

The search box is found by clicking on the Search tab on the bottom of Rolladesktop.  As you type in the search box the currently displayed contact will change to the closest match to what you have typed (based on the first letters of the full name).  For example if you type “Eri” it will find the first contact starting with Eri, possibly Eric Green ;)


You can also type in a search and click the search button.  This will search each contact for the string in the full name.  For example you could search on “Will” and find:

John Williams

Will Johnson

Free Willy


And a search on “ric g” would find “eric green”


After you do a full search you MUST click “lookup” or cancel in order to return to using RAD.  After a search RAD is in a limbo state waiting for you to pick a contact you searched for or return to the previous contact.


A search can be started from the tools menu or with F3.  Searches are not case sensitive.  Press Enter to invoke the search button.  Press ESC to clear the search.


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