Truth V
Open: 1-8-98
I talked with a rabbi about how they view Satan; whom they call the adversary. Americans or Christianity gives you the impression of two distinct organizations, thus you have Satan over there doing his thing and you have God over here doing His thing. The rabbi said they do not see things like that. They see it as the adversary being apart of the spiritual assembly of God. The adversary is under strict rules and commands from God. This point of view is also supported by the book of Job. I feel, it is a correct point of view because it puts God in the center of all divinity.
I have studied the PS that had the hit, "Son of Man". I feel, that I need to clarify; with you, methods of studying Holy Scriptures. This is my method and you personally do not have to adhere to it. I am a man of science, study of logic and technology. So I personally feel that there is a method and process to understanding every thing. Understanding is; developing a method in which your mind can comprehend. The way I personally study things, is to brake it up into smaller pieces. There are three basic categories in which Holy Scriptures can be put. I have; True Prophesy, which is where an action or something being said as being expressed by God Himself. I have; Opinion of Man, which is a point of view of God from a persons opinion. I have; False Prophesy, which comes to the reader, from Lord, through an angel or spirit, through a prophet or man, to the reader of the Book. Which is the same scenario of IKings 13:11-34. Put yourself; the reader, in the position of the old prophet from Judah, if you the reader receives prophesy or a message as he did, then you might want to classify that as false prophesy or deception. This is extremely important because it gets to the heart of how earth can have so many deferent religions, but there only be one true Book. It gets to the heart of how a people can find support in believing their god is correct. All Holy Scriptures can be looked at as being approved or written by God, but you must remember, God said He was going to test your love for Him. So be careful of how things come to you; the reader.
PS8; I will have to classify this as Opinion of Man. David was a man that walked with God, but he was a man. You have to separate when one is in the presence of God from when they are just expressing their opinion. PS80,144,146, I will have to classify as, Opinion of Man. You have to categorize these Holy Scriptures even if it is an uplifting of God. Because once you give into the opinion of man, then you are subject to any belief. You; as a reader and study, must keep Scripture in its proper prospective. I know that you can say that this is wrong, but if you are studying the word of God, it is required of you to separate the word of God, from the word man. Some people say that all Holy Scriptures are the word of God; maybe it is, but you have to remember God said He was going to test your love for Him.
My next hit was Isaiah. Isaiah; the man, has a history. His story starts in IIKings 19:2, he is the son of Amoz. I immediately noticed, Isaiah is engrossed with the claims of God expressing things. All of Isaiah can be categorized as true prophesy and words to adhere to. Isaiah reads so deeply, that the reader can get confused in who is speaking, God or Isaiah. I feel, Isaiah is written in a form in which it intertwines the history of Israel and a unknown future or history. (Let me try to clarify something with you. Jacob and Esau were twins. It is heard to say which one was older, Jacob had hold of Esau's heel for a reason. Only the mother and God knows which child came first in her womb. You must observe the actions of the mother). Jacob and Esaus future are extremely similar, the whole birth of Jacob and Esau is a parable of twins. Our futures are mirrored, only with slight changes. That’s why when you study Prophets, you must know what occurred in the history of Israel. If it did not occur, then it could be a parallel history or future. I have also noticed, it could be prophesy of all time. Let me show you what I mean by prophesy that applies to any people of any time zone that is of a broken covenant. All the things in Deu 28:15-69 would be valid even if you were on another planet. So lets say the descendants of Esue; which I feel is the bulk of white people in America, got delivered to another nation. At this moment, America being defeated and thrusts into a brutal slavery by a surrounding nation is not probable today. The threat from surrounding nations could not be, because of Deu 28:15-69, we are already familiar with all races or people on this planet. Thus Deu 28:36,49 would be invalid. So the threat or wrath would have to come from another planet. A nation of being that we are totally unfamiliar with. That is the reality of the wrath of God, the chastising from the Almighty Father. I say this because it is a mirror image of how the descendants of Israel got delivered to America.
