1966 Mustang Coupe 

1. Intro                                                           6. Assembly Begins
2. The Beginning                                             7. Assembly Continues
3. Strip Down                                                 8. Final Touches
4. Paint Booth                                                 9. The money pit
5. Finally Red                                                 10. The Grand Finale

4. Paint Booth:

After hours and hours of sanding and primer and sanding and primer, I was finally ready to paint the main body of the Mustang. I built my own paint booth in the garage by using steel cable, polyethylene sheeting and duct tape. The picture on the left is the view from inside the garage looking out. The primer grey body is slightly visible from the corner of the spray booth. A fan with an air filter was at the front of this enclosure supplying fresh air to the spray booth. The rear of the booth visible from the picture on the right, has two air filters and a shroud for the exhaust fumes. Pressure from the fan blows up the booth like a bubble, and actually provides more space inside. The bottom walls are just duct taped to the cement floor of the garage. I hung the plastic over the steel wires such that I could close the garage door without having to move or remove anything. Initially, I weighted down the rear wall with a 1/2" metal conduit tube so I could drive the car out later without tearing down the booth, leaving it like a curtain. This was suitable until the car was out.

paint booth outsidepaint booth inside
Home-made Paint Booth (inside)                                 Home-made Paint Booth (outside)