Why I Am a Baptist : Reflections on Being Baptist in the 21st Century
Back in 1999, I thought very strongly about leaving the Baptist name behind - if not the Christian name, preferring instead to label myself "a follower of Jesus."
I reclaimed the Christian name a year later and now in 2002 I have decided that I am indeed a Baptist. The current state of the SBC does not reflect Baptist values -
it betrays them. In this book, 26 Baptist leaders (such as Jimmy Carter and Tony Campolo) write about why they remain Baptists.
The Story of Christianity
Michael Collins & Matthew A. Price
This illustrated reference book was put together by Father Michael Collins, a Catholic, and Matthew A. Price, a Protestant.
Meeting Jesus Again for the First Time
Marcus J. Borg
Recommended to me by a friend from Georgetown college. It is on my list of books to read.
The New Oxford Annotated Bible: Third Edition
New Revised Standard Version
An Ecumenical Study Bible. I recommend this Bible and also The Complete Parallel Bible the most.
A Testament of Hope: The Essential Writings and Speeches of Martin Luther King, Jr.
Edited by James M. Washington
This book is over 600 pages long and is the collection of Dr. King's writings, sermons, and interviews. Everyone should read his 1963 Letter from Birmingham City Jail.
A Call to Conscience: The Landmark Speeches of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Edited by Clayborne Carson and Kris Shepard
This Audiobook was put out in 2001 and is 7 CD's of original recordings of Dr. King - collected for the first time ever. The audio quality varies, but the historical and, more importantly, the inspirational value is
The Civil Rights Movement: A Photographic History, 1954-68
Steven Kasher
The proverb "A picture is worth a thousand words" is certainly true when looking at the injustice against the black community in the United States just 40 years ago. Inspiring in how non-violence can win against
deep rooted hatred - disturbing in how the cancer of racism infected the white community.