I felt if there was any merit in my theory of mirror image history or future between Jacob and Esau, then there would be a similarity in family structure hinted in the Torah. So I studied Esaus Progeny, Gen 36. It shows Esau having three wives from the daughters of Canaan, remember, this is after Sodom and Gomorrah so his wives could have been white or mixed. Through these wives Esau had five children. Then Esau moves to the land of Seir. This is where it gets strange; as if it were intentionally hidden. The name Seir is a land. Hits on Seir, Gen 14:6, 32:3, 33:14, 33:16, 36:8 and several more. Seir is depicted as mountain land. But Gen 36:20 depicts Seir as a woman. It is possible that Seir was a queen of the land named after her; Seir. And Seir; the queen, lost her husband in Gen 14:5,6, where the Chedolaomers attacked Seir or she never had a husband. When Esau moved to the land Seir, Esau and Seir; the queen, became mates. I feel she bore Esau, the sons of Seir. With this put together; Esau had twelve children through four women, just like Jacob did. It is highly possible that the tribal names of white people in America today, is the names of the twelve children of Esau. It is not outright written that the sons of Seir are the children of Esau, but one must discern why they appear in Esaus Progeny. I have noticed, the Torah is from a mans point of view, so it is highly possible that Seir was a queen but it was not as pronounced. This is the only way Gen 36:20 can be explained.
I would like to show you more on this mirror of our history. Jacob took the birth right of Esau, Gen 25:31. Esau has taken Jacob’s birth right by introducing the bulk of the children of Israel to the New Testaments first. The New; removes black presence, thus removing the origin of black people, thus removing their birth right. It could have occurred; also, when blacks were removed from their home land. It is next to impossible for a black man; whose ancestors were born as slaves, to trace his heritage back to Africa, thus his birth right was taken. Slavery was so brutal in America due to Gen 27:41. When Jacob and Esau reconciled; Gen 33, they had the presence of God. When Jacob and Esau began slavery in America, they had not the presence of God. At that time Christianity was the religion, thus there was no God to hold back the original emotion of hate in Esau, from Gen 27:41. Now you understand how the puzzle falls into place. Jacob(Israel) got delivered to Esau(America) for rebelling against the living God. Esau(America) begins living his or it blessing. We have the same brutal history of war. Israel had wars to build its nation. America had wars to build its nation. We; as a whole, are twins with one true Living God, the God of Old. You see what occurred when Israel rejected God, will America do the same? Is Esau intelligent enough to shatter the mirror? Now you understand Gen 25:23. The reason these theories come from a black man, is because my or our souls have experienced the chastising of the Living God. We have experienced owning a nation of absolute power and then having it dispersed because we forsook the Living God that gave it to us, we became over confident.
I can not explain all sayings in Isaiah, some secrets must remain as such. This will be from the Tanakh, for I have found the King James has intentionally confused the Old. I must give you fair warning. These opinions come from me. I have become a non believer in Christ as being the true Messiah or Anointed one by God. Due to the fact that after the story of Christ nothing physically changed and nothing fits to what God has said. All I see in the story of Christ is deceit and plagiarism, a book that gives a group of people a mission. The main thing it can do is steer one away from the Old, thus steering one away from the word of God. If God had only one son, then why in the Old when you see any reference to the sons of God, it is in a plural form. Due to the fact, the story of Christ brakes to many Anointed sayings by God, Christ could not have been anointed by God. I can not believe that Gods choice of a people could be imperfect. To thank that God chose the Jews and they rejected their own Anointed King, is an attack on the Jewish people, thus an attack on the people of God. Is that no different from Hitler, is that no different from the Caesars of Rome, is that no different from all the evil forces that have tried to annihilate the people of God. An attack can be on the physical, mental or spiritual. No matter what; it continues to be an attack. When it comes to religion, it is apparent to me that there is more than one force at work. You see; the worship of Satan or the adversary is a religion also. One can fall for the deceit of the adversary or Satan if they are not armed with the word of God. So no man should go into religion with only the knowledge of one Book. If you do that, you could fall for the work of the adversary or Satan. You would in essence be a servant of Satan or the adversary. Your main failure was underestimating the mind of Satan or the adversary. You have to understand what you are dealing with. It is highly possible that you are trying to understand the deceit of the second oldest mind of time. And if God is the influence or writer of any book that is considered religious; by man, then one must remember you are being tested by the Oldest mind of time. Understanding this; you now realize the only way to be absolutely safe, is to only adhere to the words and actions of God.
