Tower of Babel, Generational Theory
Perceived through a study of the Word of God
June 3 1998
Exo:34:7: Keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, and that will by no means clear the guilty; visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, and upon the children's children, unto the third and to the fourth generation.
This statement by God made me wonder what He could be referring to when He spoke of generations. I searched, looking for the usage of the word "generations" that could be considered a third and fourth generation. Then I started looking at the Tower of Babel as a parable. I looked at the Tower of Babel as being a representation of technological advancements of human kind. It can be looked at as a point in time where humankind becomes so advanced that we begin to forget God or thank He does not exist. You will notice God did not destroy it, but he did complicate the efforts or slowed the process. If you look at the Tower of Babel as being a repetitive point in time you can begin to see what God was speaking of. Noah was saved from the destruction of the first Tower of Babel or generation. The second Tower of Babel or generation is Jacob’s blessing. It is lived out through Israel. The peak time would be the days of Solomon. The third generation of Babel is America, which I feel is Esau's blessing ; we are living it. The fourth generation of Babel has not yet come. God has suggested He will visit some where between the third and fourth generation. Somewhere between the rein of America and a country that has not yet been built.
America is doing know different from the first and second tower of Babel. The forth tower of Babel is also depicted in Ezek17:1-10. The first eagle is America. The second eagle will be the fourth Tower of Babel or the return of Israel. The true Messiah will run this Fourth Tower of Babel.