Installing Remote Keyless Entry (Cheap!)
There are quite a few aftermarket remote keyless entry units available. Many are in the hundred dollar range. But good ol’ J. C. Whitney sells some cheap units that work perfectly well. Mine has worked flawlessly for nearly a year, and I have heard of several others whom have had success with these units. This is one of the best bang for the buck convenience upgrades you can make in my opinion. The specific unit I used is the Valiant Model 2RTA, made by I.C. Dynamics. You can find it here Here at J. C. Whitney for $39.95. It comes with two key fobs. There is an even cheaper unit available with only one fob.
Installation is quite simple. You will need several “wire-tap” type side-by-side wire connectors so you can tap into the wires which connect to your trunk lock actuator. There is no wire cutting here - just tapping into wires. Power comes from the trunk lamp power wire. I used some adhesive-backed Velcro to attach the unit to the inside rear wall of the trunk behind the carpet. Here it is installed:
Green to yel/blk
Yellow to grn/blk
Black AND white to brn
In addition you need to connect the red wire to a constant power source. The trunk lamp is a convenient always-on source. Here is another shot of the unit – note the red wire running next to the spare tire.
That’s about all there is to it. About $50 and 30 mins work.