St. James Catholic Church

Lay Ministry
"There are different gifts but the same Spirit; there are different forms of service but the same Lord; there are different workings but the same God who produces all of them in everyone. To each individual the manifestations of the Spirit is given for some benefit." ~ 1 Corinthians 12: 4-7

It has taken a shortage of priestly and religious vocation to awaken in us an appreciation of a broadly based shared ministry and a realization that it is in the nature of the church as the Body of Christ to be endowed with many gifts, ministries and offices. What some refer to as a vocation crisis, is, rather, one of the many fruits of the Second Vatican Council, a sigh of God's deep love for the church, and an invitation to a more creative and effective ordering of the gifts and energy in the Body of Christ. This is a time for great challenge and opportunity in the church, one least of all because of the gifts of the lay faithful have been flourishing in unprecedented numbers and in unforeseen ways. ~ from Cardinal Roger Mahoney's Pastoral Letter on Ministry, April 20, 2000


The St. James Pastoral Council is made up of over 22 members of St. James Parish: Parish Life Coordinator, Pastoral Associate, Parish Nurse, Stewardship Minister, St. James School Principal, one Representative from each of the various parish ministry committees and four at-large members and Parish Trustees. Sacramental Ministers are also invited to attend the meetings. Read the Pastoral Council Bylaws here (PDF File)

Finance Council: The members of this council coordinate the budget-making process each year and supervise the work of the parish bookkeeper. Barb Borders: 864-4187

Hospitality: Hospitality plans parish activities, receptions and funeral luncheons. Shirley Chervinko: 428-4945

Liturgy Board: The Liturgy Board is comprised of the different liturgical ministries used to prepare for and in the celebration of Mass. Jim Rossi: 429-9630

Parish School of Religion: The Parish School of Religion provides Catholic education for those students who attend public schools. Classes are held on Sunday mornings. Jim and Rita Rossi: 429-9630

Pastoral Care: This group of parish volunteers is responsible for visiting parish members who are sick, home bound, or in the hospital or care facilities. The group assures that sacramental ministry is provided for these people. Gary and Barb Minich: 875-0779

Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults: This ministry helps guide interested persons on the road to becoming Catholic. Contact us for more information on helping or inquiring about becoming Catholic. Cheryl Miller: 428-7733

Stewardship: This ministry works with the Diocesan Office of Stewardship to develop parish giving of time, talent and treasure. They also build the parish community by welcoming new members to the parish. Lori Althoff: 429-6864

Social Concerns: This ministry is responsible for raising awareness of social needs in the parish area (Southside Improvement Association) and beyond, inspiring parishioners to get involved and providing “hands on” opportunities to improve life and relationships. Mary Mose: 876-9043

St. Elizabeth Society: This group served St. James for almost 125 years. Although no longer active, St. Elizabeth’s was the church's altar society in years gone by and offered fellowship for women. The group also supported school renovations and provided the bread and wine for our Liturgy. Read their history here.

St. Joseph the Worker: This committee assumes the responsibility for maintaining the physical building needs of the church, school and rectory. Jack Young: 963-2997

Temple Tenders: This ministry consists of several parishioner groups who take turns (once every several weeks) cleaning the church in preparation for the Sunday liturgy. Linda Scribner: 875-1361

L iturgical Ministries

Art and Environment: Prepares the liturgical environment according to the season and sees to the upkeep of the sanctuary.

Choir: Provides choral music and harmonies for weekend and special liturgies. Practices every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. except summer months.

Eucharistic Ministers: Distribute Holy Communion in the form of Christ’s Body and Blood. This ministry requires an education class and verification from the Diocese.

Gift Bearers: Deliver sacramental offerings of Bread & Wine to the altar.

Greeters: Welcome those who gather for worship at weekend liturgies and special holy days & events.

Lectors: Prepare and proclaim God’s Word to the parish assembly.

Servers: Assists the Priest/Celebrant in leading the assembly at the weekend liturgies. Men, women, boys and girls are welcome.

Ushers: Assist in seating of assembly, collect weekly offerings and guide the flow of communion. This ministry also distributes Sunday bulletins.

If you are interested in finding out more about Parish Ministry, contact the Parish Office.

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