Crossroads Paranormal
State Representatives
The map below shows the states that
have Crossroads Paranormal Representatives. If you are interested in being
a Crossroads Paranormal Representative the states that are shown in white are
still available. Just fill out the
To visit our representatives just
click on the state and you will be taken to their website.

Paranormal is Growing
Do You Believe in Putting People Above Paranormal?
After much thought we have decided to expand Crossroads Paranormal. We are
expanding nationally.
This is a new venture where we are looking to have "representatives" in every state. If you have an existing group you can still be a "representative" without having to give up anything that you already have or change anything you are doing.
For example if your group is currently called XZY Paranormal and you become a "chapter" you will then be XZY Paranormal,
Representative of Crossroads Paranormal.
There are NO FEES to do this. No membership dues to be a chapter.
What we are trying to do is have a chapter in each state that we can refer investigations to.
What will you get out of being a
Representative of Crossroads Paranormal?
1. One of the most important things you will get out of this is networking with other groups.
2. Crossroad Paranormal will put up a web page on their site with information about the
Representative and their groups current events.
3. A network of people and groups that you can go to for advice or evidence opinions.
4. Share training material and information.
If you have any questions please
feel free to email us at:
If you are interested in becoming a
Representative of Crossroads Paranormal please fill out the
Application Form
Please note that each group
that applies to be a chapter will be reviewed and you will be notified if you
have been selected as the chapter for your state.
We are also looking for people who
are experienced in video, audio and photography that are willing to review
possible "evidence" for the group.
Please check our
Crossroads Paranormal Representative Page to see which states have active CP