Changing Contact Folder


By default RAD gets its data from Personal Folders/Contacts.  However if this folder does not exists, your folders are searched for a usable contact folder.  Roll-A-Desktop requires at least one contact folder to run.  You may switch which folder RAD uses by selecting Contact Folder from the container on the bottom of the RAD form.  Use the refresh button to have RAD search all of your folders for contact-type folders.  All contact folders will be added to the dropdown box.  Simply click on the folder name to switch to that folder.  Optionally you may have Roll-A-Desktop search all of your folders when you start RAD (Tools>Preferences>General).  This may slow down the load time if you have a lot of folders.


This will define where the data comes from that is viewed in RAD and that will be synchronized using Outlook Data Sync.


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