Truth III

Open: 12-4-97

I would like to show how the writers of the New Testaments; in their minds, protected themselves from the raft of God, or from the supporters of the Old Testaments or Holy Scriptures in the event that their secret would become known to man. You have to remember these are highly intelligent writers. I have not completed all of the New, but I have found no statements made by God that was not already said in the Old. That way the writers felt they could not be accused of adding to or taking away from the work of God. They just studied the Old, took were God made a statement, cut it out of the Old and placed it were they felt appropriate in the New and wrote their own story around the statement. They saw PS 2 and used Gods Anointed saying "this is my son" and from there, wrote their own story around it.

Lets look at Mat 10:32, 33. Confess means to declare faith in. I will put it simple. If you come before God and Jesus and Jesus ask you; who do you confess? What will you say?

A lot of Christians will say Jesus. A lot will say they are the same, thus the question would never apply. You have failed to understand religion in both cases. In the first case you have chosen another entity over God. In the second case you failed to adhere to what God said, "this is my son". Thus both cases, both theories are a failure. Gods original religion will not back you into a corner like this. Gods religion is not illogical. The only way you can truly win in this situation is to confess God and God only. Due to the statement; "before men", it could mean you are being asked that question right now, as you live before men. What religion do you live or go by, the religion of the Old or the religion of the New. Get a good dictionary and look up the word Church, then look up Temple. The word Church does not appear in the Old nor The Holy Scriptures.

Notice how the statement is written. The writers did not say God, they said Father. Thus the reader must assume Father means God. Thus clearing the writers of any accusation that could be made by man, that Gods Anointed words or reference name was misused. From what I have seen of the New; Father could mean David, Abraham, an entire slue of people. Just by reading the New alone, Father is not truly defined. So if you make your own assumption, you have cleared the writers. Your own mind and iniquity has completed the story against Gods Anointed sayings. You also have to assume; if you do not confess Jesus, you will be condemned to hell; but notice, the statement never says that. Once again your assumption has made the story. The statement is to broad to base a religion on.

After seeing further; I have now found where Jesus is claiming to fit into the Old. I could not see this when I started writing Truth, I knew not David the King. But now I do; as I am continuing his story. I have found where David the King has verified to me his tribal name; Judah IISam 19:12-14. So Christ tribal name is Judah. I feel the only way to identify; today, the tribe of Levi would be to ask yourself, what people have kept, ministered and made the most effort to live by Gods Anointed sayings. That people would be the bulk of the Jewish race. Moses gave the Torah to the tribe of Levi, Deu 31:25,26. Is it a coincidence that the Torah is the Jewish peoples Old Testaments, they call it Law. The bulk of them are the only race that has kept this book. The Torah is the original Holy Scriptures of Gen-Deu, but nothing is absolutely exact ( I have found that the Torah was originally written in Hebrew with no spaces, vowels, periods nor paragraphs. I have looked upon writing just like that. When you print out the hex code for a computer program, it comes out just like that. And that’s why I feel if we knew the original numbering system of Hebrew, we would find that the Torah is bilingual; God would not leave guess work up to man, on something this important. The Torah is the key to humankind’s longevity. ) If you say the tribe of Judah is the Jewish race and all other tribes were Jewish, then it will not fit with what God said in Deu 4:27, Lev 26:33, Deu 28:64, pay close attention to Deu 28:64. I feel that two tribes can be Identified today due to Gen 49:5-7, "scatter them in Israel", means the entire Promised Land as described by God, were the children of Israel lived. The people in that land today are the diluted descendants of Levi and Simeon. Thus where are the descendants of the other ten tribes. They are scattered abroad in other nations as God said He would do.

So now I have found the tribal name of Jesus. I have tried to express to you when something is based on my feelings because all of this is based on faith. I will allow you to use that for your excuse not to believe. For I have gone further into the Anointed sayings of God. I have gone into the theory of the Anointed sayings of God, as I read. And I have tried my best not to stray to the left nor right. It is not written that the Jewish race is the tribe of Levi. It is only there when you have absolute faith in what God; set, would be here today. Thus knowing and feeling that, then Jesus claimed the wrong tribe. I feel that Jesus was claimed as Jewish because at the time the kings and rulers had the New Testaments written, the Jewish race was the strongest promoters of Gods Anointed sayings. But the writers had now way of knowing the Jewish race is the tribe of Levi because it is based on faith in Gods Power. Thus Jesus claimed the wrong tribe. Judah is one of the tribes, scattered abroad.

