During my junior year of high school, my dad bought a 1977 Trans Am that he saw perched up on a road side stand at one of our local car dealers. After learning the cars history, it was very shocking that this car would be parked outside at just any dealer. This car belonged in a showroom! After some digging, we found the previous owner and he was shocked to learn that it ended up traded-in and for sale at a dealership. This car was professionally restored, and given a $3500 paint job only couple years prior!! So he bought it, and we spent about 5 years driving it to various cruise-ins and car shows. It brought home a few trophies of interest for its fabulous paint job. I drove this car to a couple high school proms, and drove it anytime I was given the opportunity. When my parents divorced during my junior year in college, dad decided it was time to let it go. If I only had the means to scrap up the cash back then I would have bought. The price he bought the car for was unbelievable, but the price he sold it for was just depressing! And to top it off, the guy that bought it lived 25 miles outside the city (where he worked) and was going to drive it daily!! This car belonged with a collector, not with an everyday driver. But what can you do?! Someday I hope to find this car just to see how its held up. If was still in show condition I would love to have it back! The pictures are old school film style that I had to scan, so pardon the quality. But I think they'll give you a pretty good idea just how nice this TA was! |