Bicycling in Austria


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Austria parliament on the Ringstraße in Vienna. The Ringstraße is a boulevard circling the old city center.  It and all the grandiose buildings along it were constructed in about 1860 when the original city walls were demolished. (2007)

 Museum of Natural History along the Ringstraße in Vienna. 


Vienna City Hall also along the Ringstraße. (1997)

 The Kursalon forms one end of Stadtpark (city park) in Vienna.  Originally a health spa, it is now houses a restaurant and concert hall that puts on, among other things, a concert of Straus waltzes pitched to coach tours. (2004)

Security during the Pope's visit to Vienna.  You hardly ever see police on the street in Austria.  However, whenever there is some type of big event, like a World Trade Association meeting, security is out in force.  Austrians take pride in their heritage and do not like to see it trashed. (1998)

Plague column in the Graben, one of several pedestrian only streets in the center of Vienna. (2004)


The Hauptallee (main drag) in the Prater, formerly an imperial hunting preserve.  It was opened to the public in the mid-19th century.  It also contains the huge Ferris wheel featured in the movie "The Third Man" (1998)

A Fiacre (a Viennese horse drawn carriage for tourists) heading from its stables in the Landstraße (highway) district to the center of town. Note gas station in background.   (2004).

Taken from the Mirabel Palace in Salzburg, this picture lines up the central walk in the Mirabel Gardens, the cathedral, the Hohensalzburg fortress.(1999)

Looking South along the Salzach River toward the old part of Salzburg. (2002) 

Old part of Salzburg as seen from a bridge across the Salzach River. (2000).

Getreidgasse in the old part of Salzburg.  Formerly the main commercial street, it is now hosts tourists.  One of the houses on the left side of the street is Mozart's birth place. From the sublime to the ridiculous, on the right side and behind us is McDonald's, suitably camouflaged and complete with a traditional wrought iron sign. (1999).

Looking across the Inn River to Austria from Passau, Germany. (2004)

Small lane in Passau, Germany. Door was definitely not purchased at Home Depot. (2004) 

Main square in Leoben on the Mur River in Styria. (2002) 

The above building up close.(2002)

The "new" Munich City Hall. Twice a day dancing mechanical figures put on a show in the tower in the so-called Glockenspiel. (2004) 

Dancing mechanical figures in the Glockenspiel.  The Austrian horseman with the red and white colors can be seen entering from the right; and the Bavarian horsemen, who wears blue and white, is entering from the left.  Eventually, the Bavarian unseats the Austrian. (2004)

The Limmit River in downtown Zürich, Switzerland. (2003)

Main square of Enns which is on the Enns River near where it empties into the Danube in Lower Austria.  It claims to be the oldest city in Austria, dating back to Roman times. (2004)

Lindau, Germany, a city on an island on the eastern end of the Bodensee (Lake Constance), just around the corner from Bregenz, Austria. (2001)
