Blue Snaggletooth's Top 10

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Shu Mai

Shu Mai is the President of the Commerce Guild - and is a master of using high forms of persuasion to suppress newer and more efficient technologies (allowing him to keep all of the mining of natural resources under his total control). He is a very rich and powerful villain and when grouped with the right group of Separatists can even be deadly. I want all of these Separatists - so please start here HASBRO. I want to set up a war room diorama as seen on Geonosias and I will need all of these figures. Shu Mai would be such a small figure in stature, that maybe you could include his personal aide (Qi Zhu) and make this a 2-pack. What do you say guys?


9 Wat Tambor

Who in the hell is the Techno Union Army and where can you enlist. Even though Adamwan thinks this guy looks like he just stepped out of the deleted scenes from  "Return to Oz" I think this guy rocks. I love it when he has to turn his voce activator knobs to find the right frequency for common-tongue communication. And he is aligning himself with all the super cool bad guys, including Dooku himself. With this baddy aiding in the construction of the future dreaded Death Star I am sure we will see him again and I cant wait to see him in plastic.

8 Imperial Dignitary

Why HASBRO has not made this figure is way beyond me. With 5 different Imperial Advisors to choose from, this offering would best be suited as one of the new up-coming SAGA Cinema Scene multi-packs. However if only one of these wise men could be cast into a figure I would have to vote for Advisor Kren Blista-Vadee, which is who Kenner offered in the original POTF line. And that is the main reason why they should make this figure, to re-make him! We, as fans, want imperial dignitaries to re-create all of the original line. So come on HASBRO, get started on one (or all) of these Advisors soon, and don't think we have forgotten about Cloud Car Pilot either.


7 Crix Madine

A strict military disciplinarian, General Madine was an important Alliance officer and advisor to Mon Mothma. It was Madine who masterminded a number of crucial Alliance operations that paved the way for victory at the Battle of Endor. And above all of that he is one of the only figures that were produced for the original toy line that has never been updated for any of the current collections. Damn guys, why not? We, as collectors, really deserve a newly sculpted Crix. He is a must have for any Endor Rebel Briefing diorama.


4 Bubo (Frog Dog)

The idea of making a Bubo figure has been terribly overlooked ever since ROTJ hit the theatres the first time around. This pet and all around watch beast of Jabba's would be the perfect addition to any palace diorama. He should probably come with a restraining chain and various bones. He needs to have opening / closing  jaw action with electronic growling / barking  sound effects to frighten Threepio. The ultimate feature could be a retractable brain since Bubo voluntarily joined the B'omarr monks after Jabba's demise. How cool!


4 Yaddle

The first forbidden love. The ultimate Jedi love story never told. Move over Padme and Anakin let's make room for.....Yoda and Yaddle? Think of all of the Expanded Universe stories you can come up with based on this concept. What they are really doing when they run off on their secret Jedi missions. We need this figure now so we can create all of these potentially cool and sexy scenes. For cryin out loud HASBRO you made Eeth Koth.


4 Lama Su

I cant wait until this figure debuts! I love the scenes from AOTC with Lama Su and Taun We on Kamino. They are the best scenes in the movie, or close to it. And the Kamonian alien concept is excellent in a traditional yet untraditional way. Their eyes are like miniature solar systems and I want to see that captured in the paint scheme. Except this time, instead of including an ultra crappie cloning tank with zero embryo why doesn't Hasbro include a freaky futuristic chair so I can recreate the initial meeting with these creatures and Obi-wan. Or better yet repack Taun We and Lama Su together as a deluxe figure. You could include 2 chairs. I hope both Lama Su and Taun We are represented in the upcoming 12" line. Please HASBRO hear my plea.

3 Poggle The Lesser

This Geonosian kicks serious tail. And if he is the lesser I'd hate to see the greater. I love the way he talks with his series of clicks, blows and grunts. This figure would need to have voice capabilities and should come with his all powerful royal battle staff. 


2 Admiral Ozzle

Hasbro has made Tarkin, Veers, Piett, Motti and even a generic troop builder officer, which I'm eternally grateful for. However, I cant help but think that one of the greatest Admirals in the entire Imperial Navy is being dealt a losing hand. Come on HASBRO, get off the pot. Make this guy and make him quickly. After meeting Michael Sheard at Celebration II, I feel there is no other secondary character's actor who is more deserving of the figural treatment than he. This guy is a nonstop source of positive energy, It was a true honor to meet this British gent and I must have a figure for his autograph by Celebration III, even if it has to be my own custom handy work.


2 General Jan Dodanna

In my current toy/hobby area I have a quite nice rebel conference scene going on. I have Ackbar and fellow Calamari tacticians, Mon Mothma herself, every pilot humanly possible and all the aliens, droids and side characters. The one and only missing element is Jan. Where the hell is he? OK, he is not quite the leader like Mon Mothma, I guess -- but that is no reason to give him the shaft. He has dedicated his entire life to the survival of the Rebellion and it's long overdue to give him the proper respect he deserves.