






I'd like to announce that I'm Kentucky Registered Architect Number 6080! Thank-you to everyone who helped me out, from pestering me to getting it done to watching my kids while I took the exam.

I intend to enter the EBSQ October Flower of the Month Show as well as the EBSQ Zodiac Show. I'm entertaining the idea of entering the Ebay Nibblefest Shows, but am still collecting information about them.

I won the "Member's Mention" Award for the very weird EBSP Spam and Trout Show.

I won the "Member's Mention" award fro the EBSQ Insect Show. I won the Patron's Choice award for the EBSQ April Flower of the Month Show. I also won the EBSQ May Flower of the Month Show. Thank-you to everyone who supported me in these competions.

I won the Member's choice award for the June Flower of the Month Show.

I entered two pieces into the EBSQ show To Dan with Love. "Our Lady Brittany" won Patron's Choice and "3600:24" won the Patron's Mention award.

"Spike" won the EBSQ July Flower of the Month Patron's Mention Award.

"Cup in a bowl, in a bowl, in a bowl. . ." won the EBSQ Bowling for Still Life Show's Patron's Mention Award.

I intend to enter a few art competitions to earn some more publicity. Here are a few of the competitions I am considering:

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Eighth International Art Competition

Please be sure to check back again to see updates on what I have entered and the piece and explaination of the pieces I have entered!


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