Bicycling in Austria


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Schloss Schönbühel, the first of many castles along the Danube in the Wachau between Melk and Krems. (1998)

Another castle in the same neighborhood (1998)



A short distance down stream is Ruine Agstein (Ruine = castle ruin) above Aggsbach Dorf in the Wachau as seen from the left bank of the Danube. (2004)

On the way up to Ruine Hinterhaus above Spitz in the Wachau. It was built in the 12th century and enlarged in the 16th century. This is one of the better preserved castle ruins for exploring. (2004)

Viewing the Danube from the ramparts of Ruine Hinterhaus.(2004)

Burgruine Dürnstein above the town of the same name in the Wachau. It was built in the 12th century; and the English King Richard the Lionhearted was imprisoned here on this way back from the Crusades in 1192. (1998)

The Danube and former Augustinian Monastery viewed from Burgruine Dürnstein. This was a disappointment after Ruine Hinterhaus (2004)

Schloss Tratzberg seen from the Inntalradweg between Stans and Jenbach

A small castle ruin near Obermühl along the Danube in Upper Austria.(2004)
 Veste Oberhaus (the upper one to the left) and Veste Neiderhaus (the lower one to the right) along the Danube in Passau, Germany. (2004)

Hohensalzburg Fortress above Salzburg (1999)

Inside the Hohensalzburg fortress.  It resembled a small town.(1997)

Burg Hohenwerfen near Werfen along the Tauernradweg on the Salzach River south of Salzburg (2000)

Fortress above Burghausen, Bavaria viewed from the Tauernradweg in Upper Austria along the Salzach River.  It is billed as the largest fortress in Central Europe. (1998)

Schloss Moosheim in the Lungau, Salzburg Province.  We had a picnic lunch in the courtyard.  For once we didn't have to climb to get to a castle because we were coming from the right down into the Lungau valley, not along the valley, . (2002)

Schloss Rothschild, Waidhofen an der Ybbs along the Ybbstalradweg in Lower Austria.  It was originally owned by the Biship of Freising, Bavaria and was purchased by Baron Rothschild in the 19th century. (2004)

Kufstein Castle and the Inn River promenade from the bridge (2005).

Schoss Lichtenstein half way up the mountain from Vaduz, the capital of Lichenstien. It is the home of the prince ruler of the country.  Much of Vaduz's architecture is more modern looking than that of nearby Austria. (2003)
