Four-Way Lodge

A Camp For Girls on Torch Lake

Central Lake, Michigan

Open 1933          Last Season 1971



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Dan and Kay saved the sign


Dan and Kay Boone at Opening Banquet
The Sallwassers flanked by Connie Derr and Mary Lee Camp, Opening Banquet
Old friends, Jean Hamilton and Judy Nason greet each other at check in.
Kay Boone and Pauline Sallwasser catch up.
 The "staff table" Boones, Sallwassers, and Bennetts
Molly Laula and Lynn Maedel talking to old Birmingham buddy, Peg Christiansen before the Banquet
Karin Christiansen and Julie Irwin
Tami Boone presents Cindy Crawford with her original ski records clipboard from 1969
Pooh, Mary Lee Camp, and Cheryl Sallwasser
Strolling to the lodge to the tune of the dinner bell
I'm a beaver, you're a beaver, we are beavers all, and when..........
Will the real I'm a beaver gang please stand up? Charlie shares his plaque.
Mary Gardner and Carol Lindberg
Charlie gives the reunion a thumbs up
Karin and Cindy


Dan Boone...our leader
Mary Lee Camp
Laughs were abundant the whole time
Cheryl Sallwasser leads and early morning hike along the river
Exploring the ole camp grounds down by Intermediate Camp
Lynn Woodward by the old office and camp store
Dan raises the same flag that last flew over Four-Way
The playfield looks just the same!
I can't believe I'm really here!
Two of the legendary Birmingham Christiansen sisters
The Boone Clan minus Marc
We're sailors, gonna have some fun.....
Sally, Molly, and Pooh reminiscing
Molly and a few other brave souls went into Torch
Molly Laula and Lynn Maedel

The Waterfront   Three

Lynn Woodward, Carol Lindberg, and Barbara Rackes
I'm so happy I could fly
This must be a dream!!
Hey girls, we actually pulled this off!




The "Ole Gang"  Boones and Sallwassers

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