Let me show you how you must listen and analyze the Anointed sayings of God; to make your armor stronger. This is no more than what you would do in collage; in a literature or writing course. In Gen 32:25-31. The Man that wrestled with Jacob was God in His human form. If you try to say that the Man was not God, remember God is telling this story to Moses and Moses is writing it. Jacob himself said the Man was God. God was testing Jacob’s strength, his endurance in the physical, and what Jacob would put his faith in when in the heat of battle. Jacob was to intelligent for God to test Jacob’s faith by using man. That’s why you see Jacob himself evading physical conflict with man. So God had to take upon His human form and induce the conflict Himself. Now; what you need to analyze is, how did Jacob now the man he was wrestling with was God? God gave no verbal hint to Jacob that the Man was Him. So how did Jacob now the Man he wrestled with; for half a day, was God. You must examine this and give your most logical answer. I came up with two things. The Man did not fatigue nor was there blood, no bruises or scratches. The Man looked as good as He did before they began to wrestle, all the way to the end of the struggle, He looked the same. The theme God gives you is they struggled for half a day. The other theme is God let you now that Jacob knew the Man was Him. Jacob demanded the blessing for a reason. That reason was because Jacob new the Man was God. God can not or will not simulate blood. There is something sacred about blood. That’s why you see a lot of blood in the Old. God also tells Israel (the children) not to drank the blood of the beast. Lev 7:26. Blood is sacred, even to God. I will let you have these. In Exo 2:5-6; how did the Pharaoh's daughter now she had a Hebrew child? Exo 1:8-14; what was it about the children of Israel that distinguished them from the original inhibitors of Egypt. Give your most logical and thoughtful answer.

If you thank I will be condemned or my soul will burn in hell for speaking out against the Son of Man, then once more it is your failure to adhere to the sayings of your own god. Luk 12:10. If you must believe that Christ is God, then once more you have failed to listen to your own gods words. Mat 23:10. You see now how the writers of the New protected themselves. They can say they never told you Christ is God. They can say they never told you to follow Christ as a religion. So when you come before God; it will be you and God, and that’s it. All other religions; is your imagination out of control, it is your iniquity. Man not now the power of the mind. Christ himself tells you the power one can have when they have absolute faith in God. Mark 11:20-24. I feel that this is also a reference to the power of Hebrew.

Rev 6:2; Man (leaders, rulers and kings), is the sacrificial lamb. The man on the white horse is the Kings that were officially Anointed by God; in the Old. I say this because of the statement, "crown was given unto him". I say this because in the Old, crowns were given to Anointed Kings. So I feel that the man on the white horse is a representation of the tribe of Judah, the blood line of David and Solomon, the blood line of Anointed Kings who were over all eleven tribes of Israel. Rev 6:4; could be Jesus Christ, mans unanointed king. I say this because of what Jesus himself said, Mat 10:34. Power was given to Christ by man because it is a religion that was created by man. Thus Christ is not Anointed by God. Christ is anointed by man. Rev 6:5; the rider of the black horse is the anointing priest or prophet sent by God. Rev 6:8; every man woman and child that has died due to war is a fourth of the earth. It might be possible to see if this seal has been open. Take the number of souls that have died due to war and the number of souls living, if the souls dead are a fourth or more of the souls living, then that seal is open. The Son of Man (leaders, rulers and kings) gave death its power through war. Rev 6:9, they are the tribe of Levi, the ones that have died promoting Gods Anointed sayings, Gods name. The book they are holding is the Torah. Rev 6:11 is referring to all the tribes of Israels descendants. This seal has not yet been open. This is a direct reference to Judgment day as described in the Song of Moses. Deu 32:35-43. It is what they are waiting for. Rev 6:12-17 is a description of the coming of God. When His Glory(Ship) is coming down to hover over the earth. It is a description of an extremely, extremely large ship coming through earth’s atmosphere. Truth is within all of us, but it takes a wise man to comprehend how another mind sees. If you now the content of the vision; you can calculate the mean. The content of Revelations is religion; reading the Old, while writing the New. And that is why you see much similarity.

