Winning Iraqi Parents
Through Their Children

Iraqi Children Benefit
Through Our
American Soldiers'

Translators who work with U.S. Army’s 256th Military Intelligence Company,
256th BCT, have recently shared that the many kids they see on the roadside often ask our American troops for pens and pencils.  It has been common for some of our soldiers to hand out wrapped hard candies to the kids, which some of us have already been sending to them in family care packages.  Some of our soldiers have phoned or written to their families with tender hearts for the many kids they see, and have expressed their belief that even the smallest charity of handing a pencil or ink pen to the children they encounter on their missions would make an inroad to the parents and go far in increasing the local population's goodwill towards the United States.  Towards that end, I know that our group of soldiers who deployed along with my son, SPC Joshua Hunt, would be grateful for your contributions of the often requested pens, pencils, erasers, and even some little pencil sharpeners which are items that our soldiers could easily carry in their BDU pockets to have available to hand out to the kids when they go out on their missions.

One soldier has written in detail: "As you well know, the current security situation dictates that we continue to man numerous traffic control points, conduct cordon and searches of suspected areas of anti Iraqi activity, and perform foot patrols in local neighborhoods. Unfortunately in doing so, many times we inconvenience innocent Iraqi families or groups who are just trying to go about their business. Many of these families or groups have small children with them, and whenever possible we try to brighten their day with a smile and some small token of friendship. As of late, however, we notice that we are starting to run short on some of the items that work the best in reducing the tension and anxiety that are caused by delays and searches.  As part of a stepped up Campaign to 'win the parents through winning the children', we would like to stockpile small, inexpensive items to give to children when we see them on patrols or inconvenience them and their families during other security activities.   As always, time is of the essence, and our ability to obtain such items in this locale is difficult at best. Thus, we would like to ask your help in obtaining some of these things, such as ink pens, pencils, erasers, and small pencil sharpeners  ... Strangely enough, another item that helps develop bonds is Polaroid Cameras. The children love to have their picture taken and to receive a copy on the spot. Many teams report that they have been able to open many doors and break down many barriers with something as simple as a Polaroid picture."
I sincerely ask that you consider making generous contributions of the requested items, which will be collected and packaged to mailed to our troops to use as they have afore-described. Thank you for your kind support!
Rose M. Beghtol-Hunt

Cut-off Date for this phase of collection:
March 16, 2005

This is how you can help: Donate any quantity of ink pens, pencils, pencil erasers, or small pencil sharpeners in the designated collection boxes, or mail a check for funds to the coordinator listed below (to be used to purchase and mail the donated items to our troops in the field).  Troops will distribute your donations to Iraqi children as they go about their daily business to end acts of terrorism against the United States of America.


for their generous contributions
to this charity!

This page last updated 30 June 2005