Blue Snaggletooth's Top 10


Coruscant Taxi

I love the sleek design of all of the Coruscant speeders with my favorite being the good old fashioned taxi.  You never know who you will get a glimpse of zipping through the cityscape in the good old staple of transportation, the taxi-cab.  The Hasbro rendition should come with the robotic taxi driver and a couple of passengers, one definitely being Sebulba, or maybe a family of Aleena tourists.  Or whoever, I don't really care as long as this sees the light of day.


9 Naboo Cruiser

I doubt that they would ever make this ship due to the poor sales of its large sized counterpart, the EPI Queen Ship - and the fact that it was only in the movie for 2-3 minutes at the beginning of AOTC. But remember the translucent dreamlike web this vehicle cast in your mind as it shuffled through the dense clouds and eventually the cityscape structure of 
Coruscant. This would make one beautiful toy and would actually give us a use for the Captain Typho figure. Only in my world he would blow up with the ship.

8 Aiwha Rider w/ Kominoian Pilot

Ok, this isn't really a vehicle at all but more of a beast of burden. But none the less, it could be argued as a vehicle since Kamonian pilots ride on its back and fly through the air. The scene where the rider and pilot 
fly up out of the ocean-esque seascape and all of the rain is pouring down is a quite beautiful sequence that I most desperately would like to recreate. The 
Kamonians are a beautiful race of aliens and I would really like to see more of them made into the SAGA line, and what better way to capture one of them 
in plastic than with this questionable "vehicle"?

7 Republic Drop Ship

This gargantuan Drop Ship would be one enormous chunk of plastic. It would easily be nearly twice the size of the Republic Gun Ship. The Drop Ship 
would be able to hold 2 Clone Pilots and 4 Gunners. It gives me a mental breakdown - thinking about how awesome it would be to see this ship with 2-3 
Rebublic Gunships accompanying it & all of them hanging down from my ceiling waiting in attack formation. 

6 Bespin Cloud Car

The Cloud City scenes were great in ESB and the Cloud Cars overall design and movie time representation is exceptional, especially in the Special Edition new digital footage. As a child I loved this toy! And as an adult I wonder why they haven't made this item. HASBRO seems to be all about the 
retooling of old casts. I want the new version to be an exact replica of the vintage ship except with a better paint job and I would like to see it come with 2 Pilots. 

5 Geonosian Solar Sailer

Count Dooku's Punworcca 116- class interstellar sloop (otherwise known as his Solar Sailer) should have a removable top so you can look down into 
the entire ship. You would have the plush and luxurious living quarters where Dooku spends most of his time, during space travel, since he is no pilot ace 
and the cockpit would have FA-4 working thecontrols, Dooku's pilot droid which would be included with this ship). This piece should also come with a newly sculpted Count Dooku with bendable knees. 

4 AT- TE Walker

Wouldn't it be great if HASBRO made this vehicle and it actually attached itself to the underbelly of the Drop Ship. This vehicle would ideally hold 20+ Clone Troopers and drivers and would be enormous with several points of articulation. I would love to see the Republic drop ship hanging from my ceiling with this massive tank walker hanging underneath waiting for 
deployment. HASBRO should really up the anti by offering this vehicle along with the Republic Drop Ship as a combo pack. I don't care if it had to retail 
for $200.00, I would still buy 2. 

3 Sith Infiltrator

Why HASBRO hasn't made this vehicle to date baffles me. It would sell great - everyone who collects Star Wars wants it. It is quite possibly the 
greatest ship in TPM. It would definitely need to come with all of the cool play features such as removable Sith Speeder, spy probe droids and workable loading ramps. I love the way this ship expresses itself as the pre-TIE design and I want it hanging from my ceiling now!!!!!!

2 Gasgano's Podracer

I want Hasbro to make all the different Podracers and Pilots so bad I can almost taste the sand in the air. The problem is which one? Hasbro has already made two, so according to my math that leaves 16 more. What total Star Wars nerd would not want to get their hands on a Mawhonic, Aldar Beedo 
or Ebe Endocott each packed with their appropriate podracer. Awesome! These could be merchandised as Fan Club exclusives. I guess if I had to pick only one, it would be a newly articulated Gasgano with his Podracer. But why make only one? That is why this should be a 16 way tie.

1 Jabba's Sail Barge

There is no better way to bight the eternal bullet than partying down on Jabba's Sail Barge (with the man himself) and I personally would like to recreate this oh so killer seen from ROTJ in my collection room. This 
piece could come on a large support base that allows it to have a floating effect with the Sarlacc pit at the center. A large ship/playset like this would be 
the ultimate way to showcase all of my Jabba oriented figures. And a vehicle this large has to come with some exclusive figures. My votes are for that 
crazy Bubo (frog-dog), J'Quille and Hermi Odle.