LAS President's Page

LAS 2006 Goals

After a very successful 2005, the LAS will concentrate in 2006 on areas that I have felt are lacking. These include:

  1. Communications. With many thanks to Don Tabbutt for his excellent electronic rendition of our newsletter STARWORD and to secretary Jann Hall for her paper edition of What's Happening, the pen has been passed to new editor Ed Heiny.

    The Starword will be published six times a year and will feature the program content for the next three months, reports on past events, What's Up in the night sky and articles by members. It will be available online and will be sent out to non-computer users.

    Also, we will have events throughout the year that will inform the new members of what is available in the LAS.

  2. Science. We have concentrated so much on sidewalk astronomy that I want to be sure the science of astronomy is taught to whomever wants to learn and that we re-emphasize deep sky objects as well as lunar and planetary. This will require strict adherence to Curby Site usage policies such as making sure the back field is for members only.

  3. The James G. Baker Center For Astronomy at Curby, Indiana. Much work is still needed including running electricity to the domes, putting in the foundation and pier for the ten foot Pro-Dome, and building a classroom and restroom to replace our aging trailer. the new Observatory Director and Instrumentation will be working to make the center user-friendly and accessible to amateur astronomers of all skill levels.

  4. Fundraising. This will be the year we go after money from grants and other sources. I propose we form a committee of experienced fundraisers from inside the LAS and outside. Any funds will be used to build a new building at Curby and to fund advertising for upcoming lighting issue campaigns.

  5. Public Outreach. We have done an excellent job in this area and the only change I am suggesting is that we follow Mike Seller's suggestions and get more involved with the Scouts at Curby. We will continue sidewalk astronomy events and, as always, we will continue to be the public outreach arm of the Rauch Planetarium.

Our membership has skyrocketed to 155 plus which means we have an obligation to make sure the new LAS members stay informed and involved to whatever extent they choose. This will require an expansion of our core group and more volunteers will have to give some time to the LAS.

Together, we can make the LAS the best it has been since 1933. To Infinity and Beyond!

Ken Alderson
2005-6 LAS President

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