Four-Way Lodge

A Camp For Girls on Torch Lake

Central Lake, Michigan

Open 1933          Last Season 1971




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Torch Lake or Bust


You Put Your Right Foot In, You Put Your Right Foot Out.....July 1958


We're the Greatest Stars!!!


Little Sal Jr. 4


The Three Muskateers minus sabers....correction...riding crops


Down By the Canoe Docks, That's the Side of Camp We Are Posing In


Ridng Staff... Era?


Where's Leo?


How About a Game of Hangman?


Oh, the Waterfront Three Are 38D,Etc., Etc., Etc.


Seniors '59


Counselors '59


Waterfront '59


Riding Staff '59


Archer Barbara Havemann Klein 1946-1948


Barbara Havemann Age Group Shot 1946-1949


A beautiful sight by the riding ring we missed while camp was in session


Let the Good Times Roll on a Sleeping Bear Dune Ride-Pauline Sallwasser


Can you identify these beauties on a boat? 70's


Momat Camp- Sally Hogle Herrlinger


Which one will grow up to have a Phd? '71


Daytime Practice For Walkin' The Line


They Were The Death Of Her


Staff 196?


Intermediates 196?


Lane Sikes' Age Group Year 196?


They're not only sharp because they come to a point, but they have on their madras too


Cabin North 1967?


Catch some wind, and you're sittin' on top of the world


Rollers at camp, Lee? Must be a Fairwood dance.


1961 Cabin 3 buddies-Aly Baldwin and Kathy Potvin


Waterfront 1943 or 1944. Betsy Anne Pogue from Fort Wayne, IN wearing striped swimming suit


Cabin 3 seated on steps to dock Tennis court in the background. (1943) Sally Waters, Helen Scott, Ruthie McCoy, Mary Frances Wisley and others


Era early 40's_Tiny Gee, Peg Fort, and ?


Junior Camp 1940 R. McCoy, S. Noble, H. Noble, M.F. Wisley, S. Wilson, and others


Era early 1940's_ Peg Fort, Tiny Gee, and ?


Riding area 1940's


Senior cabin 1943 or 1944. 2nd from left_Betty Anne Pogue. She married Mary Frances Wisley';s brother, Bill, who she met at a Fairwood dance.


Carol Tyler, Jean Hamilton and others in Cabin South


Staff 1964-sent in by Bev Howard Lichty


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