The KJV is a unique Bible. The reason I say this is because it has within it as a whole the Work of God and the work of who could be considered the Adversary. I guess you could call it equal opportunity employment. After you read the OT and the NT you have a choice between God and Jesus. Most people have chosen the lesser. This choice has been abroad because it was forced on all of earth by a militant nation, Rome. Catholicism and or Christianity was their choice of religion. Today people make this bad choice because they have been taught to use the OT as a reference for the NT. They never read the entire chapter in which the reference appears. Ministers of the NT also preach in this manner. When one reads or studies in that manner, they allow the NT to put the passage in its own contexts. Thus losing the original contexts or meaning from the OT. Many of people have fallen to this method of study.
One valid philosophy of the NT is they where written to give non-Israelites a god and or savior. I must admit; it I came across the OT in those days and read it, I would indeed be lead to believe God was only God to a people called Israel. The OT read as if God only accepted a people called Israel. One must study in-depth to see the scenario is not so. God is creator of all humans. The big picture suggests that all people on this earth have had their opportunity to be the leading nation. What governs the length of their rein is religion. The worship of false gods and deities shortened their rein. It appears a people called Israel showed the best qualities of being the leading nation on earth without creating devices of mass-destruction. People whom respected earth and would not destroy humankind. God is looking for a human king to rule on earth. Setting up laws then testing the peoples loyalty to these laws; filters the rebels. It has been suggested Israel showed the best qualities. And that is why we see their walk with God recorded in the Holy Scriptures.
With the extremely pronounced relationship between God and Israel, certain heathen nations felt absent in the Master Plan. Thus kings, leaders and rulers of the heathen nations assembled and wrote the NT for their people. The NT was mainly written out of jealousy towards the entire embodiment of Israel. The mirror image of this would be ten tribes rebelling against Judah out of jealousy. Out of all he tribes of Israel God chose Judah to put His House and king on earth. On a larger scale it would be all the nations rebelling against Israel as a whole. Out of all the nations on earth God chose His relationship with Israel to be known throughout all time.
Another valid philosophy would be that the heathen nations are totally aware of who Israel is. And they realize that Israel the people are undefeatable only when they are in a pure relationship with God. This would mean as long as Israel is with God, they would be the governing influence on earth. The writers of the NT may have realized they would never become a ruling nation if Israel were never defeated. The one way to keep Israel defeated is to pollute their relationship with God. The NT could serve this purpose. The NT is not a religion but a weapon against Israel. But the creators have become snared in their own trap. Look at it like this: If you are a king and you hear of a strong nation coming your way, even the best warriors of the province falls under the hands of this nation. Would you not study that nation? Would you not create some method of defense? It is Israels relationship with God that makes them strong. The only way to defeat that nation is to defile the relationship. It is the only way they could become defeated as they are today. The mirror image of this would be Ikgs12:26-31. The two calves of gold would be Jesus. Another would be Isa7:26. It is all the same thing today, just on a larger scale and with different deities. It's like Ecc1:9. All through the history of Israel they were constantly under attach with false religions. What makes you thank that scenario has changed? What makes you thank this time period is excluded from the Holy Scriptures?
Another valid philosophy is the NT could be the writings of the evil plot devised by Syria, Ephraim and the son of Remaliah, Isa7:5. Their plot could be the beginning works for the NT. The reason I say this is because of the description in Isa7:6; "set a king in the midst of it". Does not the whole works of the NT set a king in the midst of Judah? The name Tabeal could be a word play relating to God. There are several name plays done like this throughout the Scripture. Due to "Tabeal" ending with "al" it could be one of the name plays relating to God. The "al" being short for "ALHYM". Another prophesized description of the evil plot is Isa7:14. Is it not recorded that Jesus was born of a virgin, Mat1:23. Has Jesus not been called Immanuel, Mat1:23. Isa7 is a detailed description of the evil plot of Syria, Ephraim and the son of Remaliah to conquer Judah.
Another valid philosophy and this one being the most vexing, is Jesus could be Satan or the Adversary. This is supported with Gods saying in Mat3:17. When one goes back to the OT and study the Sons of God, all of the references are in a negative context. What started the evil that caused the floods in Gen is the statement in Gen6:2, Gen6:4. Another negative depiction is Job1:6. Job38:7 is a time when God was creating the elements of our world and as you can see the Sons of God was indeed with God in a time before humans existed. Also in Job Satan is not depicted as an enemy but more like the one that has been chosen to test our loyalty and fear of God. To understand this requires a total deletion of how you have been taught to view Satan. Remember; Satan is an angel possibly even the Son of God, so he would appear to us in righteousness. More support for this would be Isa14:13-14. What other entity has fulfilled those words? Has not Jesus been called God? Has not it been said Jesus spoke for God? Know matter what excuse you can create to keep your fancy, Jesus has fulfilled those words.