Truth VI
Open: 1-18-98
I saw a show on TV. It was on one of the educational channels. The show was about prophesy. It was all interesting, but I did notice something unusual. Most of it was bad prophesy for America. The time period of this prophesy was unknown. They had several different people on the show doing interviews. Most of them had basically the same prophesy for America, tragedy. I noticed the people that claimed their vision came from an entity of Christianity like the Virgin Marry or some being that was from the New, were told to move to a different location of the country then people who put no religious bases on their vision. A woman that claimed she had a vision of several men dressed in white robes, put no religious bases on her vision. She said the men showed here a map of the US. The map they showed her had most of the east and west under water. I remember from what I could see, the most central part of the US not under water. The other woman who claimed here vision came from the Virgin Marry said; her vision told her to move to a coastal land, and she would receive another vision when the time was right. I found that unusual. Rather or not I personally believe these people, I would have to say no, because they did not say; God said. But if one looks at my mirror image theory, the flooding is possible. God spoke of floods several times in Jer, Isa and several other places in the Holy Scriptures. But floods do not fit to being delivered to an alien nation, as Israel was. When one is seeking truth you must be careful of how things are presented. When God spoke of flood or a wave of water, He could have been speaking of water. He also could have been speaking of a wave of people going into battle. Thousands of men on horse back charging to war looks just like a wave of water if you are looking down on it. So one must be able to see from all prospective before concluding prophesy. The Holy Scriptures do depict a dark presence in communication through what I feel is the power of Hebrew. For example: Job 4:12-16. I feel, Eliphaz had tapped into the dark side of Hebrew.
Hebrew; the religion, might expose a person to exactly who they are. If you are evil at heart, your vision comes from a deceptive host of God. And it is up to that person to discern or pass the test of deception. With the power of Hebrew an evil man could do a lot of destruction. Thus to filter out evil, God sends one of His host to test a want to be servant. I did a search on Eliphaz, he is one of the sons of Esau, Gen 36:4. It is strange that Eliphaz is part of the descendants that I have pointed out as mostly being the promoters and believers in the New. I might be accused of trying to put racism in the Holy Scriptures but I have not. There use to be a time when we lived in absolute harmony. Biblically we are twins. Racism is a western or American concept. That’s why the Jewish people refer to themselves as people, not race. We created the concept of racism, not the Holy Scriptures. And I was born into the concept. So you must put the concept away if you want to see clearly. If you say Jewish race to a rabbi, he will correct your wording; objectively, if he is a good rabbi. Due to Eliphaz being in Gen, it also proves that Job is from Gen. Why the difference in spelling? I do not know, but I wonder how the King James knew Iob was Job. The Nephilim would have knowledge of that, because he lived on earth. Know matter how it falls, Job was verified by the King James first. Out of curiosity I did a word search on Bildad(unknown) and Shuhite(unknown). I personally find this very strange. Job is the son of Issachar, one of the twelve tribes of Israel, Gen 46:13. It is strange that the only thing one can verify is the blood line of the twins. Understanding this, allows me to understand Job 38. God is angry with the vision and sayings of Eliphaz. And God is basically reasserting His authority to this man who has failed understanding. So the next time you watch a show on prophesy, or you have a vision yourself, you might want to ask who are they. If they do not say God, you might want to be careful.
Jeremiah is written just like Isaiah and it is also engrossed with the claim of God expressing it. It is also written so deeply that the reader gets confused in who is speaking, God or Jeremiah. I will have to classify all of Jeremiah as true prophesy or words to adhere to.
It would be interesting to study the religious back ground of Nazi Germany in the days of Hitler, in power. Germany is in the same country as Rome. Is it possible that Hitler was under top secret orders from Rome to eliminate any religious people in Europe that did not conform to Christianity. With the Jewish people being steadfast in the Holy Scriptures Hitler would have had to attack them first. But the main agenda was covered up. You must study who the Pope was in that time period. Study the actions of Hitler and Rome. I feel, it would be difficult for someone to see these things because history books only suggest what our kings leaders and rulers want us to know. In my eyes; when I see a Holy people; people who try to live, minister and abide by the Holy Scriptures, being attacked, then it is an attack on God. When one studies for truth and the word of God, you must abandon favoritism and look at things as if you need to be all knowing. Do not allow your arrogance to deprive your mind of knowledge. Thus it means studying from all points of views. So I have to ask the question, what was the chosen people doing in Germany? In a land that is specifically the driving force of Christ or Christianity. What was their cause? There purpose? We know it had to be against the word of God, biblically they got delivered to Hitler. Could they have been of Judah? Were they trying to move in on Christianity. Or were they looking to serve Christianity. Their true purpose is unknown.
