Sorry -- I don't have that CD. But maybe you can help:
I'll trade you a homemade Power Computing reference CD -- with PDFs of Power Computing owner and service manuals, drive guides, specification sheets, RAM guides, motherboard diagrams, old ads and more -- in exchange for any old Power Computing OS CD (or floppy installers). Among the real jewels on it: A Power Computing "Technical Support Troubleshooting Techniques" manual. The reference CD has 50 MB of information, mostly original Power Computing data. That's a partial screenshot of the reference CD folder, at right (couldn't fit the whole thing in a screenshot). Don't want to lose the software applications? I'll burn you a copy of your CD plus trade you a Power Computing reference CD. Maybe it can help you with your Power Computing machine, and you can help me with my goofy collection. Interested? Drop me an email. Thanks! |