I was playing around with my Bible Codes software and found something interesting. I personally feel the codes are real but the programs that run them are not focused enough. The way the codes works, in the original Assyrian Hebrew script there was neither vowels nor spaces in the text. The original Hebrew script of the Torah was non verbal (no vowels). It is simply a continues string of consonants in block form paragraphing, like a crossword puzzle. The codes go back to that original form. Within that form one can find words associated with other words. If one types in a word, the computer programs will search the continues string in all directions. The program searches in what they call equal distance. First it will search for the word in increments of one, then increments of two and so on. For example: one can do a search on Diana (Princes Diana) and within the matrix (block form text) you can find words around her name like "Photographers" and "you killed me". Basically you can find words close to your original search word that can give one more insight about the search word. After I investigated the codes and looked into how it works, I came to the conclusion that it is unfocused. One could come up with anything, we need to find or establish some rules and guide lines on a legitimate method of forming sentences and meaning. You just about have to know what you are looking for.
I did a word search on the name in which God Himself called Jesus. This name is "Maher-Shalal-Hash-Baz". This is translated as, "Pillage hastens, looting speeds", indicating that two cities are to be pillaged at an early date. I suspect it is the true record to the berth of the leader of the destroying faction that would deliver the final blow to Israel and Judah. Which would be Babylon, which I suspect to be Rome. This description of Jesus is exactly what the followers of Jesus did to Africa. Which I suspect is the original land of a people called Israel. This does not mean every black person is a descendents of Israel. There were all kinds of blacks around Israel but yet not apart of the bloodline of Israel. Remember Moses married an Ethiopian, Num12:1. I support my theory that Israel started out black due to the Word of God:
Amos:9:7: Are ye not as children of the Ethiopians unto me, O children of Israel? saith the LORD. Have not I brought up Israel out of the land of Egypt? and the Philistines from Caphtor, and the Syrians from Kir?
There are several places were men of Israel speaking, out right say they are black. But Christians say they were speaking in terms of being cursed or it was said as a non-physical reference. I guess they see black as a curse.
You can find the name of Jesus in Isa8:1. This leads to Isa8:8. Which leads to Matt1:23. The translation of Immanuel is "God is with us". For the destroying faction to conquer Israel God had to be with them. That's what Immanuel means. Did not God tell Israel the He was going to bring a destroying nation upon them? Did not God constantly tell Israel it is time to serve Babylon? Basically God was destroying Israel because of our sins and failure to serve God only. The description in Isa8 is exactly how the followers of Jesus conquered Africa and all of earth. If one believes in their heart and soul that they are apart of Israel or the stranger whom sojourn's, then you have no part in Jesus. For you already have a LORD and SAVIOR. HIS reference name is LORD GOD of Israel. But there is a people upon this earth that know the truth and they know for as long as they can keep Israel serving Jesus and calling upon him, they will reign. These are the same people of the bloodline of the people that conquered Israel. It is not difficult to figure the King James Version out. But you can only do it when you hold only the specific sayings and actions of God as your guide.
This is my word search on "Maher-Shalal-Hash-Baz", the true name of Jesus. The text in red, is the name. The text in black boxes is the code. It says "Babylon or Babel". Is this proof of my point of view? I do not know, but as you can see the words are there. They say when a word actually intersects with your search word, it becomes highly likely to be a truth.