Pleasant Hill Farms - Angus Cattle

In 1967 my Grandfather, James Bogle,
gave me a black commercial cow for
my fifth birthday. That is the beginning of what has become a true
passion in my life and that is to "keep the Family farm running"! Then in 1972 a registered heifer
began our Angus operation. She was a Clank of Wye daughter from Mr.
Sonny Ennis. I paid $350.00 for her with money that I had saved from
Christmas', birthdays and special occasions. (Now I wish I had bought
more!) Since that time a few more females have been acquired; however,
many of the cattle in our herd trace to that original cow "Maid". In
1990, I got more serious about the cattle business and made two key
acquisitions. One was a small set of cows from Oak Hollow Angus and the
other a small set of cows from Stone Gate Farms. The performance
information behind these two groups of cattle set the baseline for the
information that we obtain from our animals today.
In building our program we had to start from where we were and we
constantly set goals to make continual improvement. This is a life long
endeavor where improvements come from the mistakes that are made and
that enjoying the ride is key to the success of the program. First, in
1990 we had a Registered Angus cow base of 12 cows that we needed to
emphasis performance from. We added the two groups of cows from the Oak
Hollow and Stone Gate total performance programs. Next we needed to
improve the weaning and yearling growth performance of the herd. By
using EPDs, studying genetics and performance programs we added sires
from the Jorgensen and Wehrmann programs. Third we had to add genetics
that were going to give us carcass merit. We added sires from the
Gardiner program for that piece of herd development. Today we have the
right mix of Angus genetics in place. We are using more and more in herd
bred sires with phenomenal results. We continue to use artificial
insemination in order to take advantage of the Angus genetics available.