5:20-21, I feel, it is a description of what man has done with the New. 5:24, instructions of the Lord of Host, is the doctrine of God, His Anointed sayings. Have you adhered to the doctrine of God, or have you adhered to the doctrine of the New. 6:11, 13, depicts a major catastrophe. I feel, it is after God has delivered earth to another nation. The scene is earth, after the wars that will take place during deliverance of the unrighteous( people who do not adhere to the word of God only). If you do not believe me, maybe you will believe the numbers. A 10th of earth is 10% of humankind. If you take all the criminals in the world today, their number is not large enough to be 90% of earth. So God must be including another group of people in that 90% that will be delivered. I feel, that 90% of people that will be delivered will be any people that has abandoned the Law of God. Now the numbers began to make sense. One of the questions that I have is, can prophesy of God be changed? Can more then 10% be saved? or are we bound to it? I feel, it can be changed. If it could not, then we would have never been told. Are you intelligent enough to heed the warning.
People feel that righteousness is being good to other people, it is that. But true righteousness is being right by God and if you are right by God then you are automatically right by people. 8:3, God may have a child born of the womb of a human woman. God gives a time period, but when I studied the time period of the statement 8:4, I found it to encompass IKings & IIKings. No hits on "wealth of Damascus". No hits on "spoils of Samaria". No hits on "delights of Rezin". Several hits on "son of Remaliah". Several hits on "king of Assyria". But I found there were several kings of Assyria. After studying kings of Assyria, I found no infant born of a prophetess during the defeat of Assyria. I found where Assyria took Damascus and slew Rezin, IIKings 16:9. I found where Assyria captured Samaria, IIKings 17:5. Sons of Remaliah where over Israel when Pekah began to reign, IIkings 15:27. So the scenario of 8:4 is a part of Israels history. So God could have been referring to Israel as a whole. I have noticed Rebekah could talk with God, Gen 25. Thus could she be the prophetess God was referring to in 8:4. This would make God, Father over all of Israel and Esau. Thus making 8:4 a conceptual statement. I find it strange how God wants the reader to pay very close attention. The mystery could also be in the name. 8:13, you read it; but be warned, the King James reads differently from the Jewish Holy Scriptures. I feel King James is trying to hide what God said in 8:13, because it would exclude Christ outright. 8:16, remember I said the Jewish people(Levi) could have some Holy Scriptures that God has told them not to let common man to look at. I have a tricky one for you. Read; 9, I myself stumbled on this one. If a person was looking to create or support Christ, this is where their heart would fall. 9, actually sets up the coming of Christ. But you must remember who divided the Scriptures into numbers, man. 8 and 9 are of the same. When 8:8 refers to "us", he is referring to the people that are righteous to God. 8:9 is referring to the unrighteous, also is 8:10. "This people" or "that people", is the unrighteous to God. 8:13, God is outright telling you; the reader, only He is Holy. So if you have any religion that makes any other existence Holy, then it flows against 8:13. 8:17, Isaiah is saying what he will do when God begins to hide his face from humankind. 8:19 Isaiah is describing proclaimed psychics and people who inquire to Jesus or any made up religion that lifts something to the state of deity. 8:20-22, Isaiah is telling those people they are walking in darkness. And he describes their walk, also it could be a description of the unrighteous who will be left after earth is delivered. We are like a fragile loaf of bread, you cant move it with out leaving some crumbs. 9:1, the light could be Christ or it could be these papers. The only magnified nation today is America. "When dividing spoils", is this not what any other religion is doing, dividing people. I feel, "spoils" is a reference to people, because people are the only thing that can be divided in our concepts of religion. 9:5, the son could be Jesus. I will put this to you in a way that is in your book of Christ. If you feel that you have to go through Christ to get to God; then I will ask you, have you gone through Christ yet? I was just like you. I use to pray to Christ, eat pork, try to do and live in the New. Then one day I set down and studied the book of God. In my soul, heart and mind I had to destroy my own perception of God and Christ. Thus the war began in my mind to correct this false image given to me by the Son of Man. The Old does not depict the Sons of God as being a favorable choice for the Children of Man(us). And there is a choice, it is expressed in Job 5:1. This also is a test to the reader due to how it is expressed. Remember Isa 8:13. If you serve Christ or any other besides The Living God , gird your loins like a man, prepare yourself for the chastising of your Maker. No human knows the time, but I have noticed it comes only after you have been warned. You see, we have a Just and Honest God. Just in the five books of Moses, I had to destroy my own concept of God and Christ. It became a choice, believing in what I already thought I knew; or believing in the word of God.
