Michael is the Tech Manager and Skeptic for
Crossroads Paranormal©
Michael was born and raised in Marion, Indiana. He moved to Lafayette,
Indiana in 1991 where he currently resides with his wife Kris.
currently works for an auto manufacturing company and has been with his current
employer since 1990.
Michael did not grow up in a haunted house and claims to never have had a
paranormal experience which leaves him skeptical about life after death.
He does say that there is a possibility that ghosts exist but he has not seen
any evidence strong enough to support claims of the paranormal. As the
Skeptic of Crossroads Paranormal©
works to find logical and natural explanations for reported paranormal
phenomena. To learn more about Michael you can visit his complete Bio
under the "Hosts" tab.
2007 Host of
Crossroads Paranormal
2006 Tech Manager, Skeptic
Crossroads Paranormal©,
In Mike's spare time he enjoys computers, photography,
golfing, football, hunting, traveling and the great outdoors.
Crossroads Paranormal Radio, P.O. Box 5033, Lafayette, IN 47903
Copyright 2007 Crossroads Paranormal Radio