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Mistress Rosamund's Augmentation of Arms

This scroll was first designed to commemorate the end of Mistress Rosamund Beauvisage tenure as Kingdom Seneschal, but soon it became also a very special award of Royal Augmentation of Arms.  It was created by numerous talented scribes of the MidRealm  who were hand picked by Domnisoara Despina de la Brasov to each do what they excelled most at in order to create one amazing work of art. This is how the piece arrived at my house, and my jaw just about dropped.  When the piece arrived at my house my jaw just dropped. They wanted *me* to add to *this*??  Honestly this is just the most amazing piece of artwork that I've ever held in my hand, let alone take a part in it's creation.   My part, was to add the heraldic art that will create the Kingdom Seal in the bottom left roundel, and heraldic bits that will go in the smaller shields surrounding the large miniature on the left.   The heraldic art in the illumination took about 3 hours to complete.   I think that all the artists involved did an smashing job.

The talented scribes who breathed life into this masterpiece were

  • Meisterin Katarina Helene - Layout
  • Mistress Ellen of the Scholars - Highlights and detailing
  • THL Anne of Armonye - Flowers,insects and Putti
  • THL Katarina Peregrine - Under painting and Initial
  • THL Arrantxa Idazle Iruñekoa - Calligraphy    View Arranxta's mock ups HERE.
  • THL Elizabeth de Nevell - Heraldic Art
  • THL Despina de la Brasov - Gilding and Miniature View miniature



My additions to the scroll.  Above the Middle Kingdom Arms are being used as the Kingdom Seal on this piece.

My little Dragon Rampant is less than 1/2 inch tall.  Isn't he cute?

Mistress Rosamund's Pennsic authorized frying pan.

Her Arms

A Black Tudor Rose


A little about the scroll from the project coordinator as posted on the MK-Scribes Email list.
From:  "aheilvei" <aheilvei@u...>
Date:  Tue Oct 21, 2003  11:32 am
Subject:  Re: Crown Tourney/ Rosamund's Scroll
 > How long has it taken to make this scroll?

Well, planning for it began around April or May. Meistrein KHvS did the outline and had it to Arranxa just before Pennsic. Arranxa did
the calligraphy and gave it to me at Pennsic. The gilding took me a bit longer than I had planned, about 3 weeks due to the horrible
shifts in weather we had (one day I'd be literally dripping sweat onto the piece it was so hot and humid, the next, nothing would
stick because it was too dry). Anne had it for about 3 weeks and put in all of the animals, putti, and flowers. Kat did the initial
in less than a week. Ellen had it for about a month - due to a snafu, she didn't receive the photocopies of the inspirations until
she'd had the piece for about two weeks, so her time with it really was shorter than it seems. It's now with Bess and she'll have the
heraldry on it in less than a week. Then it comes back to me and I hope to have the miniature done in less than a month and ship it to

The piece for Rosamund was done on vellum and all of the materials used on it are right for period. All of the paints were mixed by
the artists, the gesso for the gold is according to Cellini's recipe and hand ground. The paints I will use to do the miniature are
those on loan to me from my master which were prepared using Hilliard's methods.

It has really been a fun project so far, and I only see it getting better.





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