Hitler has been called the antichrist. Could this just be a cover up, could it all just be an elusion to draw your mind away from the main religion of that country. Now that I have been educated by the word of God, I see Hitler as the antiGod. Hitler attacked and tortured a people of God; mostly Jews, not Christians. How could an antichrist grow up and become powerful in a Christian land, unless he drew power from that land, thus drawing power from Christians. Napoleon has also been called an antichrist. But once again one must look at where he was born, who he attacked. I have noticed that people say the Spanish Inquisition was people burning witches and soothsayers for practicing evil. I have a CD ROM called Explores. It basically is a history of the discovery of the New Worlds. It depicts Spanish Inquisition as being the promotion of Christianity. Is it possible that people were tortured until they died or confessed Christianity. In those days if you were not Christian then you was evil. Even if you was of the religion of God. The most people they killed were Jews. Thus it was another attack on God. Could this torturing and dismemberment be the other side of Sodom(sodomy) and Gomorrah(gore). What were they doing to people in the fields of Gomorrah? Deu 32:32. It is possible the curse that went out from Sodom and Gomorrah not only hit the survivors but any person who practiced these abominations. Europe has a long and gruesome history of attacking the chosen people. The King James New Testaments do the same thing, attacks the chosen people. It depicts Jews as the Pharisees or enemy to Christ. As one studies you must be able to look from both sides of the arena. Look at it from a Jewish perception (Old) and a Christian (New). The Jewish people adhere to the word of God. The Christian people adhere to the words of the sons of God, Christ. So one must study who the sons of God are, in the Old. They are depicted as the ones God would send to test us. They are depicted as the Adversary or in the western understanding, as Satan.
So now it becomes a choice for you. Believing in the impression that the Old gives you, or believing in the impression that the New gives you. I for one will have to believe in the impression of the Old because it has the Doctrine of the Living God.
2:36, could be referring to how Christianity changes its course after it has established its decree. People started noticing in the Old, God referred to a god of wood and stone. People asked if that could be a description of the crucifix. Christians realized it is a reference to the crucifix. So they started a new thing. They removed Christ from the cross and said he was walking among us on earth. Well; I got one for that, look at where Satan says he was when God asked him in Job 1:7. All the Christian faith did was remove the stone part. Is that not a changing of course. When people started realizing that the Old does not support several things Christ says, Christians jumped on the concept of the holy trinity after Christ had already been classified as the son of God. Is this not a changing of course. 3:1 is a simplified understanding of divorce in Deu 24:3, it is the same. Christ calls divorce adultery, period. And he calls marring any body that has been divorced adultery, Mat 5:28. So now there is a choice between two different doctrines on divorce. 5:30, I have noticed a lot of 1800 hot lines for prophets/psychics. The business has boomed thus people like it. 6:13-15, I know you have seen these people on TV. Ask yourself, what is their main religion?
7:24-26, when you give ear to any other religion, you are not giving ear to God. I have had a theory that humankind has some how herald our selves back in time. Due to the fact that we are finding things we can not explain and are beyond our technology today. The Holy Scriptures do not fully support a caveman period. Holy Scriptures are written as if humankind has always had a level of higher intelligence. We never truly were like monkeys or apes. We have always had understanding every since we have been on earth. Gen 1:27, shows God creating man and woman. Then Gen 2:7, shows God creating man again, but there is a difference. This time God formed man and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and the man became a living soul. The ancient bones of Neanderthals and other cave man like findings, could they be the bones of Gods first creation of man and woman. And that is why we can not find a missing link, there is non. Could we be looking at a parallel history of Gods first creation of man and woman and us. I feel, when God breathed His breath into man it gave man a soul or spirit. With that breath; came knowledge. Another problem I have noticed in what we call history or cave man age, how do we know the dinosaur bones we find are not the bones of the sons of the sons of God, from Gen 6:4. The reason God flooded the earth was due to the combination, sons of God and the daughters of man. The Bible does say they were giants. So what are we finding today that would be considered a giant in biblical time. We have know true way of knowing the intelligence level of a dinosaur. We can only guess at what we know due to the way reptiles act today. The one aliment or factor that we fail to acknowledge is dinosaurs were closer to the time period of creation and God. Due to that closer period to God, it becomes a whole new ball game in our perception of things. We can not base things on what we see today because we are perceiving things through this time period while we are trying to explain things of that time period. Did the serpent not speak to Eve. Is it possible that things are exactly as they are written.
