did not remember Deu 12:31. So Israel actually thought God was going to deliver them into the hands of the king of Moab, and that’s why they fled. It was not God putting a wrath in them, it was their lack of faith in God and their unawareness of Deu 12:31. Can you imagine how God felt when He saw His chosen people, His most prized pearl, fleeing from man. You must not let any thing, any thing come between you and your relationship and understanding with God. You must adhere to Gods Anointed sayings and not let nothing asunder the Anointed sayings of God. Even if something is done or comes in the name of God; if it has any conflicts or God has spoke out against it; you best be against it also, it is in your favor. You see now why you must be very careful when you read beyond Deu.
You must understand, the Torah is God speaking to Moses and Moses is writing it down. Thus the Torah is in fact the word of God. It is Law to understanding. It is the Rock to understanding. In "Jesus of Nazareth" what do you thank they were talking about when they would speak of Law, or the Law of Moses. Actually it is the Law of the Living God. I feel that God Himself wrote the Torah, due to Exo 31:18. God could have wrote the entire Holy Scriptures. I have personally noticed how the Books themselves tests the readers faith in what God originally expresses. To me, it is as if the five books of Moses teaches; you the reader, a Concept, a Doctrine and Law. And after the five books of Moses, the reader is tested on what they have learned, on what they have perceived, on what they will adhere to. To have a doctrine like that, that teaches and test the reader, and applies to all people of any time zone, requires an extremely high level of intelligence or an Entity unbound by time. But this is all my feelings, so take it as you may. This is my opinion in looking at the Book as a whole or as a big picture.
Another example of how you; the reader, must be steadfast in the word of God. Read IKings 13, this will make you understand how you; the reader, must only adhere to what God Himself is saying. You have to ask yourself, what is the meaning of this situation. Could God Himself be trying to show the reader how false prophesy comes. So examine what you have, you have the claim of God speaking to an angel, an angel speaking to a prophet, a prophet speaking to another prophet, to give the word of God. The man of God from Judah was being tested by God, he failed. It cost him his life and not to be buried at home. I say to you; be wise, take no mans word, even if they say they come in the name of God, read The Book. God is trying to reveal to you; the reader, not to trust people that come to you in chain messages. God is speaking to you the reader from the Torah. God can take on many forms. Who can say; He can not take the form of a Book.
I would like to speak in-depth about Mar 13:6. I asked a minister; what he thought of the saying. In my new King James study edition, Mar 13:6 says, "For many will come in My name, saying, 'I am He,' and will deceive many". In my small computer of the King James it says; 'I am Christ'. On my CD ROM King James, it says; 'I am Christ'. When I first made a reference to Mar 13:6, I was referring to the saying as it is written in my King James study edition. The minister said it meant to him as, "people will come in Jesus’ name, claiming they are Jesus". I also talked with an evangelist about this and she basically said the same. I also spoke with a religious man who is deep in the religion of Christ and he also said the same. And all of them supported both versions of Mar 13:6. Neither of the people I asked were truly familiar with the Old. They would claim that we are not living in the religion of the Old. They feel that the Old was for the people of that time and the New is for the people of this time. Understanding that the people I asked were not familiar with the Old, allows me to understand why they all seen the statement in the same way. They were only familiar with a capital "He" meaning, Jesus. If someone read the Bible correctly, starting from Old to New, that person will be familiar with a capital "He" meaning, God. So a person reading the Bible correctly, and came across Mar 13:6 where it has a capital "He", their mind will perceive the "He" as meaning, God. Now look at the form the entire statement takes. This is the way I perceived the statement. People will come to other people in the name of Jesus. This can be any person promoting the name of Christ to other people. The; "saying, 'I am He,’ part; means to me, people will claim that Christ is God. It is like this to me because I started from the Old so I was programmed to see "He" as meaning God. (In my opinion; if a book starts out with a capital "He" meaning God, then that book must end with "He" meaning God. The only way to refute this, is to physically separate the Old and New of the King James. That way the Old can keep it's meaning of "He and the New can keep it's meaning of "He"). Is this not what people are doing when they say Christ is God. Just that one word can change the entire statement. That’s why religious books can not change, from the original wording. Not one thing can be changed.
