- Inform Members Completely about Club Activities and Curby Dark Site
Timeline: June meeting.
Method: Power Point Presentation by Brian Sieg showing progress and
explaining history of site acquisition, cost, and master plan
followed by discussion and questions.
- Learn and Understand Our Membership’s Wants and Needs
Timeline: Immediately
Method: Survey to members.
Ownership: Jann Hall
- Complete the Curby Dark Site.
Timeline: August, 2003
Method: Organized and scheduled work parties.
Understand Plan.
Form Ad Hoc Committee.
Ownership: Brian Sieg- Observatory, Dick Schultz- Trailer
Members- Roger Curry, Bob Hart, Richard Stearman, Henry Sipes.
- Celebrate the 70th Anniversary.
Timeline: May-October, 2003
Method: Continue history column in Starword.
Set first Saturday in October as LAS DAY in LOUISVILLE.
Have 70 Scopes Set Up Around City on that weekend.
Have Awards Banquet and Invite Alumni on First Saturday.
Put out Press Releases.
Have Observation at All Riverside restaurants.
Ownership: Ken Alderson, David Rolink,
Don Tabbutt, Randy Beachler, Pat Peak.
- Host Deep Sky 2003
Timeline: May- September, 2003
Method: Committee meetings, volunteers
Ownership: Ken Alderson- Banquets and Hosting.
Pat Peak- Marketing
Alan Goldstein- Speakers, Program, Publicity
Shawn Laatsch- Facilities
- Complete the Speakers for 2003 Programs
Timeline: May-December, 2003
Ownership: Craig Noble
- Increase Our Educational Programs in Schools and Sidewalk Astronomy
Timeline: May- December, 2003
Ownership: Dee Azsvath, David Rolink, Roger Curry