Truth II
Open: 11-12-97
What God was looking for, is a race of people that had with in them glory and purity to call upon the name of the Lord. A people that had the greatest stamina to fight and be the best of a warier. A people that could withstand being spiritually and physically beat down to nothing but when given a hint of faith in something, they could come back strong if not better than before. A people that could, from innocents, be told they are wicked, foul, and see their kinsman put to death, destroyed and spit upon, be given a half an ounce of glory and manifest it into an infinite weight. God was looking for this race, this race with the survival instinct of a cockroach. Thus insuring man's stay upon this planet for as long as possible. For God knew once a race of this caliber was extinct, there would be know other race or people He could exorcise His glory on. Thus if God can not exorcise His glory to create possibilities of history, existent and future time, than how can life exist.
I will tell you this, every thing and every people is under the influence of Lord God of Israel only. He has given us a distinctive reference in which to identify Him with. That means if you were to go to another planet and you studied their god, if that god did not have a history of creation, choosing a people, taking that people from bondage, laying down law with that people, making them a nation, showing absolute loyalty to that people when they called upon His name and testing that people, if the history of the god you are studying has not the history of Lord God of Israel, then you know it is not. Thus the name "Allah" has the same history as the name "God", than it is the same God, just in a different name or language. That’s why you must have the Old Testaments. It is God's history, it is our method of identifying our true God. Thus if a person, refers to God's original books and tries to claim the history of God, it does not make that person God. God don't bleed. You have failed to keep a teacher and the master apart. It is impossible to steal a history, when it has been recorded. That’s what’s meant by "New gods that came up late". Deu 32:17. The only way a no god can claim the history of God is through the iniquity and failure of man. Thus God is visiting our iniquity. Exo 20:5, 34:7, Num 14:18. For God said He would leave other nations (religions) to test us. Jud 3:1, 2:22, Deu 13:1-4, could be a description of Jesus.
To understand the method I used to determine correctness, all I had to do is, any thing that is specified as being said by God and God only and can be confirmed with the Old Testaments, I took those words and made them absolute. Any thing besides that, is the imagination or iniquity of man. If it says any thing else besides, "God said", "The Lord said", "Lord God of Israel said", "God spoke unto", or "God commanded", then you must examine the statement because it raises the possibility of the intervention of man. Look at it like this, if you are in a conversation with God and you have done something foolish to your self or a people because you say God told you to, God is going to ask you to show Him were He said that, show Him were it is written in legal form. If you can not show Him, then your conversation with God has ended. Thus God said "This is my son" but I have found no legal saying, were God says to follow him or he is the only way you can get to Him. I am not through reading the New Testaments, perhaps I will come across it.
The statement in Mat 3:17, I must point out that this is a feeling that Jesus had, for if not, they would all be dead due to Deu 5:22, Deu 18:16. If Jesus was Jewish as proclaimed than the desires of Deu 18:16 would have applied to him. So the voice of the Lord could not have spoken to Jesus aloud were others would have heard it, or they would all be dead or consumed by the fire. So all of this must be a feeling with in Jesus himself.
I have shown you how you must analyze any words in which is proclaimed God said it. It must be confirmed with the words of the Old. In Mat 3:17, my King James study edition makes a reference to PS 2:7. When I read PS 2 in its entirety, it shocked me. We know that Jesus nor the New Testaments came before PS 2. And PS 2 has been Anointed due to "The Lord has said to me" statement. So what could it be that the kings, nations and people are plotting. What is God telling you in PS 2? If God mentions it and it involves kings and nations than it must be big. And God said He will declare the decree (official order). Well, I will let you thank about it. You read PS 2 and try to understand what God Himself is telling you. Do not take my word for it. I need you to read PS 2 and formulate your own opinion in what God is telling you.
