Elie Wiesel
Winner of the 1986 Nobel Peace Prize
"A Slim Volume of Terrifying Power" - The New York Times
I re-read this every few years. Without fail, this account of a young Jewish boy losing his entire family in
a Nazi death camp shakes me everytime. Thank you, Mrs. Thompson, for making your high school english class read this.
The Holocaust and the Christian World : Reflections on the Past, Challenges for the Future
Carol Rittner, Stephen D. Smith, Irena Steinfeldt
"We must embrace the biblical insight that our God loves the Jewish people as Jews and not simply as potential Christians." (page 2)
Where was the church during the reign of absolute evil?
A Testament to Freedom
Deitrich Bonhoeffer
The essential writing of Dietrich Bonhoeffer - the German pastor and theologian who joined the resistance against Hitler and was executed in 1946.
On my "To Read List."
The Silence of Sodom: Homosexuality in Modern Catholicism
Mark D. Jordan
On my "To Read List."
The Complete Parallel Bible
New Revised Standard Version, Revised Engish Bible,
New American Bible, New Jerusalem Bible
Without knowing Hebrew or Greek, reading different translations is the next best thing. I love this Bible!
Nelson's Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Bible
An excellent resource for learning about the historical culture and settings that the biblical stories that place in.
It also provides other in-depth information. The illustrations make this encyclopedia stand out over others.
131 Christians Everyone Should Know
From the Editors of Christian History Magazine
I saw this book in the Public Library and decided to get it for myself.