Welcome to Crossroads Paranormal
Crossroads Paranormal is an exclusive group of
seasoned paranormal investigators based in Indiana, whose main focus
is to educate and empower individuals who are dealing with
paranormal occurrences.
Crossroads Paranormal offers confidential investigations free
of charge. If you are experiencing paranormal activity in your
home or business and would like Crossroads Paranormal
to conduct an investigation please read our links under
"Investigations" in the menu.
Crossroads Paranormal strives to work alongside other
paranormal organizations, groups and clubs. If you are the
founder of such organization and would like to be listed on our
website please visit our "Links and Website" page (located under
"Miscellaneous" on our menu bar) for more details.

Kris has recently opened
Para-Apparel is a paranormal
apparel and gift shop. The shop
has several departments including Paranormal Investigator, Paranormal
Photographer, Tech Manger, EVP Specialist, Ghost Hunting and The Lighter Side of
Para-Apparel is the official shop
for Crossroads Paranormal Radio merchandise.
Para-Apparel today and do not
forget to check out the coupons available on the left-hand side of the shop page
that you can use on your purchase.
All items in our shop have a 30 day
You can also add Para-Apparel to
your MySpace friends!
Para-Apparel MySpace

Sunday Nights
Join husband and wife team, Kris and Mike, every
Sunday night at 10 EST as they discuss anything and everything
paranormal with various members of the paranormal community.
Even though they have a lot in common and are both
paranormal investigators, Kris believes that ghosts exist and that we have just
not yet been able to provide concrete evidence and not sure if we ever will,
Mike on the other hand has never had a paranormal experience and thinks that
they could exist but he has never seen anything to convince him that they do.
Thursday Nights
Kris and Rod are your hosts for the Thursday night
show. Kris and Rod are friends and while they both believe that ghosts
exist they are not always on the same side of the coin.
They will discuss different paranormal
"hot topics", "weird" news and will be joined by various members
of the paranormal community.
You are welcome to call in during the live show and
ask Kris, Mike or their guest a question or to comment on the conversation. The
number to call during the live show is (718) 664-6502.
Please take note that you need Windows Media Player
to listen to the live show. You probably already have this but if you do
not you can download it free from
You can listen to our last show here!

Paranormal Hosts Monthly Meetups
Crossroads Paranormal is now hosting monthly paranormal
We welcome anyone who has an interest in the paranormal to
join us on the third Saturday of every month (will be held in Lafayette unless otherwise noted) to meet and chat with other paranormal enthusiasts.
Our first Meetup will be held in Lafayette, IN on June 16th at 6:30 pm at:
Monical's Pizza
3500 State Rd 38
Lafayette, IN 47905
This is a social family friendly gathering and anyone who has an interest in the paranormal is
welcome to join us!
Feel free to join the Crossroads Paranormal Meetup
Group! You can join the Meetup group even if you are unable to attend the
Just click the badge below to go to our Meetup Site.

Paranormal is Growing
Do You Believe in Putting People Above Paranormal?
After much thought we have decided to expand Crossroads Paranormal. We are
expanding nationally.
This is a new venture where we are looking to have "representatives" in every state. If you have an existing group you can still be a "representative" without having to give up anything that you already have or change anything you are doing.
For example if your group is currently called XZY Paranormal and you become a "chapter" you will then be XZY Paranormal,
Representative of Crossroads Paranormal.
There are NO FEES to do this. No membership dues to be a chapter.
What we are trying to do is have a chapter in each state that we can refer investigations to.
What will you get out of being a
Representative of Crossroads Paranormal?
1. One of the most important things you will get out of this is networking with other groups.
2. Crossroad Paranormal will put up a web page on their site with information about the
Representative and their groups current events.
3. A network of people and groups that you can go to for advice or evidence opinions.
4. Share training material and information.
If you have any questions please
feel free to email us at: information@crossroadsparanormal.com
If you are interested in becoming a
Representative of Crossroads Paranormal please fill out the
Application Form
Please note that each group
that applies to be a chapter will be reviewed and you will be notified if you
have been selected as the chapter for your state.
We are also looking for people who
are experienced in video, audio and photography that are willing to review
possible "evidence" for the group.
Please check our
Crossroads Paranormal Representative Page to see which states have active CP

Upcoming Events
Paranormal ~ Paranormal Meet and Greet Picnic!
Crossroads Paranormal hosted its first
annual Paranormal Meet and Greet on Saturday August 12th, 2006. For
details and pictures please visit 1st
Annual Meet and Greet Page.
We would like to thank everyone who came out.
We had a great time getting to know fellow investigators.
Our 2nd Annual Paranormal Meet and Greet has been
set for August 11, 2007! More details will be available closer to the

Crossroads Paranormal Forum
forum is free to join and everyone and anyone who is interested in
the Paranormal is welcome to do so. We hope to see you
You can access the forum here:
Crossroads Forum
or for more information about our forum visit the links under "Forum" on the
menu bar. Be sure to activate your account via the activation
Paranormal Community Support
We at Crossroads Paranormal strive to promote unity
amongst Paranormal Investigators and Paranormal Organizations and are thrilled
that several others share this vision.
We look forward to building on our new friendships
as we search together for answers that may not exist.

Kris Baker is the American Ghost Society Area
for North Central

Crossroads Paranormal
P.O. Box 5033, Lafayette, IN