I have a small computer that has the King James Holy Bible in it, Old and New. I also have it on CD ROM and I have the Tanakh on CD ROM. I have this and an arsenal of books. As I started out with the books that I told you about ;to study religion, I soon found it would require more. It is difficult to get Holy books that do not try to promote a specific agenda. I had to go to the Jewish books to find this. A race of people that have not inserted certain words in the Anointed words of God. Just the other day I was over my mothers house and she has an old, old bible, its a King James version. I tried to show her PS 2 from her bible, as I read it I noticed it had the name Christ right on top of it. I believe they called it Christ’s Kingdom or something like that. How can a people do that, how can a people take Gods Holy, Holy sayings and defile it with their own concepts, their own names, their own religion. After I saw that, my heart was grieving, my thoughts were sadden to thank how God feels to see of these atrocities. The emotions that God expressed in Gen 6:5, he had to be feeling that same way when this was being done. But God has made His covenant with us, and right now that may be the only thing stopping God from starting over. God has said He would not destroy this earth until all of the children of Israel; that means descendants to, (When He seeth that their stay is gone, and there is none remaining, shut up or left at large). Deu 32:36. Judgment will not come until these things have occurred. So now we have God Himself setting in His Kingdom angry and sad, but bound by His own doctrine. But God did say He would deliver us unto another people. Will earth be delivered?

And now I now why older people are engrossed in Christ. In their time, Christ’s name was woven into Gods Anointed sayings. It would be next to impossible to make older people see Truth. And why I was trying to tell my mother of these things, she's telling me; I will not be saved. Then I remembered something Jesus said in Mat 10:35, in essence I was doing just that. So I will try not to speak to her about these things anymore. I understand that the battle is not vocal, physical or between people. If you make it like that, you will put Jesus in his glory. As I said; God put within the story of Christ what will befall us if we; as a majority, follow a man made god. When you say Jesus is God, read Mar 13:6. Read it in its entirety, so you can not say I am trying to deceive you. So the next time you are quoting something Jesus said, you might want to look around you. Its your god, you should now his sayings. The battle is in your mind, only you can bring yourself to Truth; YOU, have to read the Holy Scriptures and see for yourself.

Technology can be a method of measuring mans overall intelligence. Man has reached a level of intelligence in which we can understand God better than what we do. If man can launch and properly navigate a robot millions of miles into space, design the craft so no matter how it lands; it will be right side up, successfully land the robot on a planet, view information sent back to earth, then man; as a whole, has reached the intelligence level of understanding God better than what we do. We have computers that can search a billion word document for a word or phrase in seconds. But understand; you have to now what you want to search for. One error in what you are looking for and your computer will not find it. For example; "Son of Man", if you did a phrase search for it, and your computers Old Testament just happen to say, "Children of Man", it would not find it. So you must now what you are looking for, you must study the Old. You have to be aware of the sayings and words. The computer just takes the place of ten people studying together as opposed to one person and his computer studying. The good thing about studying with a computer; it can not formulate and argue an opinion, thus your study is uninhibited, no human is there to enforce their beliefs. After you do that, then you can get the opinions of others, but not before you have studied. I feel that every time we launch one of our machines into deeper space, it sends out ripples that can be felt by God. Space is designed to do that. We may not yet be able to see these ripples, but they are there. Space; to God, is almost like water is to us. It is one of the methods God uses to monitor His Kingdom, it gets His attention. And if we are not religiously aware, then we are a threat.

