A White Preacher's Memoir: The Montgomery Bus Boycott
Robert S. Graetz
Pastor Bob Graetz was the only white minister to march with Martin Luther King Jr. during the Montgomery Bus Boycott. As a result, his and Jeannie's home was bombed twice. Bob and Jeannie
Graetz are courageous people and I am very honored to stand with them in Soulforce.
Quotable King
Steve Eubanks
A thin book that contains some of King's best quotes on the evil of segregation, the power of love, faith in God, and nonviolence as the best method of social change.
A Glimpse of Jesus: The Stranger to Self-hatred
Brennan Manning
As I was browing around at Joseph-Beth, I noticed Manning's new book. I liked the Ragamuffin Gospel, and the subtitle for this book
caught my eye. I look forward to reading it.
Flash MX Motion Graphics
Seol Euna
Macromedia Studio MX is the "Microsoft Office" of web-development suites. Flash MX is one of the programs I really want to learn. There were several other books on Flash MX at the bookstore, but I
chose this one because it specializes in motion graphics, such as text animation.
Byte-Size Flash MX: Adventures in Design Optimization
I bought this book so I could learn ways to make Flash files smaller and quicker to download.
Object-Oriented Programming with ActionScript
Branden Hall & Samuel Wan
ActionScript is the code used within Macromedia Flash MX. This is not an introductory book to
ActionScript, but rather a more advanced book that teaches you the power of ActionScript and assumes
you are already somewhat comfortable with coding.
The Godmakers: A Legacy of the Southern Baptist Convention?
Bruce T. Gourley
This is another book that, I hope, will give insight into the fundamentlist takeover of the Southern Baptist Convention. I happened to stumble across this book while surfing the internet
one day. Bruce Gourley is a graduate of Mercer University and the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.