I personally have the intelligence to examine where my perceptions came from. Before I read the word of God, my perception came from church or men preaching mostly from the New. As I studied the word of God, my perception came from the word of God. Thus which perception is more accurate? I personally chose the word of God. God is the source of religion. God is the main Character of religion, so how can you have the New; a proclaimed religious book, that removes the main Character of religion. Once you remove God from the story, you no longer have a religious book. Not for you, not for me, not for humankind. It can be considered no more than a test for the reader, or an attempt to change the meaning of God. Remember when I said it is difficult to determine how visions are perceived; first, second or third person point of view. So in Isa 9; one has to ask, is Isaiah talking to the reader, telling the reader to do this or is he telling the reader what the people that walk in darkness will do or contend as the bases of their religion. That is how the Book is setup, the reader can find and support exactly what they are looking for. You have to naturally accept God as your religion in order to see this. I have heard a lot of people say you can not just take one statement from the Bible and say that’s it, but I have found that is the way the New Testaments were written. When I stand back and look at Isa 9, I see God giving the writers and believers of Christ material to work with. 9:15, government and also religious leaders, remember the subject is religion. I only became confused when I tried to weave the New into the Old. In the King James, Isaiah has been rewritten to make the sayings not make sense or to make it look as if it is referring only to Israel. 10:1, I feel, it is a direct reference to the New, due to the fact that Christ is depicted as poor. What do you see Christ doing in Mat 17:24-27. No matter how you unfold it, you see Christ paying taxes. What was one of the main objectives of Caesar? Their objective was to get people to pay taxes. 10:3, I feel, it supports the theory of earth being attacked by other world beings. 10:5, these other world beings will be the rod of Gods anger. 10:6, ungodly nation is any nation that does not adhere to the word of God. 10:23, could mean that God is already heaping evils upon the unrighteous, look around you, have you or do you see anything. 1:10, I feel God is speaking to the servers of Christianity and America. Remember the Song of Moses, Deu 32:32. Remember Mat 7:16. Look at Christ as if he was talking about the people that would make him a religion. Now do you see the deception, Christ could be speaking of you, his followers. But Christ new that no man would depict his own religion as evil or in opposition to God. And that is why you never perceived things in this light. Your prospective is from the book of Christ, thus any thing religious around you, you have to denounce or blasphemy. That’s why the King James Old does not read like the Holy Scriptures of the Jews, they had to blasphemy it in order to fit Christianity into the story line. From my prospective, a prospective of the Holy Scriptures, I have to denounce anything that God Himself denounces and I see where God Himself denounces any other religion that is not of His specific spoken words. To a Christian I may seem like the antichrist. To me Christians and any other religion, seem like the people that walk in darkness. It all depends on what book or religion you live in. That is my theory of Relativity of Religion. Your prospective is relative to what you believe. 1:10, I feel, God is wanting the servers of Christ to read closely His words. Why do I feel this? What other religion has a lamb as a sacrifice? Some say Christ was a sacrificial lamb. What other religion has "solemnities" in it? 1:12, Gods courts is religion or the Holy Scriptures. What is one doing when they add or remove words from the Holy Scriptures? Are they not trampling? 1:14, new moons deals with mans changing of Gods set months. I guess all the nations did not see this passage when the Pope introduced the Gregorian calendar.
The one calendar in which had hits on months in the Holy Scriptures, was the Jewish calendar. I could only find four months out of their twelve. Kislev, which is changed to Chislue in the King James, Neh 1:1. Adar, Ezr 6:15. Nisan, Neh 2:1, Est 3:7. Sivan, Est 8:9. Tammuz is not depicted as a month, Eze 8:14. Elul, Neh 6:15. I do not know where the Jewish calendar gets the rest of its months and I could only verify name. I became interested in 1:14, so I did a search on the word "month". I feel, months should be named after Holy events of the Holy Scriptures, if the month is not specifically specified. For example: Gen 7:11; first hit on the word "month". If this month does not fall on a specifically specified month in the Holy Scriptures, then we should have a month called; Noah. It should be the second month of our calendar. The seventeenth day of that month should be a Holy day, "The day God liberated Children of Man from the Nephilim". I do not know what Heshvan means in Hebrew, but it is the name of their second month. Another example: Gen 8:4, we should have a month called Ararat. It should be the seventh month of our calendar and the seventeenth day of that month should be a Holy day. I will continue my study of months later.
So now we see, God could have been referring to all of humankind, that has changed His months. The closest calendar is the Jewish. I only say that because some of the names appear in the Holy Scriptures, but I have shown it could be improved through more specific study. You know Gen is the word of God; if not, who is recording it? Moses had not come about at this time.