Lets look at a part of the statement; in its, so called original form. "For many shall come in my name saying, "I am Christ". "I am Chris", part is not right. If Christ was talking about and to other people, then he should have said, "they are Christ". The way it is written, you have an ambiguous statement. So when Christ said; "I am Christ", was he referring to himself or other people referring to him. No matter what Christ was trying to say, the situation is upon us. We have people claiming that Christ is the Messiah. We have people claiming Christ is God, and we have people claiming they are Christ. I do not claim Christ as being anything but a plagiarized story that was done by one of the Caesars of Rome. Due to the fact that the story of Christ was plagiarized from the Holy Scriptures of God, the New Testaments have truth with in them.
It makes sense to me because the New, when you read it; as a historian, you have a detailed history of Rome. In the Old, holy things and doings evolved around the Chosen Land. In the New, holy things and doings seem to spring from Rome, to the Chosen Land. I feel that a Caesars of Rome read the Holy Scriptures and devised a highly intelligent method of seizing the gold and wealth that is spoke of in the days of David and Solomon, Kings of Jerusalem. I feel, the best way to do that; to a nation of people that are obsessed with the Holy Scriptures, would be to create something that the Holy Scriptures leads a reader in to looking forward to, thus Christianity was born. I feel, that Jews were captured by Rome and were forced to write the story of Christ. These Jews were Holy men of the Jewish faith, and in their anguish and torture of being forced to write the New, they secretively put within the New, little hints and clues to let a righteous man (one who studies and adheres to the word of God only) see that the story of Christ could not have occurred and been approved by God, thus making the story of Christ another test for mankind. This scenario would be the reality of the New.
The Caesars of Rome found them men, actors and solder to play the part of Christ or Messiah. The story would be no good if they did not actually make it happen. They made graven images and buried them throughout the Holy Land and Rome itself. They had to physically fortify the story. The parts of the New where it talks of people after the story of Christ may be actual recorded events of Rome. Christ the man or solder, if he would have been accepted as the messiah or Anointed one, then he would have been made king of Jerusalem, thus he would have had access to Solomon’s gold, thus he would be free to give it to Rome. But the story of Christ back fired on Rome. The Jews rejected Christ as the Anointed one, so he went to the gentiles to build a larger force and try again to become Anointed. The Caesars did not realize; until it was to late, that they were creating a hole other religion. They tried to keep control of it but they could not, and that’s why Christ; the man, was murdered. Was it not the Caesars men who lead Christ to his death. You have to look at what was the controlling factor in the days of the New, it was Caesars of Rome. The New was Rome’s attempt to seize the wealth mentioned in the Old.
You must understand, when one comes to conclusions on religion as a whole; and true conclusions can be done if you only adhere to what God Himself says or expresses to the reader, the conclusions or theories must pertain to the spiritual and the realistic. Realistic deals with mans perception. Spiritual deals with Gods perception as best a man can understand or explain. God is aware, talks, and can manipulate in both.
Let me show you how it is extremely important to adhere to the word of God and keep it as your armor when you read any Holy Scripture. If you do not make the story line fit to the Law of God, you will be lost and fall victim to anything. So as I have expressed; I feel the Holy Scriptures are, in reality the writings of men. They are actual recorded events. Thus the reader can fall victim to the time line of The Book.
Read IKings 11:29-35; if the reader is not in the word of God, the mystery will be, why were there only ten tribes given to Jeroboam? God said He will give one tribe to David’s blood line, and that’s what began Jerusalem. That tribal name was Judah. So now you have eleven tribes accounted for. David’s blood line will be King over one tribe. Jeroboam will be King over ten tribes. If you have been reading and studying, you know there was twelve tribes. So where is the twelfth tribe. To figure this out, you must adhere to and make the story fit to Gods Anointed sayings. If you remember way back in Num 3:41, God took the tribe of Levi for Himself. In essence, God is the tribe of Levi’s King. And that’s where your twelfth tribe is. You must make the story fit to the word of God. That’s how you prove your absolute love for God. A love so deep that you can only perceive in the word of God. I have just given and proved to you absolute understanding of any, any Holy Scriptures you come across.