What do I mean by threat? As we are; we do not understand God, thus we do not understand other life forms. We do not understand being. Just because a planet looks dead to us, it does not mean that planet is truly dead. There lies the possibility of a life form we do not understand. Look at it like this; when the craft that carried the robot to Mars went plummeting into the atmosphere of Mars at high speed, can we absolutely 100% say, that it did not murder or effect another life form beyond our understanding, we can not say that. Thus we are a threat in the Kingdom of God. When mans technology as a whole; exceeds his understanding of God, as a whole, then we are a threat. Did God not appear as smoke, a cloud or mist. Exo 40:34. Several times God appears in different forms of life. Ask your self the question; why did God do that. Would it not be logical to maintain the form of the beings you are interacting with. But God did not do that, He displayed several forms. Thus; what is God trying to tell man, of this age. If you remember; way back in Gen, God said: "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness". Gods image at that time was the form of man. Now put it all on another planet, at another time and Gods image at this time is smoke, a cloud or mist. And God says: "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness." Now mans image is smoke, cloud or mist. So before we hurled our craft at Mars; we may have checked the planet for life, but did we check the clouds, the mist that surrounds the planet. So now you see how our arrogance and unawareness of God, could cause earth to be delivered, to other world beings. That is the reality of it. Look at it like this; if a probe or craft was flying around in our atmosphere and it could not communicate, what would our response be?

You see, God needs to now our overall choice in religion, so He can set our arena. Will we come upon other planets of religiously mature beings or upon planets of our same statute. If it is of our same statute then there is a 90% chance of war. Most likely we will release our planet to these other beings, their technology will be more advanced, we will become slaves to them and they will be like the people God described to the children of Israel, they will do all the things that were described in Deu. The entire scheme starts all over again, just on a larger scale. Just like the children of Israel. Then the same scheme moves to a nation wide arena. Its next arena is planet wide. History is repetitive. You have the history of Israel, which God separated from Children of Man or Son of Man. And now you have the history of Son of Man. You see, the two brothers both get their chance to rule their nation. One brother has ruled his nation, the older brother has been the youngest slave. That nation was called Israel. Now; today, the other brother is ruling his nation, and the youngest has been his slave. That nation is called America. Most of Esau's descendants became extremely mixed with survivors of Sodom and Gomorrah, to the point of complete eradication of natural flesh, they became them. White flesh was scattered all around, but the highest concentration was around the Salt Sea. What saved Jacob’s descendants from this, was his Journey to Laban. Why do you thank Esau's generation and blessing is not seen in the Torah? It is because it is being played out today, here in America. The Holy Scriptures are not yet completed. The Holy Scriptures is a recording of Gods work, and Gods work is never done; if so, life would cease to exist. We are living Esau's blessing today; in America, and it has come to the point were we must make a choice between the Living God and a god that has been created by man. You see God needs to now our overall choice. Will we choose The Living God, Lord God of Israel or will we choose a man made god. If we choose God then all is well. If you choose a man made god, then the ones that made that choice will be delivered. This is my feeling on how things will be played out. All I have done is stuck to what occurred to the children of Israel. Read and see what God did with them when they started serving and worshipping other gods. I now this is to deep for you to believe. You can only see this deep when you have faith in God absolutely and see God as the center of doings. You must now the history of Israel; and realize, we are doing the same thing.

