
Walk to Rivendell

Tour by Ranger Jewel

70-73 Miles

As we cross the Brandywine River (Branduin) on the ferry, we'll leave the Marish and enter Buckland. Buckland is famous for the huge hobbit-mansion of Brandy Hall, near the town of Bucklebury. Sam didn't enjoy crossing the Brandywine. He'd never been over a river on a boat before.

As the hobbits reached the east side of the river, they looked back and saw a Black Rider on the far shore. They'd made the crossing just in time! Frodo, Sam, Merry and Pippin continued on to Frodo's new house at Crickhollow. They reached Crickhollow on the evening of September 25.

Congratulations on getting across the Brandywine and reaching Crickhollow, another milestone on our journey!


Acknowledgments: Quotations from The Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R. Tolkien.  Maps by The Atlas of Middle Earth, Karen Wynn Fonstad, Houghton Mifflin, 2001, posted here with permission from the author.  This page is meant to supplement these books and not to replace them.  We recommend their use to fully enjoy your journey!