I am about to share with you something that is extremely important. Read IKings 22; now that you have read it, analyze what you have just read. Study what God Himself is doing. Remember; what God says or does is Law. When I analyze this, I see God Himself giving a spirit His approval to put with in about four hundred prophets, false prophesy. God said He would do this in Deu 13:1-4. Have you past the test. This means to me, from this point on lies the possibility of false prophesy. This means from this point on you could be reading the Scripture of a false prophet. If you read as I do you will realize God is telling you the reader; from here on out you could be reading false prophet. About four hundred men, that’s a lot of false prophets on the loose. God has given the reader no absolute way of knowing who the prophets are; or has He. He gave you a time zone. It is when the King of Judah was Jehoshaphat, and the King of ten tribes of Israel was Ahab, and King of Aram had Ramoth-gilead. And I feel, God would not put His name or actions in the words or visions of a false prophet; once it is, you can legally hold God to it. God must absolutely give our small minds some way of knowing truth. Look at who God gives the approval to. The way I see it, God has given you the reader fair warning.
With my CD ROM King James Bible, I did a phrase search on "Son of Man". Jesus refers to himself as Son of Man. This is your own god demanding to be known as so. It is the words of your own god so you must adhere to it, unless your faith and love in him can be overridden by a prophet or the opinion of another man. My word search was done on the entire Old, the computer came up with one hundred and eight hits. They are in Num, Job, PS, Isa, Jer, Eze, and Dan. Remember; false prophet has been approved, so you must weed out anything that has not the influence of God Himself. One caught my eye, Num 23:19, because it is in the Five Books of Moses. You read it and come to your own conclusion. To study Job, you have to get to know Job himself, get to know his history in the Old. Just do a search on "Job". My search hit Gen 46:13 and Job. So it is possible Job the man goes all the way back to Gen. His story will be interesting. I see Gen as a strange and dark period. A time when it was difficult to distinguish between spiritual and physical, phantom and reality. It was the beginning of time and all of the domains had not yet been totally defined.
-After studying Job-
I knew Jobs story would be strange. I have also noticed in my Tanakh, Job is not spelled the same in Gen of my King James. In King James it is "Job", In my Tanakh it is "Iob". I asked a rabbi about this and he said it is not the same person or name, in the Hebrew text. Job is where my second hit on "Son of Man" lands. Job 25:6, 35:8. Job is a heard story to understand, but most of it is, only after you have read from Gen-IIKings, and some of the New. To understand Job, you have to understand how vision came to them. They would come in fleshes of images and words. Then they would have to decipher the meaning, and it all hinges on what the decipher has already experienced in his life time. When you read Holy Scriptures, you are in fact experiencing what they are visioning. These men speak in the way their visions come; in flashes. I feel, the visions come to them through a level of Hebrew; the religion. In Hebrew you can inquire God about things. At this point we do not know exactly who Job is, but we do have the word of God, Job 1:8. So we know Job is a man of God. I would like to draw your attention to Job 1:6, 2:1. You read it and come to your own conclusion, but remember why God flooded the earth. And remember Gods first statement in the New.
I feel, that the Sons of God or the Adversary was the ones fallen to earth in Gen 6:4. In my Torah there is a word, "Nephilim". This word is also in the Torah of the Tanakh. This word or an expression of this word, has been totally removed from the King James. King James replaces it with "Giants". I asked a rabbi what this word meant in Hebrew. He said the best description in English is "fallen". Now you have an understanding that the Sons of God were the ones fallen to earth. I fell, they were fallen to earth because they wanted the daughters of men for themselves. But God had different plans for man, and the Sons of God rebelled, that’s what got the Sons of God fallen to earth. But the writers of the King James had to hide this concept by removing one word. Thus this concept would never jump out at the reader. Because once the reader realizes that the Sons of God were the ones fallen to earth, the reader would realize the first thing God says in the New is, "this is my Son". And the reader would realize that the Son is on earth being baptized, as Jesus. Now you see that an entire religion has been based on a book, influenced by the fallen. In Job 1:7, look where Satan or the Adversary says he has been when God asked him. This is a spiritual aspect of Sons of God. To me these little things are hints to a righteous reader. The writers of the King James might not have realized what they were doing. Spirituality works on our subconscious level. Remember I said; what other mind could give man a hint to flow against God but the second oldest mind of time. That would have to be His first born Son. See how everything falls into place spiritually and realistically when you study, and only adhere to the word of God. This theory was founded on Actions and Words of God Himself. That is the true meaning of studying the Anointed sayings of God.
