The Ragamuffin Gospel
Brennan Manning
A good book about embracing the unconditional love of God. Brennan grew up in the Catholic tradition and has some very good insights.
20 Hot Potatoes Christians Are Afraid To Touch
Tony Campolo
Tony Campolo is an American Baptist who is just great. This book gets criticized for such things as bringing up the
subject "Should preachers start preaching against sports" and for being "liberal". In my opinion, this book flows from Tony's faith
- a faith that completely transforms his outlook on life.
Carpe Diem
Tony Campolo
I heard Tony speak in Lexington in February 2002. I decided to order this book, Carpe Diem, which means
Sieze the Day. This phrase was made popular by the movie Dead Poets Society. I hope to read it soon because
I think I need some passion as the days sort'a blend into each other.
Church History in Plain Language
Bruce L. Shelley
This 500+ page textbook covers the history of the church. I bought it in February 2002.
A Place At The Table: The Gay Individual in American Society
Bruce Bawer
I started reading this, but stopped and went to another book. I hope to go back and re-read it someday.
Straight & Narrow?: Compassion & Clarity in the Homosexuality Debate
Thomas E. Schmidt
My first two books on homosexuality were this book and Mel White's Stranger at the Gate.
I had absorbed so much anti-gay rhetoric from my church that I ended up not reading this book. However, I do plan on reading Mr. Schmidt's arguments.
Essentials of English Grammar
L. Sue Baugh
A thin book that serves as a quick reference for correct grammar.