The Carburetor Chronicles
Carb Chronicles Page #4Here is what we had to start with, looks like bloody hell doesn't it?
Where we were
and now to bed. More on Sunday, because I could not be less concerned over whether the Colts win or lose, I would rather be in the garage completely screwing up my bike. Excellent flick so far.
Can't wait for part 2. MAIN JET It would work better than
that flipping Gumout. Bongwater would do a better job than that damn rosewater. DAY 2 WAKE UP! dragoon
bmwrider HELLOOOOOO! What time do you get up in Indiana? dragoon I didn't drag my ass to bed until 3 so I didn't drag my ass out of bed until
10, plus I am sort of a lazy guy on Sunday (and the other six days as well).
Gotta meet some family obligations and then back to the Garage. I feel like a
little kid on Christmas, I wanna get the damn thing done and put on to see if
she will actually start.
dragoon In case anyone actually follows me down this road I thought I would put this up.
Courtesy of RubberCow who pointed out the Bing Agency to me. I wish I had this
yesterday. the dealer was trying to be helpful by giving me an exploded diagram
but the BMW version is nothing compared to this.
You MUST replace the enrichener gaskets, and use a smidge, a mere dab of mild Loc-Tite on the screws for the enrichener cover. Silicone grease is good for any rubber part. Make sure your jets and needles are matched, and that your needles are set to the Airheads site. ANDREW Now I can figure out what one of the tribal elders, Andrew, was saying when
he used the language of wisdom, Carbspeak.
Now, off to see my beloved grandma.