Bicycling in Austria

Signs I'm glad I didn't miss

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"Gute Fahrt" (Have a nice ride) - somewhere along the Donauradweg. Complements of CL Anderson (1998, 2003, 2004)
"Keep out except residents, agricultural machinery, and bicyclists".  Near towns, bike routes often change into farm roads like this. (2003)  
  Unfortunately it was too early in the morning to stop at this  jausenstation (snack bar) along the Enns Radweg near Altenmarkt in Salzburg Province.  The chalk board in front of the rear wheel lists the specialties of the day. (2000, 2002, or 2003)
Near Irschen along the Drauradweg in Carinthia.  Irschen, about 2.5 kilometers from the bike path, is trying to entice riders to detour to their small village, known for its herbs, and take a rest or stay overnight. (1999)
  Horse meat anyone?  A Würstelstand (little sausage stand) is a small stand-alone snack bar that can be found on every other street corner in Vienna. This one, however, is just off the Traisentalradweg south of St. Pölten, the capital of Lower Austria. Pferde means horse; and spezialitäten refers to specialties of the house.  Putting 2 and 2 together ... A radler-treff, on the other hand, is a rustic snack bar located only on bike paths.  Radlertreff is slang for bicyclists' meeting place. (2003)
At the Austro-Italian border along the Drauradweg (1999).  
  Junction of the Donauradweg bike route with an unknown route near Obermühl in Upper Austria.  (2004)
Some of the destinations pointed to by the sign in St. Martin along the Murradweg in the Lungau district of Salzburg province are Bangkok, Singapore, Paris, New York, and LA.  (2002)  
  A Moststub'n is a small shop that sells most, hard cider fermented from apples and pears. Looks like they also sell milk.  No mention of the Mauthousen Concentration Camp in the background just up the road. (1998)
A sign pointing the way somewhere on the Ennsradweg. (2000)  
Eintritt verboten? I forget what the sign says; but we were about to step across the unofficial border crossing into Hungary when 2 Austrians in uniform with submachine guns came riding up on bicycles from the left. I asked if it was OK to cross over; and they said no.  I suspect they meant we would have trouble getting back into Austria.  (1998)
Entering Wien (Vienna) along the Donauradweg.  Not a very impressive entrance to a very impressive city. (1998)  
  You might not be able to make it out, but the wording to the right of the Kaiser beer logo on the bike rack says "Radler-tankstelle" (bicyclist's gas station). Get it? It also has Kaiser's slogan: "Have a Kaiser, be a Kaiser (emperor)".  You will see these bike racks in front of gasthof's all over Austria, as least those that feature Kaiser beer.  This one is along the Donauradweg in Dürnstein in the Wachau region of Lower Austria.  (2004)
Welcome to Slovenia - sign in both Slovenian and German near Bad Radkersburg.  (2002)  
  "Use the bridge at your own risk.  Not responsible for accidents."  This sign along the Isarradweg between Neufahrn bei Freising and Freising in Bavaria must have been commissioned by the lawyers for the nature preserve through which the bike path goes.  (2004)
Three signs in one: (1) an advertisement for the Post Office that reminds motorists to pay attention to children, (2) one pointing the way along the  Donauradweg, and (3) one pointing to Gastehaus (a privat zimmer). "Gib Acht" (literally "give eight") must be a play on words, with "acht" being an abbreviation for "Achtung" meaning "attention".  (2004)  
  The green sign is pointing the way along the Ötscherlandweg near Purstall an der Erlauf in the Mostviertel.  Each bike path has its own distinctive sign to keep you on the right track.  The foot hills of the Alps are seen in the background.  The bicycle lying on the ground at the corner must belong to a kid who caught the school bus.  (2004)
Strange sign advertizing a Privatzimmer in Ebbs bei Kufstein
