Sons of God Theory
Perceived through a study of the Word of God
June 17 1998
Gen6 depicts God as having sons. Through a close examination of Gen6 we can see; at this time in the Book, that a reference to "sons of God" is not a reference to us. At this time in the Book, we are referenced to as, "men that began to multiply on the face of the earth". And women are referenced as, "daughters that were born unto them". To sum it up, at this time period in the Book we are known as "children of men". This is also supported in the story of Babel, Gen11:5. Thus it is clear in Gen6 there are two separate entities. There are sons of God; of unknown essence and there are children of man which at this time in the Book is mortals or us. We are not the Sons of God, as some religions profess. We are the offspring of Adam, Gods creation. And Adam was a man, thus we are Children of man. All through the Book God refers to several profits as son of man.
It starts to unfold that the Sons of God started to copulate with humans. Some say it is not possible for divine beings to copulate with humans. But I have found no support, within the Book for this belief. As a matter of fact I have found support that it is possible, Isa8:3. It is valid to say Isaiah was speaking. It is also just as valid to say God was speaking. We would have to examine both prospectives to see which can be most supported with the specific sayings of God. I have done this and found they are on equal bases, thus we would have to examine the logic.
Gen6 begins to unfold that human women begin to bare children to the sons of God. The number of sons of God that committed to this act is unknown at this time in the Book, but we know it is more then one. It appears that the offspring’s of the combination of sons of God and human woman; created an evil worldly existence.
Gen4 combined with Gen6 unfolds a war between men that call upon the LORD and served God only, and men that served the evil crossbreeds of sons of God and human woman. It is supportive that before the floods there was indeed a horde of crossbreeds that had similar existence of humans but small powers of sons of God. And as us being only human, we could easily be controlled into serving this horde of crossbreeds as gods on earth.
All of this has made clear to me Gen6:3. God’s spirit was in the crossbreeds that were inherited by them through the sons of God. And that sprit was made flesh through the human woman. I feel the crossbreeds reigned on earth 120 years. This could be where we get our imagination of false gods, because at one time on earth they did exist. But gods they were not. They appeared to us as gods because they could work a wonder we could not comprehend. A weak mind would be at their calling.
The Holy Scriptures is a recording that starts with the beginning of time. And within it is small excerpts that possibly support Greek mythology. This also explains Josh24:2. This could mean if you put your trust in any other god besides Lord God of Israel, you are trapped in the abominations before the flood. It means that your god at one time may have exist on earth, but after the floods, they know only exist in your imagination and possibly hell. They will be your tormentors if you serve them on earth.
So in essence when God flooded the earth He destroyed His grandchildren. He destroyed the work of his sons. It is not clear if the sons of God rebelled, but we know Satan or the Adversary started out with God. It is suspected Satan fell to earth because he rebelled against God. This is the most pronounced theory I could find for one to become an Adversary to God. Satan’s children are whom God destroyed or removed through the flood. And those children were the grandchildren of God.
Certain people will try to call me a blasphemer. I see it as blasphemy when one theorizes out of harmony with how the Scripture is recorded. And they start to twist or rearrange sayings to make it fit their own fancy.
I did a word search on "sons of God" and this is where it landed:
Gen:6:2: That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.
Gen:6:4: There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.
Job:1:6: Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan came also among them.
Job:2:1: Again there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan came also among them to present himself before the LORD.
Job:38:7: When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?
I also searched for anything that suggest a son(s) of God and this is where it landed:
Isa:10:8: For he saith, Are not my princes altogether kings?
Ezek:45:8: In the land shall be his possession in Israel: and my princes shall no more oppress my people; and the rest of the land shall they give to the house of Israel according to their tribes.
You should read all of Ezek.
So when God made the statement in Mat3:17, what was He telling you? Could this be what the Pharisees knew. Remember that the Pharisees are a people who studied the Scriptures all their lives. That means they have examined a lot of valid scenarios. Could they have examined this one. Could the Pharisees have known exactly who Jesus was professing to be?