You see how easy it is for ones mind to stray, when one studies the word of God. That’s because it is an overwhelming amount of information.
7:31, God speaks out against child sacrifices. Christianity depicts God as accepting a child sacrifice for our sins. The Christian theory does not fit with the word of God. 8:8, could be support that the Holy Scriptures were written by the scribes of that period. 8:9, God is describing the shame of scholars today, for they have based their knowledge not on the word of God and have belittled the Old for their agenda. Scholars that claim knowing the word of God, but only know the words of prophets. Failing to separate real and false, truth and deception. Becoming the deceiver by deception. 8:10-12, supports earth being delivered due to our forsaking of God and turning religion into a sham. 8:17, adder is a snake from Europe, Christ tells his decibels to be wise as a serpent, Mat 10:16. Read Gen 3:1, Gods first impression to; the reader, of a serpent. 9:12, once again supports alien invasion from afar. People have been told the earth’s most likely major catastrophe would be a large meteor or flood. This has come from science and predictions of ancient prophets. An ancient prophet would not be familiar with the concept of a ship entering earth’s atmosphere at high speed. So to a prophet it would look like a meteor. Today, we understand that a ship entering earth’s atmosphere at high speed can look like a ball of fire. 16:1-13, the war will be so furies that we will not have time to bury the dead. 16:14-21, once again supports earth being delivered to alien humanoids. The fisherman will be for the people who will go voluntarily, because they have been deceived. How could this occur? If a people came in a big glorious ship and they said; they are here to take the people of God and Christ to another planet of loving peace. How many people would go? I will tell you this, God said something to let people know not to go. The hunter will be the second wave of the attack. We will be the hunted. 17:15, Due to the fact that Christ calls himself Son of Man and God defines that as being us, suggest that people who put their faith in anything but God will loose in this war. Your corpses will be the ones like dung in the valley of the dead. 18:8, suggest our future can be changed. We can change the prophesy of God, but we must start serving Lord God of Israel. It is the only way.
21:11-14, God is talking to all nation of then and now. 22:1-5, means the true messiah will not enter Jerusalem until the people of the Holy Land or Jerusalem fulfill the command. This also means Gen 49:5-7 will have come to an end. 23:5-6, this is what Christ is proclaimed to have done. Christ was not called , "The Lord is our Vindicator or Righteousness" through the entire story of Christ. This is being stipulated by God Himself. So the statement of 23:5-6 has not occurred yet. I would like to show you something very interesting. God gives more insight about the true Anointed one of David’s blood line. If one was just reading the Holy Scriptures, one would miss this hidden truth. This is also in the King James. And it is being expressed by God. Read 23:6 and 33:16. I found this because I noticed it is a future reference. This has not occurred in Jerusalem yet. I have yet to read where David’s blood line returns and delivers Jerusalem and Israel from something. As far as I have read and studied, the Holy Scriptures gets further into the damning of Israel and Jerusalem. Christianity says that Christ was the one of David’s blood line to deliver the Jews. They are basically trying to say that the Jewish people missed their own boat. But we know Christ did not regroup the bulk of the descendants of the twelve tribes of Israel. Christ did not bring them back to the Promise Land or the religion of God.
The other thing I found that is hidden from someone just reading the Holy Scriptures is, it is possible that the true Anointed one will have no mail offspring’s. In 23:6 and 33:16, did you notice the first time God said; "he will be called.......". In the second statement God says, "she will be called......". I talked with a rabbi about this. He did verify that it is written like that in the Hebrew text. The rabbi said; Judaism feels it is a reference to Jerusalem as a female. For example: God refers to Israel as a female, several times. God also does this with Zeon. Just like a man would refer to a ship or car as, She. I feel, this could be looked at as being insight into the true Anointed one. It suggest that he will be a mail with no mail offspring’s to follow. Thus one of his daughters will have to assume David’s throne after his rain. I have noticed in my readings, that the first born mail would get first bids on the throne after the parent. So this could mean the second true Anointed one will be female. Due to 33:17, suggest that the female Anointed one will have male offspring’s. And from there on out will be male Kings for Jerusalem.