1:23, God is describing government and Christmas. 24:21, suggest that all spiritual beings are host of God. It also tells me that some spiritual beings may have did something without Gods approval, remember the Sons of God are also host. I feel, kings on earth is government. This country; America, was built by people of no religion or Christianity. I feel it is Esaus blessing and we are coming to a crossroads. Will we take the road of the Living God or will we take the road of oblivion. Religiously; America has not yet won her independents from Great Britain, for she continues to cling onto their god, their philosophy of religion. To servers of Christ; Rome is the Holy land. To servers of God; Jerusalem is the Holy land. If Americas religion is incorrect, then what was it all for if on that day all of it will be delivered, destroyed for forsaking the Living God. If you do not Live by and try to understand the Law of God Himself, then you will be delivered. The New can cause a person to forsake the Old or Holy Scriptures of God, thus you forsake God. It is exactly the reason Israel was delivered.
The New is a plagiarized book of the Old. The way the New tries to depict God as Christ, removes the anger of God. It depicts Christ as an all loving being. This philosophy of the New removes God the Awful, God the Jealous, Deu 10:17, Exo 20:5. Due to the fact that the New do this, I understand how a renown person of Christianity can be brought before a court to face charges of abomination and rape of a same gender. It is because Christians live in a book that removes from humankind the fear of the Living God. There is no way a man that studies the Holy Scriptures of God and is programmed, could be charged with these atrocities. And there would be no way a person could bare false witness. Due to the fact that these thing occur with in a free country with in Christianity, then there must be something wrong with the religion, these people have not with in them the fear of God. It would be interesting to study the religious back ground of serial killers and rapist in America. I wonder if they would have one thing in common.
I have noticed, there is a conflict in the understanding of the western definition of Messiah and the Jewish definition of Messiah. The word Messiah does not appear in the Holy Scriptures. In an up to date dictionary you find actually two definitions, a Jewish definition and a Christian definition. The Jewish definition is supported by the Holy Scriptures. The word Messiah in the Holy Scriptures is written as Anointed one. The Anointed one will simply be a man of David’s blood line that will be responsible for delivering the Jewish people. Delivering the Jews from what? I can not say, but I do have my suspicions. And I will say this, it is in plain sight. Rather or not the Messiah or Anointed one will be deliver of humankind, remains to be seen. The Anointed one to the Jews or Holy Scriptures is a deliver of their specific religion, rules and all. Due to the fact that religion is a personal choice for each individual through persuasion or study, it remains to be seen rather or not the Anointed one will be Messiah to humankind. I suspect he will not. He will only be responsible for 10% of earth. Rather or not that 10% can be changed to a larger number, remains to be seen.
In the western or Christian definition, Messiah is defined by every thing Jesus Christ did. Which is not supported by the Holy Scriptures or the specific wordings of God. Christ was not Anointed as king of the Jews by the Jews. Christ did not rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. Christ was a deliver of the Jews. But one must be wise and realize, one can deliver to, and one can deliver from.
Looking at all this from a highly intelligent level, you will realize one man could not be a messiah; as defined in Christianity. All of the resistance one gets when one simply ask a minister, evangelist or man of Christianity a simple question, and disagree with a ludicrous or illogical answer, one comes to a conciliation that a single man could not be a messiah to everybody. Even if one had strange powers to display, one would continue to meet resistance. They would jump up and call one the antichrist and run off, or try to hurt. When a person tries to hurt another person, no matter what for, it continues to be defined as hate; in my book. So why Christians can not see this scenario with Christ? I do not know. In the time of Christ, any man displaying the powers that Christ’s story proclaimed he displayed, would have immediately been stoned. Unless he was protected by kings, leaders and rulers, plain clothed men of the guard. So if one man can not convince another man; in these times, that they might be wrong about their choice of religion, then what makes you thank one man could have did it in those days. God Himself could not do it in the Holy Scriptures with Israel, that’s why Israel got delivered to other nations and we are in the condition we are in now. So what makes you thank Christ did it. God is the only one that proclaims destruction of the earth, if one fails to adhere. And He is the only one that originally predicted future. I feel, if you find any predictions by someone, that same prediction is hidden in the Holy Scriptures of God, thus Gods book is the original. Gods Book is the source, just like it is the source of religion.