I feel, God is once again dividing the Children of Man(all of us). He is doing this through allowing the Adversary to spiritually influence books created by man. These books to us, is a book that has the ability to cause us, to flow against Gods Anointed sayings. These other books are simply mans free choice. God has told man in his own words the tragic end of people who will naturally adhere to anything else but what God has said or expressed. For example, God expressed Christ is His Son. But I can not find where God expressed for the reader to follow his Sons religion, I can not find where God expressed to make His Son a religion. I can not find where God tells the reader to make Christianity or any other religion what it is today. Thus your choice is of your own doing. Your beliefs and theories are of your own doings. One can not come to other religions if he or she studies the Old and only adheres to the word of God. You even have to be careful, when you study the Old. In fact if one does this, they will become afraid of confessing any other book or character of a book. That’s what you call a God fearing person. We all are becoming one nation one people of one language; as we where in Babel. So how do you thank God will once again separate his chosen people from all the Children of Man.
You have four men; men of the religion, Hebrew, men of God. Job is being tested by God, through Gods Sons, the ones that bring evil or a test to the Children of Men. The men are meditating in Hebrew ( I feel, Hebrew is the name of the only recorded religion, and these men practice it to communicate and see images from spiritual beings and God). These men began to discuss their visions. Job 4:12; I feel, Eliphaz is describing a vision with one of the Sons of God. 4:17, one of the Sons of God is inquiring Eliphaz or God (it is difficult to determine where the vision speaks from, first, second or third person point of view). Remember I said; the Sons of God did not understand man as God does, they can not see all of the possibilities. I feel, the vision is from second person point of view, the Son is asking Eliphaz. 4:17-21, (I have once again noticed an agenda in the King James. In Job 5:1 of King James it says; "to which of the saints wilt thou turn". In the Tanakh it says; "to whom among the Holy beings will you turn". To me, there is a big deference between saints and Holy beings. Saints; excludes God. Holy beings; includes God). The Son of God is asking Eliphaz (a man) why is God forgiving towards man but not forgiving towards His spiritual servants, heavenly servants, angels, or hosts of God. Job 5:1-8, The Son is describing how foolish man can be, and how he may have had a hand in the curses put on Israel or the pharaohs. And the Son also gives his opinion of man. I feel; Job 5:8, is the Son describing what he would do if he was a man. 5:11, this is what God did with Israel. 5:12-13, I feel the crafty, are the writers of any other book that profess any other religion. And it has come to a point in time that they have fallen victim to their own deceit. Job 5:14-16, 14 is a reference to Deu 28:29, but the reveres of who it will be put on. 17, are you happy in your choice of religion, if it is wrong you will be corrected by God. Gods method of correcting is chastening, but I have noticed chastening will not come until after fair warning, no man knows when, after the warning.
The entire embodiment of Job: Their visions of things to come, Job speaks of a time when he was weal known. That; suggests a time before Jacob, so I feel Job is from Gen. Because visions are of, future. Job speaks of the tragedies that Israel will experience. Job 30, I have noticed that when Job speaks of his visions, he says, I. Thus Israel is related descendants of Job. (Let me clarify, if you had future vision of a people and their faces are unfamiliar but you know they are descendants of you and your blood line. You would call those people you. And that’s why Job says, I). Job is all interesting, but it would take to long and to much for me to explain all of it. I can not know what you do not understand of Job. To understand Job you need in-depth knowledge of Old and New. For example Job 31:1, what religion makes this covenant (binding agreement), remember Mat 5:28. Job is describing bad things that will befall Israel. Gods definition of adultery is totally deferent from Christ’s definition. Gods definition is pretty much defined in Lev 18. So now there is a choice. Which one have you lived by, which one have you forced upon others. Gods definition or Christ definition. Christ definition seems to me to be man trying to improve upon Gods definition. Failing to realize you can not improve upon perfection. I feel, Job 21:14-15 are what the kings, leaders and rulers said to God in PS 2. In my Tankh PS 2:2 says, ...."kings of the earth take their stand". Could Job 21:14-15 be what the kings leaders and rulers said when they took their stand against God. I thank it is.
I shell now study the next hits on, "Son of Man", which is PS 8, 80, 144 and 146.
Close: 12-27-97.
Open: 12-27-97.
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