The only reason I saw this is when I did a phrase search on, "The lord is our Righteousness", I saw 23:6 and 33:16 side by side. And that’s how it caught my eye. There was no magic, no trickery or hocus-pocus; I would never claim that stuff if it did not happen. The words have been there for as long as these books are old. It all depends on what you are looking for. And you must remember your purpose of study.
23:9-40, could be a description of our countries into other religions. And how people in this country has made religion a joke. How they tell people if they go to Christ and give their tenth to the Church, all will be ok. God has foretold a tragic doom on you and your ways. 23:19, predicts major storms for the unGodly nations. 23:30, remember I said the New were plagiarized from the Old. 25:12-17, supports deliverance to another unknown nation. I wonder if America will be one of the nations to who the Lord will send Jeremiah with the cup of wrath. 25:29, supports earth being punished by all the things that fell on Israel. So know matter what, earth must go through a period of punishment. Even if earth does come back to God, there will still be an alien nation to come against earth. Whether or not we win this war, depends on earth’s belief and faith in God. 25:32, suggest strange weather patterns that will befall each country one at a time. I feel, after these things, after the weather, after the floods, is when the alien nation will come. I do not know when this alien nation will come. But it will be after a series of events will lead up to it. Through these series of events, you a basically being taught to call upon the name of Lord God of Israel. It is the only way you will survive. 26:2, 3, the punishment God has declared on all nations can be renounced. You must absolutely call upon Lord God of Israel, for he is the only one that has the power to hold back the rain, flood, weather, fisherman and hunter. 29:12-14, God is speaking of the time when all people will call upon His name and serve Him wholeheartedly. God is saying He will answer our prayers. He speaks of a time when the chosen land will be paradise on earth. 29:17-19, is exactly what is going on in the Promise Land today. As we see the car bombs, death on the streets, weapons of war being unleashed on men. And we shake our heads as if they were a foolish people. Objects of horror and hissing. They are simply living out their curse that was ordained by God.
30, you should read it yourself. It speaks of the Promise Land being paradise on earth. But not before the nations receive their chastisement due to forsaking God. You will know when the time to go is here. I feel, if you go before the time, you will get caught up in the curse of Levi and Simeon and the people that did not get dispersed to other nations. Some how, God will cease their anger and fighting. You should not go until this has been done. I have noticed, some people thank little about some thing, until it is raining down on their heads. 30:23, once again bad weather. One has to be careful in trying to see what God is speaking of because He is speaking to people of all time zones. Countries on earth today, could not go into a brutal slavery and captivity by another nation here on earth, 30:16. But this could occur if that other nation was from another planet. A nation of other world beings. So when God speaks of weather coming down on the heads of the wicked. One must discern, is He referring to the way the other world beings will rain their terror. Or is He speaking of actual weather like rain and wind. Or is He speaking of showing His face to humankind once again, to do these things.
We know weather as rain and wind could not take a nation into slavery or captivity. We know God said He will hide His face from man until some time after David’s blood line is once again on the throne. So one must deduce what one can see, and keep it in the Words of God. It will be strange weather and flooding in unusual places. But the blunt of it will be an alien nation from afar. The war that will take place will be glorious. Every country will be at war trying to defend itself from the Allen nation. Every man woman and child will be armed. Even Jerusalem as it is today might be destroyed, and that is what the true Anointed one will be rebuilding. He will use the Torah to lay down the foundation of how it was in the beginning. And that fits with 31:40. The Promise Land might be the only place where fresh water and vegetation grows.