My understanding of PS2:
When I read PS 2 in its entirety it feels as if, the nations (kings, leaders, religious leaders and rulers, all people that would be involved in running a nation) are angry about something and they began to plot a vain thing. They have meetings and plan a strategy (counsel together) against God and the Old Testaments (Anointed saying). Planning a strategy to brake the bond of Gods religion, the cords that they are bonded by. And God will laugh at their attempt to do so. Then God will let them know that they have done wrong. I feel that PS 2:5 is a reference to Deu 32:35, 30:7 and any were in which the Lord talks about putting evils that were put on the twelve tribes of Israel, by a no god people, back on the no god people. God actually said He will declare the decree. PS 2:7. I feel the decree is, God will allow this one called Jesus to be claimed as His son. Understanding what a decree is (official order), you now understand that Jesus should only be looked at as the son of God. So through your entire reading of the New Testaments, any deviation from Jesus being the son of God is the iniquity of man or your failure to adhere to the Anointed words of God. For even in you own religion you have failed to abide to the decree set by God Himself. PS 2:8 is what leaders and kings have today, nations. PS 2:9, this could be a description of war. "Dash them in pieces", could be a man being torn apart by explosion. "Rod of iron", could be the barrel of a gun, rifle or cannon. I wonder how many men have died from this fate. PS 2:10,11,12 God is telling the creators and servants of Jesus, they should serve God only, but if you serve Jesus you better kiss him and serve him well, even yet he might continue to be angry with you. But at the end God gives the followers of Christ a little blessing. So if you feel that your following of Christ is good and has allowed you to come thus far, it is not Christ, it is the blessing of God.
Thus God has blessed the writings of Christ, so it is a valid book. I feel that God has put in this book future events that will occur if this religion is followed. Your mind and your study of the New Testaments must keep it in prospective. And to do that you only need to adhere to the absolute sayings of God.
The reason I feel that PS 2 is a direct reference to the New Testaments is because God in essence marked it with His declaration of the decree, "This is My son", as God said He would do, in PS 2. Thus the writings of the New Testaments is the vain thing that was plotted against the Lord's Anointed sayings. PS 2 is proof that the story of Christ was created by man but under the influence and little blessing of God. Thus it is a test that was approved by God. I have always wondered, if you are an entity that can exist in non linear time and you wrote your Testaments, why would you write a second Testament. That very act would be absolutely illogical. As you can see PS 2 is not absolute support of several working relationships that I have presented to you by staying in the theme of the Old Testaments. Or is it, you have God blessing the writings of the New Testaments, you have God allowing His son retribution, the concept is the same. You must understand I am writing this as I read. I have read all of the Five Books of Moses and I have started reading Prophets of the old while starting on the New Testaments. I had not yet read PS 2 until I started analyzing Mat 3:17 and noticed a reference note to PS 2, in my King James study edition. The concept of PS 2 and the scenarios that I have shown you have the same basic theme and that is the religion of Christ and the religion of Lord God of Israel are not of the same. The only power I used is the Anointed sayings of God. Keep Gods saying as law and absolute and you will see as I have. Thus every man woman and child can be saved through the readings and understanding of the Old Testaments. Thus the Old Testaments are in essence our Messiah.
I feel that PS 2 sums up the religion of Christ, PS 2 gives Christ origin. In understanding Gods method PS 2 can be considered Anointed by God, due to the statement "The Lord has said to me". You see Lord God of Israel controls what we write. If God doesn’t want it in His Kingdom, than it can't be written. So by Gods formula of anointing sayings, I can conclude that PS 2 is approved.
Kings of nations and religious leaders get together and they call upon their absolute best of writers, dreamers and artist, men of renown. And in a grate chamber they made an oath with each other, "Let what we are about to do, not be known to other men, this shall not live this room". And they all counseled and devised the beautiful story of Jesus Christ. With this knew found knowledge I see way they were angry. If you were king or ruler over a nation and you were trying to build it up and make it strong, get it to the point were you had absolute loyalty of the people to the point were you say go to war, they go to war, you say kill, they kill. You could not do this with the Old Testaments floating around your nation, your people. Thus the story of Christ was born. And God was sitting in His Kingdom laughing at their attempts to brake His peoples bonds and cast away their cords from them. But God blessed their attempts to do so. For I feel that God knew this would be the biggest test for Israel and the stranger who sojurnith. For it was not a test of physical strength, but a test of mental strength. In our minds, heart, imagination, soul, knowledge and thought, do we hold the love of God, do we hold His law, His doctrine. This is what Lord God of Israel wanted proven. Exo 16:4, 20:20, Deu 8:2, 8:16, 33:8, 13:3, these are the passages that have the word "prove", "proveth” or "test". Pay close attention to Deu 13:3.
So these kings, writers and artist came up with this remarkable story of Christ in an attempt to dilute the religion and the Anointed words of God. You should have known something was wrong when disciples did not fast. Mat 9:14. Sabbath was broken. Mat 12:12. God is not like man, He does not change His mind.
