
Walk to Rivendell

Tour by Ranger Jewel

99-104 Miles

We're passing the 100 mile mark, WOW!

Frodo, Sam, Merry and Pippin spent the night of September 26 as the guests of Tom Bombadil. The 27th was rainy and they spent the day with Tom: resting, eating (of course!), and listening to his stories. The resumed their journey on the morning of September 28.

We begin by skirting around the northwest corner of the Downs. The hobbits were trying to avoid the ancient Numenorean Burial Mounds which were rumored to be haunted.

The Downs are gently rolling hills, treeless and covered with "...grass and short springy turf, silent except for the whisper of air over the edges of the land, and the high lonely cries of strange birds."

It's a relief to be past the Old Forest, but the Barrows off to our right give this land a somber feeling as we follow the trail of the hobbits.


Acknowledgments: Quotations from The Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R. Tolkien.  Maps by The Atlas of Middle Earth, Karen Wynn Fonstad, Houghton Mifflin, 2001, posted here with permission from the author.  This page is meant to supplement these books and not to replace them.  We recommend their use to fully enjoy your journey!