Government and the people of every country will exhaust its military might. Rather or not that country or people will fall depends on their ability to put their faith in the Living God. You see God is a Warrior, He wants to fight for you and walk through our camps of battle. Lets just say He is the protector of this planet and humankind. And all He wants from you is your acknowledgment of His Power. With out this acknowledgment of God, you will go into battle alone and you will lost. The more you pray to any other deity, the more that alien nation will rain down on you. If these things begin to occur, guard your loins, for it is the Chastising of the Living God. If this earth fails to adhere to the word of God, then all that will be left on this planet is a tenth of humankind on earth. And they will be the descendants of Levi and Judah. This alien invasion theory fits with in the doctrine of God. We have already set it in motion, when we launched Voyager. We told them every thing they needed to know.
I feel we will be hit in two waves. The first wave they will seem friendly and calm. And a certain number of people will voluntarily go with them. These people may thank the alien nation are angels of Christ. But once they are on that ship, once they are off this planet, no human knows their true fate. I feel, they will be delivered into slavery. I for one will wait for God. This first wave of alien nation will be the fisherman God spoke of in, 16:16. And after they have collected all the people that wanted to go, they will send the second wave. The second wave or strike will be the hunter of this alien nation. And they will come with extreme prejudice. No remorse for the old, woman and children. They will see us just like America saw African in the days of slavery. But they will not care about your skin color. Every people of this planet will be fair game. All of this fits with Gods saying, "An eye for an eye". And when they come, that might be what Jesus meant in Mat 5:39. It is highly possible that this alien nation will be Christ’s children or creation. And they will come to us in the name of Christ, he will truly be their god, on their planet. If you remember in Gen 6:4 that’s the first thing the sons of God tried to do here on earth; create them a nation. But God flooded it and saved His creation of mankind. God chose humankind to be His nation, His people, His children. So God Himself is for us. If you forsake God, then give my regards to His jealous children; that were not born of the womb of a human woman. May they have mercy on your soul.
I feel our government knows these things. Some top secret branch knows what’s going on or what is to come. I could not be the only person in this entire country that has interpreted the Holy Scriptures of God this way. Why else would our government be building million dollar bunkers underground. They feel when it is all over and they come out of their underground bunkers, they will still have a nation to run or put back together. What they do not understand is the scope of the chastising of the Living God. Let me show you what I mean. Isa 2:19, when you make your underground bunkers, are you not making a cave or hollow in the ground? You see, God did not call it a bomb-shelter or bunker because those words do not apply to people of all time zones. I just thought I would show you that your actions have already been recorded in the Holy Scriptures. All you are doing is wasting money, because the hunter will find you there. You will be trapped in a whole in the ground. The hunter will have technology that can look right through your twelve in steel and lead plated walls. I can not 100% accuse our government of knowing because it was expressed, you will become victims of your own deceit. The King James was written before America was ever born. So they might not know. But it is suspicious that our government is building these places at a time that nuclear threat on that scale is very low. Unless they know something we do not. Do they have someone that has interpreted the Holy Scriptures as I have? The best thing America could be doing is learning how to serve Lord God of Israel wholeheartedly. And building up its military. For the glorious battle of your test draws near.
31:9, God once again suggest he is the Father of Israel/Esau. I feel, we are the children of God born through the womb of a human woman, Rebekah. Not like the sons of God in Gen, they are of a different being. It is strange God said Ephraim was His first born. I studied this to no avail. Ephraim was the first born to Joseph through Asenath, Gen 41:45. I noticed the saying by Joseph after each child was born. May be the mystery is there.
As I was studying Gods statement of Ephraim being His first born, I noticed a cliff note in my King James study edition. It was a reference to Ex 4:22. I found nothing to support the saying, but I did find something interesting. Remember I said it was difficult to discern which was born first, Jacob or Esau. Now I have found the word of God expressing Jacob(Israel) was His first born(conceived). So Jacob was the oldest of the twins. And that’s why Jacob had hold of Esau's heel. And that’s why they struggled so; in Rebekah’s womb. Esau was fighting Jacob to be born first. With out God Esau is the stronger of the two. I will let you perceive that statement as you desire.