I wonder if the blessing that God gave to these kings and writers made the story real. Thus making our biggest challenge our own iniquity. I have observed passages in the New Testaments that have given future predictions. Thus these kings and rulers were in the blessing of God as they evolved the story of Christ. In Mat 19:28, I ask you, were have the children of Israel (mostly black people) been judged in which twelve thrones (twelve of something big) were involved? A confident history teacher could tell you that. As long as man is in the state of mind were we judge one another by the color of skin, then the Son of Man, is in his glory.
Due to the blessing of the New Testaments, they do deserve the respect of man. But any glory, praise and worship you do, belongs to Lord God of Israel and it belongs to Lord God of Israel only. The religion of God is not illogical, God is logic. But when you try to weave a religion of man into Gods religion, that’s when things become confusion. The New Testaments give insight into the mind and glory of God, but you must be armed with the Anointed words and law of God or you will lose the prospective and fall victim.
I have noticed that Jesus insist on referring to himself as the Son of Man. Thus this shows, even in your own religion you can not follow the decree set by your own god, you even fail him.
People my say, why am I attacking Christianity? Why is my focus on Christianity? It is the only religion that has been physically attached to Gods Anointed words. Which is in violation of Deu 4:2, Deu 13:1 or King James study edition Deu 12:32. I am a servant of Lord God of Israel and I feel it be my duty to question any words any relationship and religion that does not conform to Gods Anointed sayings.
I see more of why Christ was created by man (leaders, kings and rulers). How can you be king and force law when the people say, show me were it is written or Anointed by God, show me were it is a conformed derivative of Gods Anointed laws. That is what the kings were referring to in PS 2:3, Gods law made them feel bonded when they tried to create their own law and they wanted to brake the cords of Gods restrictions. It is a description of how the rulers felt when they would try to propel their nations and control the people. (It also can explain Mat 18:24-27, it shows their proclaimed messiah paying tax, thus approval, thus making way for a more elaborate laws of taxes made by kings or rulers, thus royalty for the nation. God is talking to you in these books, but you must be able to see, you must arm yourself in the Anointed words of God. You must circumcise your heart.) How can you be king when your people will not war against another nation that is of the same religion? (The people throw in your face Exo 20:13 and the kings research the Anointed words to show its ok, but the people come back with were its not ok and then it turns into a debate. And the king sets there angry because he has not accomplished his objective. Instead it has become a debate over the Anointed words of God.) How can you be king when your people are aware and respect a Higher power. How can you balance your meat market? How can you make money if there be a people you can not charge interest and all leans must be closed after seven years? How can you run your own nation. These are the questions the kings and rulers had no answer to, thus they created Christianity. Christianity was mainly created to show the people you could brake Gods law and not be condemned, so they thought. The kings and rulers created a savior so the people would feel better about the breaking of Gods Anointed words, so the people would feel better about the atrocities the kings and rulers would demand them to commit, while they have committed nothing, so they think. Christianity is mans desire to have more control and rule over his own destiny and doings. Just as Israel did, 1 Sam 8:6-9. The same was occurring, but nation wide and in a later time of history.
Just thank, if every man woman and child started following the religion of God, our existing structure would crumble. Our financial structure would collapse. All of this was built in the image of Son of Man. I feel that our most confident but secretive leaders know, what I have seen. For they have had the best minds, the best interpreters, the best theologians give their report on these books. But it is their information, they paid for it. That’s what it will come down to, a choice between your present existence (unconscious consumer) and becoming existing in something acceptable to God (conscious consumer). Will our existing government be intelligent enough to receive anointing or will restructure be required. I feel if you were to do a statistical analyses of how many people have given their life and praise to God and God only as opposed to the shifting of crime on non believers or servers that put another next to God or try to change Gods identity, you would see a balanced figure. For it is God heaping evils back on the enemies. But God gave the followers of Son of Man a little blessing, so they will be the last to receive the heaping.