In my understanding of messiah, it would have to be defined as a group of people. If one man was the messiah of a religion and that religion just happen to be the religion that would save humankind on earth; and something happened to that one man; then it would be the end of any possibility for humankind’s repentance, thus the end of humankind. But if the messiah was a large group of people; for example a nation, and a Book, then humankind would never lose the opportunity of repentance. Thus sustaining humankind for as long as possible. So the messiah would have to be a large group of people with a Recorded Document of authentication. I feel, that Document is the Holy Scriptures and that Nation is the bulk of the Jewish people. The Living God would be King of these people. In the Holy Scriptures God is King over the tribe of Levi. And it is strange, the Holy Scriptures is The Jewish Bible. They are the only people that have not picked up any other book that is proclaimed holy. In the Holy Scriptures, key information has been strategically hidden from people who are not truly looking for God. Why is it hidden? God had to test your love for him. Hide it from evil people. And give the adversary or Satan his lot of servants.
I will prove to you that the people in Jerusalem; today, are the diluted descendants of the tribe of Levi. And this is hinted several times in the Holy Scriptures. Read IIKings 24:14, 25:12 and Jer 52:16. This is just a few, that I have seen. You must remember, this is a period in the Book where the Law of God is not being adhered to. One must discern, who were the poorest people of Jerusalem in this period of the Book. At this period of the Book, one thanks that all twelve tribes of Israel will be vanished from the chosen land and Judah is on its way out. And that is the way the Book leads the reader to believe. But to see who is left, you must adhere to the word of God. The big hint is, "only the poor of the land were left". Remember, way back in Numbers 18:20-32. The tithe is 10% that Israel should have been giving to the tribe of Levi. With out this 10% being given, they would have been the poorest people in Jerusalem. God said the tribe of Levi should have no inheritance, because He is their inheritance. So understanding the period of the Book you know Israel nor Judah was giving their 10% to the tribe of Levi. So that would have made Levi the poorest people in the land mixed in with a very small amount of the tribe of Judah. And that is how it exist today. And that theory also adheres to Gen 49:5-7. The reason I found this; I was looking for it from reading Gen 49:5-7 through out my study. I knew the statement in Gen 49:5-7 suggest no matter what; Levi and Siemeon, at the end of IIKgs had to be the bulk of the people inside the boarders of the Promise Land; today. It only became a question of figuring out how God did it. It is strange how God hid the absolute chosen tribe. God new kings, leader and rulers would never be interested in the poor. I have not found were the tribe of Simeon remained in the chosen land, but they were brothers so they would stay close to one another. Who ever Jerusalem is fighting against today; within the boarders of the Promise Land, is the tribe of Simeon. In Gods eyes you are brothers at war and that is your main sin in the eyes of God. The Anointed one you are waiting for will not set foot in the Holy Land until the brothers turn their weapons of war away from each other. That’s why Jacob said; "Let my soul not come into their council; unto their assembly let my glory not be united".
The tribe of Levi and the Holy Scriptures is the center of humankind’s chances of repentance to God. If you do not study the word of the Living God, then your next choice is the tribe of Levi. If you want to see the force of opposition or evil, just study the religious back ground of any people that has been responsible for warring against any people that are considered Jewish. It is an attempt to annihilate the tribe of Levi, it is an attempt to remove from earth humankind’s chance of repentance, thus shortening the span of humankind’s existence on earth. There is a religious war at hand. It all began when the sons of God had offspring’s with the daughters of man, and God vanished them with flood. The only thing that matters in your life is what side of the battle field you are on. No matter what you can dream up or conclude; you must remember, God is on the side of humankind. Their is no way to absolutely say what hosts of God is against humankind, and due to that fact; you can trust none but God. Due to the fact that they are hosts of God, they must come to you in the name of God. They must come to you in the name of righteousness. In their righteousness seeing your flesh burn, your soul tortured is righteous in their eyes. They hate the essence of man. The fact that you were made in their image appalls them. And they want nothing more but to see you destroy yourself. They are trying to prove to God, you are not worthy of being His servant. If you go back to God and when He starts rewarding you, please do not become over confident and look down on others, no human is sinless in the eyes of God.
