can I tell you about the students? Well, you either love 'em, or you hate 'em. Most often it's a combination of both, and it
changes every few minutes. I absolutely loved teaching the freshmen
last year. They didn't think I was entirely crazy when
I had them do stuff like the chicken dance or sing "I'm a Little Teapot."
We had so much fun together. Yes, there were days when I just wanted
to give up or just scream at all of them, but there were also great days that made me sit back at the end of
the day and say, "Ahhhh, I love my job!" Sometimes they
drove me absolutely batty, and other times, they didn't. But this year is pretty not quite like last year! I'm the head of the computer department, and some days I think it is sucking the life out of me. I'll be honest, it's quite boring to "teach" computers. I have to just sit back and watch, most of the time. The only way for them to learn is by doing. And then students get absorbed into their work . . . and I just wait for a hand to shoot up. I must say it can make me feel quite useless. Sure, I'm in class for 6 out of the 8 periods of the day (which is a lot more than most teachers) but I don't really feel like I'm doing anything! There are three guys in the computer department. I call them the three stooges. They don't say much and I've kind of just accepted that as the way it is. There are days when they're a bit chatty, though, and those are quite enjoyable. Over the Christmas break I'm going to have to think of what I can do next semester to improve this experience for them and for me! They hardly ever ask questions, so I have no idea if they're clued in to what is going on, or if they're just along for the ride. All students live on campus and so, in more ways than one, we really become one "PATS family." I see them from 8 in the morning until 10 at night. I would have lost my lid in high school if I saw my teachers that much every day. But, then again, this isn't exactly my high school, either. I've seen the underwear of most of the students as it's hanging up the dry. And, likewise, some of them have seen my underwear, hanging up to dry, if they've been around the house cutting grass on detention or Saturday work. Out of lack of something better to do, some students will just come and sit in my office (partially motivated by the ceiling fan or to get out of study hall). Who would have thunk it could be so much fun to hang out and chat it up with your teacher?
See if YOU can figure out which head(s) doesn't/don't belong in this picture! |
Sean and Michael making their style at the Christmas dance. |
The Senior Construction guys had to take a break from typing class with Tom when the outlets were being re-wired. And whaddya do in a computer class when there's no power?? Take pictures! |
Ohhh, Jeffrey! What a card! |
JD & George. |
They're sophomores now....but they'll always be freshmen to me. |
Marla, Juleen, Ellen, and Dayleen. |
The Yapese students doing a dance/war chant thingie on Culture Day. |
Gentry and Charles during part of their warrior fight/song/chant/dance thingie on Culture Day.
Here's Enrick looking clued-in as usual!
Ellen, in the tool room, sharpening her machete to do a bit o' grass cutting. |
The guys from Kiribati doing their song and dance on Culture Day. |
Sosileen, checking things out during the Culture Day presentations. |
Juleen, Joeskee, and Gentry, doing some hard core computing. |
Willy, Temware, Warren, and Sosileen. |
Kesusa, Daisyleen, and Lupe at the end of the Freshmen Retreat. |
Classic!! The Marlene Face caught on camera!! Marlene's awesome, but I can't help but get a kick out of the different contortions of her face when she gets confused or doesn't know the answer. This one is just a mild version of the Marlene Face. The true Marlene Face is so much better than this! |