Blue Snaggletooth's Top 10




Cane Adiss (Jabba’s Palace)

This totally killer 2-headed smuggler/ pilot for hire worked for Jabba the Hutt on many occasions. He was Jabba’s #1 illegal importer/exporter and Jabba had become quite fond of him. Adiss however had a secret agenda all along, and that was to kill Jabba. It seems that many of Jabba’s associates really wanted him dead. Ah, the life of a crime lord. Adiss can't be seen clearly ANYWHERE in the movie, this shot was taken from From SW to Jedi – however, that hasn’t stopped HASBRO from making other figures that have had “zero” film time, so let’s hold our breath and hope for Cane in 2004 along with the other obscure palace offerings.  

9 Bom Vimdin (Mos Eisley Cantina)

Bom Vimdin is an Advosze male, which means he is pessimistic, territorial, and bitter by nature - even to the point of hating his own species. Add those attributes to an all-out drinking and spice addiction and you have one pissed off alien. I love this guy so much I made my own, just to beat HASBRO to the chase. Be sure to check it out in our Custom Figure section. This Rick Baker-supplied alien has probably the oddest on-set nickname: Don Rickles. Rick felt that he resembled the comedian enough to earn the title. He didn't get a "real" name until 1993, when West End Games identified him as Bom Vimdin, the Advozse. 


8 Ann & Tann Gella

Sebulba, now there’s one lucky Dug – and rich too!  Sebulba bought Tann and her sister Ann Gella just to show off his money. You know that Pod Racing does not require 2 full time masseuse slaves. But when you have money coming out of your ass, you know that it would be great – especially with two kickin’ Twi’leks babes like these beauts. I wonder what kind of other Star Wars kinky-ness goes on with this threesome. Please HASBRO make these blue hot mammas, c’mon!   

7 Female Ewok w/ Wokling

I know that this isn’t the most exciting sounding figure - but think about how cool it would be to build an Endor/Ewok Clebration diorama. And in order to do that you need both females and children. HASBRO has already paved the way for this popular mini-tike concept with the Tusken Female and child offering from the EP2 figure launch, so keep ‘em rolling guys. We, collectors, want pint sized offerings of all of the major Star Wars alien races….. Bring on Wald! Yipee!


6 Pablo Jill

The Jedi order encompassed a wide variety of alien species, since the Force touched life throughout the galaxy. Pablo-Jill was an alien Jedi Knight during the time of the Clone Wars. Stationed at the Jedi Temple , he was one of the heroic protectors sent to Geonosis on a rescue mission to save Obi-Wan Kenobi from a growing Separatist force. I love this guy, enough to do my own custom fig and custom Lego of him. However, I still want a carded HASBRO version.     


5 General Tagge

General Tagge was a high-ranking Imperial officer stationed aboard the original Death Star battle station. Tagge was one of the few Imperials who voiced concerns regarding the threat posed by the Rebel Alliance. Just for his cinema wisdom alone, HASBRO should honor this fine actor with the figure format – and not to mention those killer side-burns. His warnings went unheeded, and Tagge died when the Death Star was destroyed. Please HASBRO don’t let this mighty general die forever…. Bring him back to us!  


4 Sly Moore

Never far from Supreme Chancellor Palpatine's side was his hauntingly pallid aide, Sly Moore. Laconic, with her piercing gaze, Moore occupied a position similar to Sei Taria's role in Supreme Chancellor Valorum's administration. And now it is time for us as fans to be able to add this hauntingly pallid aide into our collections! She is in every scene with Palpatine, except the one with Anakin in the office - and my bet is she wasn't very far away that time either. My point is, no Palpatine diorama would be complete without her. Plus she has blue skin and is bald. I love bald women!! They rock.


3 Yarna d'al' Gargan

There is something beautiful about a woman with 6 breasts. I don't care how fat and ugly she may be. I guess HASBRO has something against fat and ugly chicks since they've made every other scantily clad female from Jabba's palace except for the big mama herself. Frankly, I want HASBRO to make Yarna because The scenes from Jabba's palace are some of my favorite scenes from the entire Saga. I just love all the action and  the  over-abundance of weird side characters with entire stories of their own. And I want HASBRO to make them all.   


2 Bib Fortuna (Episode I)

Ahh, the younger years of Jabba's majordomo. Bib worked for Jabba for decades and we need a figure to prove it. We need a 3 3/4" character likeness of the younger, more viral and always evil tw'ilek who started it all. When HASBRO makes this figure, they should include the little hamster-like creatures that Jabba flicks off the balcony (while on-watching the pod race) as his accessories.

1 Tonnika Sisters

In the entire Star Wars Universe there is nothing more grand than the luscious Star Wars babes. And nothing is better than babes who happen to be sisters. And not to mention that the Mos Eisley Cantina sequence could be quite arguably the greatest scene of all things Star Wars. And we, as fans, need each and every character (no matter how many microseconds of real screen time they had in the actual film). We need em all. Hey HASBRO, why not include these 2 hot sissies in your upcoming Walmart Cantina Deluxe sets instead of so many figures you've already done. Nothing sells like hot  chicks. Especially hot Star Wars chicks!


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