Did you know graven images could be cursed and is an abomination to God, Deu 7:25, 26. On Christmas I was at home flicking through the TV stations. I stopped on a channel that had the pope doing something or holding some type of mass. I do not know what it was all about, but it was for Christ. In my eyes and in Gods eyes I saw a man; who is held most holy in Christianity, kissing a graven image on national TV. I guess he never read Deu 7:25,26. One must ask; what has made him do this? What has made him commit this atrocity before God. There must be something wrong with those peoples religion. How can they just throwaway the first Laws? How can they just discard the Law of God Himself? As if it did not apply to them. Thus one must ask; do they thank they are above the Law of the Living God? Do they feel that Jesus himself is above the Law of the Living God. Why have they put the son before the Father. Now that you see my point of view, who is the heathen.
Isa 27:10,11 I do not know why people get riled and interested when the New speaks of future destruction. I have found that God Himself speaks of all of it first. I feel, most of the recent prophets are simply people who have studied the Holy Scriptures of God. But they failed to realize the deference between false prophesy and true prophesy. All they were looking for, is prophesy. And as I have said; Holy Scriptures are written so the reader will find what they want. If you are looking for a grate novel, that is exactly what you will find. If you are looking to create your own god, that is exactly what you will find. If you are looking to be confused, that is exactly what you will find. If you are looking for alien contact, that is exactly what you will find. If you are looking for mystery, that is exactly what you will find. But you have failed to realize your main purpose in looking. The Holy Scriptures appeal to every imagination, from war and destruction to peace and harmony.
Isa 42:17, is this not what you do with your crucifix or one of your several graven images of Christ? Isa 44:13,14 I feel it is the making of a large crucifix, like the ones that hang in churches. I wonder what type of tree is used to make the crucifix or what type of tree was used to make the cross he was crucified on. Isa 44:18-20, is a description of any religion that creates with the elements a God, a false god. Christianity definitely has a graven image. And none of the servants of Christ has considered possible religious fraud. None have considered it could be a method of control by the government. Christ is depicted as an all loving, love the tax collector, tax paying citizen. What do those elements have to do with religion or the soul. I do not know how big your imagination is. I will be modest in my numbers. If I received just 8% of every working man, woman and child’s pay check in this country; for one year, at the end of the year I would have enough money to buy a nation and have some change left over. And that is just on your pay check alone. God did express kings, leaders and rulers counseled against His Anointed sayings. Isa 44:21,22 God is out right telling you He is your redeemer. I feel one must totally put away these other religions. Your heart, your soul, your mind must be free of any other god. You must fight the battle in you own heart, soul and mind. Only the forgiveness of the Living God can save you now.
Isa 45:20, when God talks about the one who carries the wood of their carved image; I feel, it is a description of Christian missionaries in days of old. They use to carry wooden crosses. Isa 45:21 God out right tells the reader, there is no god beside Him. There is no just god and savior beside Him. I have noticed in the King James, they have capitalized all reference to a god so the reader gets confused in knowing who God is referring to. They did this because it is a detailed description of what Christians claim Christ is; the savior beside God. God also tells the reader to compare testimony. But in the King James this has been replaced, the whole statement reads differently, from the Holy Scriptures. They did this because one could ask, what other religion has a testimony. Isa 46:4 God said He stays the same, just like in the Old, thus Jesus is not God due to the fact their testimonies are different. Isa 46:5, people who try to say Christ is God, I suggest you stop doing that. God has spoke out against it. There is a statement in Isa 47:10 that some one else makes. I will let you find it. Lets see how well you know your own god.
Isa 47:10 also refers to your technology being your down fall. I will say this; if I had not the King James on CD ROM and was able to do word and phrase searches on the entire text, I would have never been able to study, this intently. If the cliff notes were not in the New where it references to the Old, I would have never been able to do this. All of these study aids are do to your technology and arrogance. You see how failure to adhere to the word of God has caused your own down fall. God outright told you that technology would be your down fall, but you did not listen. Isa 47:15, I feel; it suggest that all the bad prophesy in the New, could be for the people who make Christ a religion. This statement has been rewritten in the King James, it has been confounded. Isa 48:12, God outright tells the reader, He was the First and He will be the Last. Isa 49:26, God out right says to the reader, He is your Savior. Isa 65:4, what other religion allows you to eat the swine.
My notes on Isaiah are many. I have shared the bulk of them with you. Isaiah is an extremely powerful piece of work. You should read all of it for yourself. Most of my comments are from the Holy Scriptures. Due to the fact that I have found in the King James possible intentional confounds. It appears in places that do not support Christianity. My next hit on, "Son of Man" is in Jeremiah. I shell study it next.
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