I started out searching for the word "Messiah". I was looking for Gods definition. In my Tanakh, I found no hits on the word "Messiah". In my King James study edition I found two hits. It appeared in Dan 9:25, 9:26. In the Holy Scriptures(Tanakh), it says, "the anointed one". So now you see it makes a difference on what book you read. The King James version has an agenda, to fit Christ in the Old. And you can see this with extreme if you find a real old King James Bible. I have noticed in my study edition, they have removed the name Christ out of the Old. So now you have a holy book that changes. The Tanakh is the Jewish peoples Bible. They call it The Holy Scriptures. The King James Old is suppose to be the Tanakh, but I have found specific words have been added, to promote Christ. And if you get an older version, or untranslated version; as they call it, you can see the promotion of Christ more profoundly. In the Tanakh (Holy Scriptures), PSALMS do not have titles. Thus why are they titled in older King James books. I have noticed they are titled with the name; Christ, somewhere in the title. Thus you are reading a book with an agenda. You can ask; why would I take the words of the Jewish book; before I would take the words of the King James book? I am a logical man; thus it is logical when one is studying religion, to study the books of the one people that has been told; through out time, they are the chosen race. Only that one people would protect; as best as they could, the original Scriptures of God and have no agenda, for God is the tribe of Levi's King. Num 3:41, 3:45. And I feel strongly, the Jewish race is the diluted descendants of the tribe of Levi. Because the Jewish race are the source of religion. I am a common sense type person; thus when I study something, I must go to the source. Just like when you go to school; they do not start you out in calculus, you start from basic math. If you start out in calculus first, you will never ever, ever have a true understanding. Thus when you start out in religion and you start from the New Testament or King James; period, you are doing the same thing; as starting out with calculus. I now you can say the King James is the book your parents gave you, it is the religion your parents pushed you into. But if you read the Old of King James, you can see that they could not profane it enough to dilute the true message of God Himself. But you have to be looking for God and God only. You must unlearn; what you have learned. And only adhere to the words that are being expressed by God. I have noticed; when I ask someone who has not been religiously influenced, who would they chose between God and Jesus, they say God. But when I ask most people of Christen faith; they will say Jesus. So instinctively, people chose God, and God is the correct choice. Jesus; is not the God, that delivered the children of Israel out of bondage. And if you say that Jesus is the only thing you now, that’s what the true Messiah or Anointed One will be for. The Anointed one will show you that there is a choice and deference between the religion of God and any other religion. You find that Messiah or Anointed one by reading the Torah. You will find out it is you. God basically said; let no person go up for you, the word is very nigh. You read Deu 30:11-20, get your own impression of what God is trying to tell you. I feel God is basically telling you to not look towards a living human being of flesh and blood. But look towards the word, to be saved.

Bread Crumbs: Religion has been laid out for us like so. You find a trail of bread crumbs. You are starving, and can find no other source of nourishment in sight. As you walk the trail eating the bread crumbs, you start to notice every other crumb begins to deviate and taste just a little bitter. The deviation and taste are extremely small. Almost so small that you would not recognize it, but it is there. As you go further into the trail, the deviation and taste become more and more extreme. You get to the point were you can no longer jump back and forth between the trails. Near this time your mouth has become so atone to the bitter taste that you can no longer distinguish the deference between the now two distinctive bread crumb trails. You have now realized the bitter taste is poison in the bread. You can not wait for your mouth to lose the bitter taste because the trails are rotting away. At this point you are lost. Your choice is a gamble. You should not have ever eaten the bitter bread, but in your hunger and greed you devoured everything. And now you have no trail to look back on and nor taste to adhere to.

