Gil & Mary Cowles
fax: 270.843.9005

Pleasant Hill Farms -
Hampshire, & Black-face Cross Sheep
the spring of 1981 a new dimension was added to our livestock
experiences. This was the spring and summer that my sister Michelle
started showing club lambs. She had a wonderful experience and we
have had sheep at Pleasant Hill Farms ever since.
In the beginning we bought club lambs for a couple of years. She
would feed them, show them and sell them after the show season. Then
came the purchase of ewe lambs and the rest is history.
We made a few sheep purchases along the way that added to our flock;
however, the single most important purchase that we made was a ram
from Mr. Bob Fields in Ansonia, Ohio. The ram, Fields 222, a Legend
son, sired many excellent progeny and as well left many excellent
daughters in our flock. Many 222 sons went into flocks and a wether
sired by 222 won the Tennessee State Expo as well as many progeny
winning divisions and classes in KY, IN and TN. About this same
time, we formed a sheep partnership and had JonCo Club Lambs.
After several years we dissolved the partnership, divided the flock
and have been breeding and raising club lambs at Pleasant Hill
first purchase as Pleasant Hill Farms Club Lambs was Fields 133.
Once again a return visit to the Master Breeder, Mr. Bob Fields, was
a success. 133 has left a tremendous stamp on our flock. He also
left a tremendous impact on the Grabert Flock in New Iberia, LA as
well. 133 was a 165 son out of 165's mother. Next came a return trip
to Mr. Fields with the harvest being 090 (a 166 grandson out of 166
mother) and 419 (a 165 son out of a 165 daughter).
Once again the lamb crops have been outstanding. We currently are
using 090, two sons of 419, two sons of 133 and two sons of 090. Our
ewe flock is around 50 ewes strong and becoming more linebred with
each generation. We are really looking forward to what each spring
brings. Club Lambs are for sale on a first come first serve basis
after April 1st of each year. Ewes and Rams are available for
purchase year round.