Some will say that the religion of God and His Anointed words are to violent or destructive and filled with murder of sinners. We can live in Gods religion and not stone a sinner or criminal. But we must vanish the evil from the land by putting it on an island or a place that is separate from our land. And when God comes and sees this wicket place and ask why are they not dead or stoned, we can plead our case. Why do you think the story of the daughters of Zelophehad, Num 36, and Aaron not eating the sacrificial meat, Lev 10, are in the Old Testaments. They are there to show you that God is a Judge, Ruler and King. New laws and understanding can always become. If Aaron had never presented his case, the entire Dietary Laws would never had been defined. God just wants to be your King and grow, live among us, and show us His glory and see every heart and soul loving Him and only Him as God, continually. The book of Jesus gives you some insight into how God is, Mat 13:45,46. God is the Merchant, the He should be caps, the "one pearl of grate price" is Jacob (Israel). Thus He sold every thing, that includes the love of His sons or beings that were there in the beginning. So we can present our case of banishment of evil, it is a good case because it falls between, thou shalt not murder, Exo 20:13, and stoning, Lev 20. What do you thank, "cut him off from among his people", means.
I must stress again, God has given us the formula to reading and understanding any book or papers that are of a religious nature. If a saying expresses God, Lord God of Israel and The Lord (with no previous name), the God that has the history of Lord God of Israel said it, that passage or saying must be rooted in your mind. This is the way the entire book or papers should be perceived. This is the method God uses to let any man woman and child know that the saying has been Anointed by Him. You must understand, God controls what we write. Even a non believer will not write something down bad about God. You will tremble in fear and hesitation. Take that fear and multiply it by ten and you will see what the writers of the New Testaments felt. Thus God controls what we write. That’s why you see the reoccurrence of angels in the New Testaments. The writers used angels and spiritual beings to say what they were afraid to write about God or sayings that God said it. I wonder if the writers looked upon PS 2 and did not realize that it was foreseeing them and their actions.
I would like to look deeper into the scenario of PS 2. That is, man being the creator of Christianity and Jesus. Jesus constantly referred to himself as the Sons of Man. When I go to the Old Testaments of God and look for the first time the statement "Son of Man" is used by God and His Anointed words, I find it in Babel. In my King James study edition, it actually says "Son of Man". Gen 11:5. In my Torah it says "Children of Men", which is the same as Son of Man but it is the inclusion of woman. This is the way you must root your self in Gods Anointed sayings. God has defined important words and sayings that you must adhere to. You will not see this if you are not 100% in the word of God. The Old Testaments is your Rock for study, your foundation of faith. That’s how I came up with the conclusion that Jesus was referring to something related to Sodom and Gomorrah when he said "salt of the earth". Salt was not recognized as a preservative until meat and perishables began to be shipped over great distances. So to see it in that light you have taken it out of context. So God has put the hint in the story of Christ that it is man. But Jesus is mans iniquity, or desire to rule over our selves and make our own rules. In essence leaders created man, a king. Just like the children of Israel demanded a king. You are the only being responsible for presenting you and your case(life) before God. There is no being, there is no entity between you and your relationship with God. There was non between Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses and several others, so what makes you thank there has to be one for you. I claim these men, that I have just named, as my forefathers, thus I am a descendent of one of the twelve tribes of Israel. I will know no other god that my forefathers did not know. That is my stand, that is my decree. Any other being or entity other than God, must be considered as a teacher or test, sent or allowed by God.