Old Man and The Son: There was an old man who owned a large house. He was mystical and highly intelligent. The old man said; "I am the only true father of every man, woman and child. You are my only son, I am your only father. At my house several people visit me, one at a time. Any one person. Any one time. When they visit me, no matter how they perceive me and my house, the only thing that is truth is my sayings". A man visited the old man at his house. The old man showed the man all around the house. After the old man showed the man all around his house; the old man became tired. The old man told the man; "do not go in that dark room, for it is a room that was not there before". The old man was tired and he told the man; "I will show you the dark room later". The old man tells the man; "watch the house, and be responsible for any body or thing that enters the house, be courteous but cautious, do not fail what I have said". The old man leaves the man, to take a nap. The man walks around the house, reads some books, looks at t.v., listens to some music; pretty much makes himself at home. The man gets bored. The man goes looking for the old man and he can not find him. There are so many rooms, he has forgotten were the bad rooms were. But no matter how lost he gets; as long as he keeps walking, he comes back to the first room he saw. Suddenly the door bell rings. The man is hesitant, but the person is knocking and banging at the door. Then the man remembers what the old man said; be courteous. So the man answers the door. Another man runs in the house; raving, where is my father, what have you done with him! The man says; he is sleep. The raving man says; you are lying, my father never sleeps, come lets go find him! As the raving and now angry son starts to walk; he trips and falls, breaking his leg terribly. Blood is squirting profusely as the bone can be seen through the flesh. He cries out to the man; help me, help me, if you do not I will surely die! The man thanks; only if I could find the old man, every thing will be ok. And the son of the old man is lying there in a pool of blood, saying to the man; save me, save me, did my father not say you are responsible for all, help me, for I feel the chill of death! And the man calls out to the old man, at the top of his lungs. Screaming and begging for the old man to wake up and help, but there is no answer. And the man becomes angry at the old man as tears fill his eyes and he is filled with forlornness. And the dying son cries out to the man; you can help me, you can save my life. And then the man begins to feel hope once more and ask; how, how can I save the life of the old mans dying son! And the son whispers in the mans ear, as he is close to unconsciousness; phone, phone. But the man says; I have seen no phone! And the son whispers; its in that room, that room right there where the light is off. And the man runs in the room, with gleam and glory in his eyes, thanking he is about to save the life of the old mans son and all will be ok. The man feels around in the dark room to find the phone. He eventually finds the phone and runs back towards the light. When he emerges he sees the old man standing there with a sad and puzzling frown on his face. And the man is raving; where is your son, where is your son! Your son is dying and he needs help! Where is he, where is he! And the old man grasp the man on the shoulder to the point where it hurts the man enough to get his attention. And the old man said; sadly but sternly, "You are my son, you are my only son". And the man; in pain says, but, but there was...... The old man interrupts the man and said; "I do not care what was, I only care about what I have told you, and I told you, you are my son, do not go in the dark room and this was your time". And as the man was silent and confused, he peered into the dark room and could see red eyes like fire and a tongue like a double edge sword, and the man could hear a deep murky laugh. The man said; there, there he is, he is the one! The old man interrupted and said; "I do not care how you perceive your iniquity, he is doing as I have instructed, and I am well pleased with his work, however I am not with yours, now the dark room shell be the only room you will see, for a time".

Another Son: (This one starts where someone is knocking at the door). The man is hesitant to open the door, but then he remembers the old man said be courteous but cautious. So the man sticks his head, just a little, out the window. The man ask the man that’s banging on the door; may I help you? The man outside banging on the door looks and starts raving; where is my father, where is my father, what have you done with my father? The man says to the raving man; due to the fact that I am in the house and you are not, it must be my time to be the old mans son. The old man has told me he can only have one son at a time, thus this must be my time, thus you must have the wrong house, sir. And the raving man was no longer raving. He was dismayed and walked off. As the man pulled his head back and turned, the old man was standing there with a smile and gleam of glory in his eyes. The old man said; "I am well pleased with your work". "You may have absolute run of my house, even the dark room, but be cautious". "If you get into any trouble, just call for me and I will come to your aid, when you are ready to go back; from whereabouts you came, let me now". As the old man turned to walk away, the man said; I thought you were going to show me the dark room? The old man smiled and said; "I just did".

Let me show you how you violate the rules and Law of God when you believe that Jesus was sacrificed for our sin. Basically you are saying God sacrificed His only begotten son. Read Deu 12:31, when God says, "burn in the fire to there gods", He is referring to the method of sacrificial offerings. So now it becomes a choice; believing in the theory of the New, that Jesus was sacrificed or believing and trusting in the Anointed words of God. Basically God is saying, the sacrifice of children is an abomination and He hates it. Knowing this you now see how God sacrificing His only begotten son could not have occurred and been approved by God. I feel it was only approved by man and our iniquity.

The Torah is the best book you can get to study the word of God, in essence it is the voice of God. That’s why you see in it, statements like, Exo 17:14, Deu 29:19, Exo 24:7, Exo 32:32, Exo 32:33, Deu 31:24. The book referred to in these statements is the Torah. The way the Torah is written, the flow of Gods words are uninhibited by the opinions of man. If you have read the Old, you should have noticed how Gen-Deu is repetitive. What do we call that today when you read something that is repetitive. I will give you the definition: forcible indoctrination to induce a person to accept new ideas or beliefs. Are you willing to be brainwashed by God. The Torah is programming for your mind. A person can read Gen-Deu in the King James version and not be programmed correctly. Because it has been broken up and comments of man has been inserted in the program. You would be surprised how the smallest of these comments can throw the entire program off.

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Truth IV