Universe Defensor
(Also, gettin' leggy with it, AND gettin' in the Groove!)
This is it!... the BIG HONCHO, the HEAD CHEESE! Yep, the heads of both Dirt Bosses DO connect into the lower portions of Defensor's original legs, providing Defensor with his new sleek dancing shoes. So, throw away those blocky old ones. I assure you he is completely free standing. Also, with a little help from a small peg between Overrun's legs I was able to attach these shoulder cannons behind Defensor's head. The peg fits into the back of Defensor's head.
The normally useless Groove (hanging out of Defensor's back) now has the most important job of the entire gestalt, namely guarding the FAMILY JEWELS. That's right, Groove is now the WORLDS FIRST TF ATHLETIC SUPPORTER! Groove also extends the crotch area so the legs don't look so lanky. So, now you have a somewhat fare balance of limbs. A word of warning, be careful about locking Groove into place. He can scratch some of the silver paint off of Defensor's legs.
New Addition:
By using Sonar from the Engeronsaber, you can also add to Defensor's feet. To stand him up you also have to use Grindor as a heel (connected to Sonar). (Sonar can function as a foot on his own, but you have to bend him forward to allow the sword connection peg on the back to become the heel.) I had to stand Sonar up to accomodate Dirtboss. This might be usful when Sixwing comes out.... It's hard to see Makeshift in his first form under Prowl, but it does add to Big D's fire power. Sureshock makes an excellent claw. I fitted Overrun underneath to attach to an accomodating hole on Sureshock. I then attached Big D's blaster to Overrun's Minicon port.
How do you turn a perfectly good sword into a claw-blaster? I had to counter-balance this with the Requiem Blaster that can barely attach to the back of Big D's head (Yes, the entire Requiem Blaster. I wish Hasbro would come out with a recolor of it.) By the way, the total bots in the picture below is 18.
All of this was accomplished without physically altering, or cutting any figure. So, they can play well together, and don't have to change for anyone.
That's it, I'm done. What? You were expecting something more?
For a different twist, now look at Sideways on Page 4.