Lincoln Heritage Council

Mohawk District

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District TrainingAnnouncements

Mohawk District currently has 2 Scoutleader Indoor Training Sessions Scheduled.

Dates: August 26th at 9:00am at Cooper Memorial UMC

and September 9 at 9:00am at St James UCC at 3535 Taylor Blvd.

Please Note: The times listed in the handout packet issued at program preview may not be correct (Some list the starting time at 7:00pm) the correct time is listed above.

There are also 2 New Leader Essential Sessions scheduled

Dates: September 19 at Cooper Memorial UMC, 7:00pm

and October 21 at 7:00pm at a location to be determined

A downloadable registration form is available here.

Every Scout Deserves Trained Leaders

Becoming a Trained Leader involves 5 separate phases of training. Some may be done at home or within your troop.

The first step is to view the Scout Leader Fast Start video. The video takes about 40 minutes and can be viewed either at a Troop Committee Meeting or at home. It presents an overview of the Scouting Program and Troop Operations. Each unit should have a copy of the tape in it's Unit Library. If you wish to borrow a copy you may do so by contacting Roy Evans at (502)634-1846 or by e-mail at After viewing the tape you should notify Roy at either the above phone number or e-mail address.

The next step in the process is to attend a New Leader Essentials training. New Leader Essentials or NLE is a 3 hour training that picks up where Fast Start left off. The emphasis is on Scouting's goals, methods, and policies. NLE is the same course for all levels of Scouting and is offered periodically throughout the year. In Mohawk District The Cub Scout Training Team has assumed primary responsibility for offering this training.

Youth Protection is another component of the training. Like fast start, it is a video. The main focus is child abuse and neglect. This training is frequently offered in conjunction with NLE but may also be done at the Unit Level or at home. The video lasts about an hour. If done in the troop or at home please report completion to Roy Evans by phone at (502)634-1846 or by e-mail at

Scout Leader Job Specific is a 6 hour long course. It focuses on Troop operations. Participants in this course should come away knowing how an ideal Scout Troop should operate . Topics include, The Boy Led Troop, Adult Responsibilities and Roles, Troop Orgainzation, and the Outdoor Program. This course is generally offered twice a year in the fall. An abbreviated version is sometimes offered at Summer Camp.

Scout Leader Outdoor is a weekend long course. It starts on a Friday evening and ends on a Sunday morning. It introduces the leader to all the outdoor skills a Scout needs to know to become a First Class Scout. It is a camping weekend. The course is generally offered twice a year, once in the spring and once in the fall.



Fall Training Dates

The Fall 2006 Training Dates have been set.

Mohawk District Scout Leader Indoor Sessions will be held on August 26, 2006 and September 9, 2006. We will be conducting our 2nd Troop Committee Training on October 14. Locations and exact times have yet to be determined.

Trainings will also be held by other districts and these may be attended by Mohawk Scouters. The dates and times will be posted here as they become known.



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Pepsi Stove Instructions
Mohawk District Troops
Clicking on troop # will reveal more information about the troop.
Troop # Mtng Night
2 Tuesday
20 Tuesday
47 Thursday
190 Thursday
366 Wednesday
376 Wednesday
414 Thursday
687 Tuesday
868 Tuesday
993 Wednesday