I was watching a show on TV. I thank it was called Discover Atlantis. They were trying to pinpoint the location of Atlantis through the writings of Plato. They had several possible locations of ruins that were being studied. The best they had that fit Platos descriptions was a ruin in the Americas. But the location as described by Plato did not fit. So know true solution is concluded. Several problems overwhelms their debates an theories. For example: Traces of tobacco and coca in Egypt and the Americas in ancient times. They can not seem to clear their minds that the Americas were not always the Americas. They seem to believe that every thing begin with Christopher Columbus. The people that you had to destroy; to build America, had a history before you. They had glorious cities and civilizations and technology we can not explain today. What we call ancient history, could be called future. What we call future, could be called history. Could humankind be de-evolving. Could we be flowing against natural time and space. What did we do when we changed the moons. Did we hurl our selves back into biblical time. Destine to repeat a mirror image of the Holy Scriptures. I shell do a study on; "years" to see if one can determine the time period of the Holy Scriptures. This world was once a grate place of trade all over. This trade was between all nations, as we are today. One man on the show hit upon a hint. He said the faces of the huge ancient statues looked like the faces of Africans. But they could not bring themselves to believe that the likes of Africans touched the Americas before they were even a thought. So when you become blind and confused when things do not fit, remember the days of King Solomon, IKings 10:24, 10:23, 4:34, 8:43. Read all of the things of Solomon and you will find your ancient trade roots and how earth was once as it is today. But in the name of God.
31:27-34, there will be a time when each person will be responsible for their own sin. And all people will knowledge in the teachings of God. All people will be forgiven sin. I feel, I need to clarify something with you. Things are getting bad because we do not dispose of sin properly. Deu 24:4, God says we should not cause the land to sin. God gives us the method of disposing of sin. It is as if sin is an entity of unknown existence and God speaks of it as if it needs a place to go. You should read Lev 6:17, "law of the sin offering". Do to the fact that humankind does not adhere to this, we could be causing the land to sin. We do not separate people that sin from the land. We just lock them up and most of the time they come out more violent. Is it because we put them in a place were sin is free to look for easy prey( one who is not knowledge in the teachings of God). When we murder for any reason, were does that persons sin go. For example: the death penalty is out right wrong. Deu 17:6, God supports the death penalty. Deu 5:17, God does not support the death penalty. When I see conflicting orders like this, I begin to thank that their is something more to the orders. If a man was a king and he used the Holy Scriptures to build his foundation. He could in essence divide his people by simply asking; which Law they prefer. If we are going to have a death penalty, we should do it right. Do not let someone else kill a person for you. The juries and the witnesses should be the murderers of the person they have sentenced to death. They all should go into a room with no weapons. And the person sentenced to death, be unbound. The people that sentenced that person to death should be the ones to kill them. They will be able to see the person struggle and beg for their life. They will see the blood and hear the screams of a dying human. That way you will have a concept of murder. And I thank you will come up with a new method of dealing with murderers. Now you understand Deu 17:7. You should never, ever, ever, make murder casual; as we do. Murder is only valid in self defense. Our children can suffer for our sins. God dropped a word on Jacob and it fell on Israel. Evil can thrive in the land. Sin can effect weather and agriculture, any thing that deals with nature, including us and our thought pattern. It is strange that we live in a society with highly intelligent technical advancements. But in that same society one makes a choice that something in a house, store, car or on someone’s persons, is worth his or her life. That’s the choice a person makes when they decide to steal or rob. A criminal or con man can put all of their energy into being a criminal or ripping someone off. If that person were to put exactly the same energy into education, he or she would be a genius. But our own society charges its own people for education. 31:40, due to, "Valley of the Corpses and Ashes" statement, the Holy Land will be rebuilt during or after deliverance of earth. So what makes a person go out of their way to do evil. Is the Nephilim once again in the land. Has the Nephilim become us. Through our failure to build a society based on the Laws of God.
For Christians:
I will show you how I know your religion will not work or be accepted by God. Read Jer 44:17-23, you have the same basic scenario that has been created by Christianity. You have found a relative of God and serve it, up lift it to a status of deity. As you can see, these women were serving what they called the Queen of Heaven, and they might have head a book to. No matter what, you see God did not accept it. So what makes you thank you will get by with His son. God gave us specific Laws and Rules to go by. But you are to busy reading your New. If you can study and conclude in the New. Why can't you do it in the Old. When you avoid or belittle the doctrine of God, He sees it as hate or disrespect. 49:9-16, God speaks of Esau as a nation. I became interested in my theory that Esau is America. So I did a search on, "Esau". I will share it with you next time. My next hit on, "Son of Man" is Ezek. I will bump my study of Esau up. So it will be next.
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