The design and development of a landscape environment involves the talents of many induvidual´s to execute the project properly. We at Scott Good Landscaping, LLC take pride in our ability to offer complete design/build services.

We apply our talents to perform an array of services that compliment the process of constructing a landscape, so that we may more precisely control the quality of the result.

  • Sitework-(Gardening & Drainage)
  • Softscapes-(Plantings & Mulching)
  • Hardscapes-(Walks, Walls & Patios)

We will tour your property, measuring and photographing the areas being considered for landscaping. During this initial meeting, we will need to ask many questions to understand your goals for the project and the characteristics of your landscape environment.

We will schedule a follow up meeting to present the landscape plan and explain the layout and the plants selected.

Your landscape design will be one of a kind hand drawn traditional overhead layout. If desired, arrangements can be made for you to tour the nursery supplier with us. You may even tag individual specimens if you prefer.

You may have questions after the plan is presented. We will be happy to schedule a follow-up meeting with you.

Copyright 2008 © Scott Good Landscaping LLC. All rights reserved.