Bicycling in Austria


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Salzburg cathedral from the rear as seen from the foot path up to the fortress. (2001)

"Going Baroque" - Karlskirche (St. Charles Church) in Vienna.   (1998)

St. Pölten cathedral.  The golden ball to the right is normally the top of the steeple.  It was here during renovation of the steeple.  The choir did a mass by Antonin Dvorak. (2003)
Votivekirch in Vienna.  The Quincy Symphony Chorus sang here and the acoustics were fantastic. (1997)

Parish church in Achenkirch at the north end of Achensee. (2001)

Pulpit in parish church of Ybbs an der Donau.  (2003)

Former Augustinian monastery in Dürnstein in the Wachau along the Danube.   The blue facade is quite a sight when seen  from a cruise boat. (1997)
Wedding church from the "Sound of Music" in Mondsee in the Salzkammergut. (2002)

Nonberg Abbey, Salzburg.  Location of Maria's abbey in "Sound of Music". (2002)

Frauenkirchen (St. Mary's Church) in small town of the same name in Burgenland near the Hungarian border. (1998) Parish church in Spitz in the Wachau along the Danube. (2004)
Outdoor spiral stations of the cross in Frauenkirchen. (1998)

Parish church in Traunkirchen, a small town on Traunsee in the Salzkammergut.  It's claim to fame is the "fisherman's pulpit" to the left. (2003)

Fishermen's pulpit up close. (2003)

Parish church in Oberndorf an der Melk in the Mostviertel - town of about 2000 population. (2003)

Unusual glass altar in typical small town baroque church in Fernitz along the Mur River south of Graz. (2002)

Mural on the side of a church Burghausen, Bavaria along the Salzach River. (1998)

Benedictine monastery of Stams along the Inn River in western Tyrol. (2001)

Benedictine Abbey at Melk. (2004)

Melk library. (2004)

Library ceiling - Melk. (1998)

Augustinian monastery of St. Florian in St. Florian a few miles south of the Danube and east of Linz.  (2004)

Room in St. Florian monastery used to entertain high ranking guests, such as the emperor. (2004)

St. Florian monastery church (2004)

Stift Göttweig as seen from the Danube near Krems an der Donau. (2003)

Outdoor mass during Pope's visit to Vienna.  It was held in the Heldenplatz (hero's plaza) with the Hofburg (winter palace) in the background. (1998)

Chorpus Christi procession - Bishchofshofen along the Tauernradweg south of Salzburg. (2000)

The small wayside shrine, called a Kapel, is one of three types of shrines.  The other two are crucifixes, often set in diamond shaped boxes, and bildstocks.  Kapels are found all over Austria, Bavaria, and the German speaking parts of Switzerland and Italy.  They are about the size of a rural school bus stop and contain statutes, pictures, altars, candles, etc.  Bildstocks are found primarily in Carinthia and are small four sided structure with a steeple on the top.  The bottom part has religious paintings on the four sides. (2001)
Kapel in Ganzendorf, a small village south of St. Pölten.  The bell tower on top is unusual. (2003) Crucifix along the Drauradweg in East Tyrol.  Crucifixes are found mainly in Tyrol and Bavaria. (1999)
Cemetary in the church yard in Traunkirchen in the Salzkammergut.  Traunsee is in the background. (2003)
Small chapel in Inzell (pop. 14) along the Donauradweg. It dates from 1155 and is dedicated to St. Nicholas, patron of Sailors.  It is now maintained by an Inzell family. (2004)

 Stained glass window in the small, so-called Silent Night Chapel in Oberndorf bei Salzburg along the Tauerradweg on the Salzach River north of Salzburg.  The church pictured in the window is where "Silent Night" was first performed, and had since been torn down. (2002)

Gothic cathedral in Köln (Cologne), Germany (2007)