So sticking to the scenario of man, or lets be more specific, leaders of nations are the origin of Jesus, I wonder how far they went. They would have to do more than just write the story. They would have to hire actors, and highly intelligent men. Is it possible, when you see those modern day ministers healing people on t.v., you could be looking at a reenactment of what Christ did. Is it a coincidence that Lenoardo da Vinci has a patent on the beginning works of how a man could walk on water. And he also has works for a submarine. I feel, with the unlimited resources of kings and rulers these ideas could have been perfected. Lenoardo also has paper work on a camera. I saw a show on t.v. were these scientist were trying to recreate the Shroud of Turin. They found Lenoardo's papers on the works of his camera. It was a box with a pinhole and opposite the pinhole was open. They took some linen cloth and soaked one side with a mixture of water, urine and lemon juice. They pointed the pinhole at the sun and after several hours any image that went in the pinhole with the sun light would be a faint negative on the cloth. I have always felt, if man came upon something that was truly holy to God, we would not be able to examine it, touch it, nor duplicate it, science would be baffled. I have always thought the nose on the Shroud of Turin was to long and narrow to be the nose of a pure bred person from Jerusalem. When I look upon the nose of the men in Jerusalem, it is more like a black mans nose, wide, fat and short. I feel that God did put truth in their attempts of vanity against His Anointed words. I have seen in the New Testaments references of future situations that have occurred. I feel that God put within the writings of the New Testaments our future if we continue in that religion. And God also put insight into His Kingdom. And with in the New Testaments are hints to the circumcised heart that something is wrong. But you will only see it if you love God to the point of instinct, to question any deviation from the Anointed words of God. You must have an instinct to the point were some one tells you that God and Jesus are the same, you should ask them how can they deviate from Gods decree, "This Is My Son". And what ever answer they come up with, you must demand to see the passage were God Anointed it by it referring to God said it. Not Jesus, but God Himself said it. I feel that they will not find it written like that. Not in the Old nor the New. And if it is not, than the entire concept is mans inability to adhere to the word of God. I feel that the death of Jesus should be investigated. I feel that within the New Testaments might be a statement made by Jesus that got him murdered, for he was about to blow the kings and rulers entire story. Jesus may have started feeling guilt and fear to be involved in these vain things against Gods Anointed saying. And for Christ's resurrection, the kings and rulers just got someone that looked like the first. I have asked reverends, ministers and will ask an evangelist, what would have occurred if Jesus did not die on the cross. Most have said we would not have been saved? Than I say, show me were God said that. Non have been able to, thus I feel it is the iniquity of man. The entire concept of Christ does not fit with the Old Testaments of God. It feels as if a man read the Old Testaments of God and weaved in the New Testaments. Thus the only place the New Testaments can fit, is were God said He will test our love for Him, is it in your soul.
If you take a child that has not been religiously defiled and you show them a cross and ask what do you see. The child will say, the letter "T". That’s one of the hints of God, through the story of Jesus, to the circumcised heart, when Jesus said we must be like children in the Kingdom of God. And that’s the way your mind must become. How can you know the New before you know the Old, it does not make sense, something is wrong with the story of Christ.
If you absolutely believe that you must go through Jesus to get to God, than you keep your faith in him as your messiah. For God said He will live nations to test Israel. I feel that the test of God will be His method of, once again, separating the Children of Man. And I feel it will occur in America. Due to the fact, that God let it be written on all of our moneys "IN GOD WE TRUST". Trust in Him now.
I have not yet completed Prophets of the Old Testaments. I can not wait to see the house David builds for God. And perhaps in my reading and study, I will see Truth of Christianity in another light. But I feel I will not, because it is not in the light of the Five Books of Moses and Moses was the closest. So close that his skin glowed raise of Gods Glory.
Throughout my studies and readings, I have found the only true place a man woman or child can go to hear the voice of God is the Old Testaments. You should read them before you commit yourself to any church, temple or religious organization. If you can find none, than you are safe in the word of God and you will have the absolute teacher. That way if you join a place of worship, you can question any saying that is not in agreement with what God taught you. Read Deu 30:11-14, and you will understand why I feel this.
I have shown you, if you allow your imagination to stay on the path and theme the Old Testaments take it in, you will see Truth. That’s how I came up with the first scenario of God and sons of God being of opposition in religion. Do not stray to the left nor right, keep your vision in the direction that Gods Anointed sayings take it. No church, nor temple, nor religious organization by man will teach you these things. Only God and His Anointed words can show you the true way. But your heart must be circumcised. You have to desire to have God as your Ruler and King.
It would be nice if there was an organization by man that would take you into the depths of Gods Anointed words. A place that had no other agenda but to do right by God. I have found none that has not faltered to the thoughts and derivatives of man. But if you do not read Gods Anointed words, your next closest choice is that of Judaism.
I would like to try to describe to you in a summed up way. If you have children at the age of awareness, this might be clearer to you. If you are not under the original and Anointed words of God, than this description applies to you. You are like the child in which the father has specifically told not to put on a specific article of clothing. And the child runs up to its room and finds another article of clothing, not the specific one the child’s father told not to put on, but one just like it. The child thinks it is doing right. The child convinces its self that it is doing right. But in that child’s heart, in that child vision, it knows the clothing is the same. And then the child runs to the father, to see his response. That is the parable that describes you (the child) and religion (the article of clothing). If you have children, you know what I am talking about. That child will gleam in their righteousness in front of you; because they have did what you have said. But if you are any kind of parent, you will have bad news for that child.
Close: 11-20-97
Open: 11-20-97
More to come. As I learn, you learn........